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Office of the Lt. Governor in Organization [X]
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Office of the Lt. Governor[X]
000000003983 (1)
000000004870 (1)
000000006924 (1)
000000008721 (1)
000000009328 (1)


Rural Illinois: Working Toward a Better Future: Annual Report Report to the Honorable Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor and the Illinois General Assembly

 Volume/Number:  2006  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual Report of the Governor's Rural Affairs Council 
 Date Created:  12 31 2006 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000003983   Original UID: 3846 FIRST WORD: Rural 


Analysis of Survey Results

 Volume/Number:  2007  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual Service Evaluation Survey for ISBE and ROEs 
 Date Created:  12 06 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000004870   Original UID: 4450 FIRST WORD: Analysis 


Analysis of Survey Results

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual Service Evaluation Survey for Illinois State Board of Education and Regional Offices of Education. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000006924   Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Analysis 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program

 Volume/Number:  2007 October 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter with items on number of participants, Mitchell Elementary School's activities on International Walk to School Day, winning a visit from the Chicago Bears mascot, tips for logging miles, coming events and a new Web site. 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000008721   Original UID: 5068 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Newsletter of the Walk Across Illinois program from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009328   Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Newsletter of the Walk Across Illinois program from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009329   Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter

 Volume/Number:  2007 October 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter with items on the program at Mitchell Elementary School, Walk to School Day, Ohio Street activities, Staley, the Chicago Bears mascot, and announcing October events. 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009334   Original UID: 5080 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter

 Volume/Number:  2007 December 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter including items on Staley Da Bear Visits Garvy School; 6 Weeks And Still Walking On! Staying Active When The Weather Gets Cold; Hot New Incentives For The Cool Winter Months; and Cooking For Kids By Kids. 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009335   Original UID: 5082 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter

 Volume/Number:  2008 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter including items called Awesome Activity Bags At Whittier School; 167 Miles Here We Come! Looking For Ideas For Eating Healthy? Get Healthy, Feel Great In 2008; Keep Walking Your Way To Fun Incentives In The New Year; And Get Your Family Involved 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009336   Original UID: 5083 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter

 Volume/Number:  2008 February 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter with items called Freedom Museum Donates Field Trips To 30 Schools; Just 6 More Weeks To Go; Did You Know? Earn Miles While You Walk To School; StopAnd Walk To School Today! and Great Prizes In Store For February and March. 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009337   Original UID: 5084 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter

 Volume/Number:  2008 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Walk Across Illinois School Fitness Program Newsletter with items called Sky Guy Wows Students at Marsh Elementary; We Have Walked 167 Miles Across Illinois and Arrived in Chicago on the Shores of Lake Michigan! Fast Facts about Chicago; March is National Nutrition Month; You Could Win a Fun Field Trip to US Cellular Field; and Certificates from Lt. Governor. 
 Date Created:  10 01 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009338   Original UID: 5085 FIRST WORD: Walk 


Annual Report of the Office of Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn

 Volume/Number:  2007  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual report of the activities of the Office of Lt. Governor Pat Quinn 
 Date Created:  01 01 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009600   Original UID: 5121 FIRST WORD: Annual 


Guidelines and Specifications for the Green Cleaning Schools Act

 Volume/Number:  2008 May 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The General Assembly enacted the Green Cleaning Schools Act [105 ILCS 140] to ensure the health of children, teachers, staff and visitors to schools. All Illinois public and non-public schools with 50 or more students are required to follow the enclosed guidelines and specifications. Also included in these guidelines is a series of recommended purchasing criteria and best practice policies for green cleaning in schools. 
 Date Created:  04 23 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000009921   Original UID: 5409 FIRST WORD: Guidelines 


Guidelines and Specifications for the Green Cleaning Schools Act

 Volume/Number:  May 2008 Version  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Guidelines and Specifications for the Green Cleaning Schools Act 
 Date Created:  05 09 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000010503   Original UID: 5789 FIRST WORD: Guidelines 


Sustainability Planning Guide for Illinois State Agencies

 Volume/Number:  May 21, 2008 version  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Sustainability Planning Guide for Go Green Planning Pro 
 Date Created:  05 21 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000010504   Original UID: 5791 FIRST WORD: Sustainability 


Lt. Governor Simon declares Sunday as Pattern Review Day in Chicago

 Volume/Number:  2011 May 13 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Accompanied by more than 100 women in homemade fashions, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon on Sunday will honor the nations top online sewing forum on its 10th anniversary and recognize a renowned family-owned and operated fabric store in Chicago's South Loop. 
 Date Created:  05 13 2011 
 Agency ID:  587**11 
 ISL ID:  000000036102   Original UID: 17238 FIRST WORD: Lt. 


Governor's Public Schedule - Friday, June 17, 2011

 Volume/Number:  2011 June 16 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Governor Pat Quinn will proclaim Juneteenth in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  06 16 2011 
 Agency ID:  711**11 
 ISL ID:  000000036401   Original UID: 17517 FIRST WORD: Governor's 


Simon: HopeLine drive collects 2,000-plus cell phones

 Volume/Number:  2011 October 11 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  More than $10,000 will be given to domestic violence agencies in Springfield and Chicago thanks to the HopeLine phone drive sponsored by Lt. Governor Sheila Simon and Verizon Wireless. 
 Date Created:  10 11 2011 
 Agency ID:  1138**11 
 ISL ID:  000000038241   Original UID: 19098 FIRST WORD: Simon: 


Simon advocates for Complete College reform in Springfield

 Volume/Number:  2012 March 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Lt. Governor Sheila Simon will testify before the Illinois Senate Education Committee in support of a bill to improve college and career readiness in math. 
 Date Created:  03 27 2012 
 Agency ID:  282**12 
 ISL ID:  000000042257   Original UID: 21832 FIRST WORD: Simon 


Simon pushes to prioritize mental health funding

 Volume/Number:  2013 September 13 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Lt. Governor Sheila Simon urged the state to prioritize funding for mental health services today during a tour of a southern Illinois group home and a mental health crisis center. 
 Date Created:  09-13-2013 
 Agency ID:  932**13 
 ISL ID:  000000051346   Original UID: 172241 FIRST WORD: Simon 
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