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Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board[X]
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Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Service Employees International Union, Local 73 and City of Chicago: On July 1, 2013, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Anna Hamburg-Gal issued a Recommended Decision and Order (RDO) in the above-captioned case, recommending that the Illinois Labor Relations Board, Local Panel, dismiss a complaint filed against the City of Chicago (City or Respondent) based on charges filed by the Service Employees International Union, Local 73 (SEIU or Charging Party). The complaint alleged the City violated Sections 10(a)(4) and (1) of the Act when it failed to timely schedule grievance arbitration hearings, and that the City violated these same two sections by refusing to pay half the arbitrators' cancellation fees when SEIU had withdrawn grievances, but, because of Respondent's dilatory conduct, had had to do so within the arbitrators' cancellation periods, thus generating cancellation fees. Although the ALJ ruled for the City, her analysis includes a finding that an arbitrator's cancellation fees are part of the cost of such arbitration, which are required by Section 8 of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (IPLRA or Act) to be borne equally by the employer and the employee organization. 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-10-070 
 ISL ID:  000000050454   Original UID: 171393 FIRST WORD: Opinions