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Office of Secretary of State, Budget and Fiscal Management Department in Organization [X]
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Office of Secretary of State, Budget and Fiscal Management Department[X]
000000048355 (2)
000000048356 (2)
000000048357 (2)
000000053089 (1)


Voucher Corrections Completed AFTER Warrant has been issued

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  When a correction has been made to a voucher, you will no longer receive copies of the Expenditure Adjustment Transmittals, Expenditure Transfer Requests, Obligation Reconciliation Notice, Warrant Cancelled For Redeposit and Object Correction Request in the mail. 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 25.1 
 ISL ID:  000000048355   Original UID: 170604 FIRST WORD: Voucher 


Voucher Corrections Completed BEFORE Warrant has been issued

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  When a correction must be made to a voucher before being submitted to the State Comptroller, an Error Correction Slip will be completed and sent to the issuing Secretary of State department indicating what correction was made along with a copy of the corrected voucher. 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 24.1 
 ISL ID:  000000048356   Original UID: 170605 FIRST WORD: Voucher 


Information To Be Completed On Travel Voucher

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Information that needs to be completed on a travel voucher 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 19.2 
 ISL ID:  000000048357   Original UID: 170607 FIRST WORD: Information 


Expense Reimbursement Schedule

 Volume/Number:  2015 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Secretary of State's Office Expense Reimbursement Schedule 
 Date Created:  01-29-2015 
 Agency ID:  BFM 20.15 
 ISL ID:  000000053089   Original UID: 174335 FIRST WORD: Expense 


Information To Be Completed On Travel Voucher

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Information that needs to be completed on a travel voucher 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 19.2 
 ISL ID:  000000048357   Original UID: 170607 FIRST WORD: Information 


Voucher Corrections Completed AFTER Warrant has been issued

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  When a correction has been made to a voucher, you will no longer receive copies of the Expenditure Adjustment Transmittals, Expenditure Transfer Requests, Obligation Reconciliation Notice, Warrant Cancelled For Redeposit and Object Correction Request in the mail. 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 25.1 
 ISL ID:  000000048355   Original UID: 170604 FIRST WORD: Voucher 


Voucher Corrections Completed BEFORE Warrant has been issued

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  When a correction must be made to a voucher before being submitted to the State Comptroller, an Error Correction Slip will be completed and sent to the issuing Secretary of State department indicating what correction was made along with a copy of the corrected voucher. 
 Date Created:  01 31 2014 
 Agency ID:  BFM 24.1 
 ISL ID:  000000048356   Original UID: 170605 FIRST WORD: Voucher