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Results of the 2006 Illinois Conservation Order Snow Goose Hunter Survey[X]
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Results of the 2006 Illinois Conservation Order Snow Goose Hunter Survey

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual survey of activities, harvests, and attitudes/opinions of hunters participating in the Light Goose Conservation Action. Abstract: Participant surveys are necessary to estimate harvest during the Conservation Order snow goose hunting season and overall effectiveness of this conservation program. We selected a random sample of 2,000 goose hunters, and mailed them a 4-page questionnaire. From this sample, 81 questionnaires were undeliverable, and 1,198 were filled out, returned, and useable (62% response). The 2006 estimate of 5,543 conservation order snow goose hunters was similar to the 5,689 hunters estimated for the 2005 season. Days of hunting were estimated at 53,154 in 2006, which is 26% greater than the estimate of 42,349 days in 2005. An estimated 74,268 snow geese were harvested during the 2006 Conservation Order snow goose season. This represents a 69% increase over the 2005 estimated harvest of 43,839 snow geese. Fifty-nine percent of the 2006 harvest occurred in the Central and South Zones during February. We examined hunting activities and tactics of snow goose hunters during the Conservation Order season, plus some personal characteristics of these hunters. 
 Date Created:  11 03 2006 
 Agency ID:  W-112-R-15 
 ISL ID:  000000010937   Original UID: 5864 FIRST WORD: Results 


Results of the 2006 Illinois Conservation Order Snow Goose Hunter Survey

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual survey of activities, harvests, and attitudes/opinions of hunters participating in the Light Goose Conservation Action. Abstract: Participant surveys are necessary to estimate harvest during the Conservation Order snow goose hunting season and overall effectiveness of this conservation program. We selected a random sample of 2,000 goose hunters, and mailed them a 4-page questionnaire. From this sample, 81 questionnaires were undeliverable, and 1,198 were filled out, returned, and useable (62% response). The 2006 estimate of 5,543 conservation order snow goose hunters was similar to the 5,689 hunters estimated for the 2005 season. Days of hunting were estimated at 53,154 in 2006, which is 26% greater than the estimate of 42,349 days in 2005. An estimated 74,268 snow geese were harvested during the 2006 Conservation Order snow goose season. This represents a 69% increase over the 2005 estimated harvest of 43,839 snow geese. Fifty-nine percent of the 2006 harvest occurred in the Central and South Zones during February. We examined hunting activities and tactics of snow goose hunters during the Conservation Order season, plus some personal characteristics of these hunters. 
 Date Created:  11 03 2006 
 Agency ID:  W-112-R-15 
 ISL ID:  000000010937   Original UID: 5864 FIRST WORD: Results