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Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs[X]
000000030435 (2)
000000030486 (2)
000000030560 (2)
000000030888 (2)
000000031640 (2)


Illinois Veteran, Teacher to Receive Dual Honors from State of Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2011 May 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  On behalf of Gov. Pat Quinn and in conjunction with National Teacher Appreciation Day, the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) will present retired U.S. Army Major Aaron Rucker with the first-ever Governors Award for Excellence in Education. The Award is given to military veterans and participants of the Illinois Troops to Teachers program who have excelled in the field of public education. 
 Date Created:  05 02 2011 
 Agency ID:  529**11 
 ISL ID:  000000035775   Original UID: 17121 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Illinois Warrior Assistance Program ready to help veterans cope with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries

 Volume/Number:  2011 August 11 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Since the conflicts in the Middle East began nearly 10 years ago, thousands of veterans have returned to Illinois. Many of these men and womenplus others who will be returning in the coming months and yearssuffer hidden injuries like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). 
 Date Created:  08 11 2011 
 Agency ID:  900**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037510   Original UID: 18429 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Illinois to Honor American Ex-POWs at Governors Mansion

 Volume/Number:  2011 April 8 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  In conjunction with National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) and the American Ex-Prisoners of War Department of Illinois will co-host the American Ex-Prisoners of War Recognition Day at Noon, Saturday, April 9, 2011 on the Executive Lawn of the Governors Mansion, 410 E. Jackson St., Springfield. 
 Date Created:  04 08 2011 
 Agency ID:  434**11 
 ISL ID:  000000035458   Original UID: 16897 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Northern Illinois University Receives Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education

 Volume/Number:  2010 October 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Northern Illinois University today received the Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education for exemplary efforts in providing greater educational and informational resources for student veterans. 
 Date Created:  10 22 2010 
 Agency ID:  1319**10 
 ISL ID:  000000033052   Original UID: 15174 FIRST WORD: Northern 


Northern Illinois University to Receive Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education

 Volume/Number:  2010 October 21 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The award comes in recognition of NIU's exemplary work implementing the states 2009 Higher Education Veterans Service Act, which was enacted to provide greater educational and informational resources for veterans attending public colleges and universities in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  10 21 2010 
 Agency ID:  1316**10 
 ISL ID:  000000033107   Original UID: 15226 FIRST WORD: Northern 


Quinn Administration Honors Families of Fallen Illinois Heroes with Gold Star Mothers Day Ceremony

 Volume/Number:  2011 September 25 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Gold Star Banners were presented today to 10 Illinois mothers whose sons died in combat while serving their country in the Global War on Terror. More than 70 Illinois Gold Star families, who lost family members on active duty since Sept. 11, 2001, attended the ceremony at Chicagos Cultural Center. 
 Date Created:  09 25 2011 
 Agency ID:  1100**11 
 ISL ID:  000000038355   Original UID: 19028 FIRST WORD: Quinn 


State Memorial Service Observes 20th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm

 Volume/Number:  2011 February 28 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  In honor of the 20th anniversary of the cease fire announcement of the Persian Gulf War, the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) held a memorial service today at the Capitol Rotunda in Springfield for the 14 Illinois service members who lost their lives during Operation Desert Storm. 
 Date Created:  02 28 2011 
 Agency ID:  223**11 
 ISL ID:  000000034702   Original UID: 16240 FIRST WORD: State 


State Memorial Service to Observe 20th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm

 Volume/Number:  2011 February 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  In honor of the 20th anniversary of the cease fire announcement of the Persian Gulf War, the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) will hold a memorial service at 11 a.m. Monday, February 28, 2011 at the Capitol Rotunda in Springfield for the 14 Illinois service members who lost their lives during Operation Desert Storm. 
 Date Created:  02 27 2011 
 Agency ID:  222**11 
 ISL ID:  000000034699   Original UID: 16237 FIRST WORD: State 


Statewide Veteran Job Fairs Launch this Week

 Volume/Number:  2010 November 4 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Illinois will host job fairs across the state to help put Veterans back to work and tell employers about tax credits that encourage business development to grow the states economy. 
 Date Created:  11 04 2010 
 Agency ID:  1412**10 
 ISL ID:  000000033531   Original UID: 15326 FIRST WORD: Statewide 


Western Illinois University Receives Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education

 Volume/Number:  2011 April 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Western Illinois University today received the Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education for exemplary efforts in providing greater educational and informational resources for student veterans. 
 Date Created:  04 27 2011 
 Agency ID:  510**11 
 ISL ID:  000000035750   Original UID: 17102 FIRST WORD: Western 


Western Illinois University to Receive Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education

 Volume/Number:  2011 April 26 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Western Illinois University will receive the Governors Award for Excellence in Veterans Education at 11 a.m., Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at the Wright Residence Veterans Resource Center, 333 N. Ward St., Macomb. 
 Date Created:  04 26 2011 
 Agency ID:  508**11 
 ISL ID:  000000035680   Original UID: 17089 FIRST WORD: Western 
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