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Order (5094)
Opinions and Orders (186)
Amendatory Order (118)
Citation Order (116)
Suspension Order (90)
Illinois Commerce Commission - Chief Clerks Office[X]
000000030047 (2)
000000030048 (2)
000000030049 (2)
000000030050 (2)
000000030051 (2)


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint requesting the ICC to order Illinois Energy Savings Corp. d/b/a U.S. Energy Savings Corp. to cease and desist misleading marketing of gas offering. 
 Date Created:  12 06 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0337 
 ISL ID:  000000001301   Original UID: 1211 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint as to failure to test meter as requested, as required and as promised and overcharge on gas allegedly used in Highland Park, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 06 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0652 
 ISL ID:  000000001302   Original UID: 1212 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Certificate of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint as to billing/charges in St. Charles, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 06 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0684 
 ISL ID:  000000001303   Original UID: 1213 FIRST WORD: Certificate 


Opinions and orders - December 2006

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Opinions and Orders of the Illinois Commerce Commission. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000001327   Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Corrected Order

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Proposed general increase in rates for delivery service.(Tariffs filed on August 31, 2005) This order from the Illinois Commerce Commission includes: Notice of Corrected Order on Rehearing, Corrected Final Order, Original order, Rate Design, Final Order Appendix, Statement of Operating Income with Adjustments, Adjustments to Operating Income, and Rate Base 
 Date Created:  12 21 2006 
 Agency ID:  05-0597 
 ISL ID:  000000001356   Original UID: 1277 FIRST WORD: Corrected 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Petition To Initiate Rulemaking With Notice and Comment for Approval of Certain Amendments to Illinois Administrative Code Part 280 Concerning Deposit Requests and Deposit Refunds by Utilities. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  05-0237 
 ISL ID:  000000001357   Original UID: 1276 FIRST WORD: Order 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint as to being charged compounded late fees until July 2004, in Chicago, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  04-0611 
 ISL ID:  000000001358   Original UID: 1275 FIRST WORD: Order 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Citation to show cause for continued QSWEF Certification of Pontiac facility and to investigate compliance with the final order in Dockets 97-0031 through 97-0045 Consolidated. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  02-0461 
 ISL ID:  000000001359   Original UID: 1274 FIRST WORD: Order 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Notice is also given that the rehearing was granted by the Illinois Commerce Commission to determine the appropriate amount of Administrative and General Expenses to be included in each of Central Illinois Light Company d/b/a AmerenCILCO, Central Illinois Public Service Company d/b/a AmerenCIPS, and Illinois Power Company d/b/a AmerenIP revenue requirement. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0070, 06-0071, 06-0072 
 ISL ID:  000000001360   Original UID: 1273 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Certificate of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Certification of dismissal with prejudice of the Citizens Utility Board's complaint requesting the ICC to order Nicor Solutions to cease and desist misleading marketing of gas offer. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  04-0034 
 ISL ID:  000000001361   Original UID: 1272 FIRST WORD: Certificate 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Notice that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, DENIEDthe Emergency Motion to Stay Implementation of 2007 Tariffs filed by the People of the State of Illinois on December 8, 2006 in response to a proposal to implement a competitive procurement process by establishing Rider CPP, Rider PPO-MVM, Rider TS-CPP and revising Rider PPO-MI.(Tariffs filed February 25, 2005) 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  05-0159 
 ISL ID:  000000001362   Original UID: 1271 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Proposal to implement a competitive procurement process by establishing Rider BGS, Rider BGS-L, Rider RTP, Rider RTP-L, Rider D, and Rider MV. (Tariffs filed on February 28, 2005)Proposal to implement a competitive procurement process by establishing Rider BGS, Rider BGS-L, Rider RTP, Rider RTP-L, Rider D, and Rider MV.(Tariffs filed on February 28, 2005) Proposal to implement a competitive procurement process by establishing Rider BGS, Rider BGS-L, Rider RTP, Rider RTP-L, Rider D, and Rider MV. (Tariffs filed on February 28, 2005) Notice is hereby given that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, DENIED the Emergency Motion to Stay Implementation of 2007 Tariffs filed by the People of the State of Illinois on December 8, 2006. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  05-0160, 05-0161, 05-0162 
 ISL ID:  000000001363   Original UID: 1270 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Certificate of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint as to 1) location of poles on property and high voltage wires across and over property and 2) high voltage lines too close to property/ house in violation of the National Electric Safety Code in Riverside, Illinois. This is to certify that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, GRANTED theStipulation and Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice filed by Commonwealth Edison Company and Michael F. and Christine A. OConnor on December 7, 2006. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  05-0782 
 ISL ID:  000000001364   Original UID: 1269 FIRST WORD: Certificate 


Certificate of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Complaint as to billing/charges in Aurora, Illinois. This is to certify that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, GRANTED the Motion to Dismiss filed by Illinois Energy Savings Corp. d/b/a U.S. Energy Corp. on June 5, 2006. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0240 
 ISL ID:  000000001365   Original UID: 1268 FIRST WORD: Certificate 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Notice is hereby given that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, GRANTED the Motion (by Letter) to Withdraw Application filed by RTN Networks, LLC on November 17, 2006, an Application for a certificate of prepaid calling service provider authority in the State of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0634 
 ISL ID:  000000001366   Original UID: 1267 FIRST WORD: Notice 


Notice of Commission Action

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This is to certify that the Commission in conference on December 20, 2006, GRANTED the Stipulation and Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice filed by Commonwealth Edison Company and Ellen H. Brock on December 4, 2006 concerning the Complaint as to billing/charges in Chicago, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0675 
 ISL ID:  000000001367   Original UID: 1266 FIRST WORD: Notice 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Appointment of the representatives of the excavators, JULIE, and the general public to the Underground Damage Prevention Advisory Committee. Mark Frost is reappointed to the Underground Damage Prevention Advisory Committee to represent JULIE. Scott Bertulis is appointed to the Underground Damage Prevention Advisory Committee to represent the general public. Matthew Turk is reappointed to the Underground Damage Prevention Advisory Committee to represent excavators. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0810 
 ISL ID:  000000001385   Original UID: 1331 FIRST WORD: Resolution 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Order granting the application from CCG Communications LLC, d/b/a Veroxity Technical Partners, for a Certificate of Local and Interexchange Authority to Operate as a Reseller and Facilities Based Carrier of Telecommunications Services in the throughout the State of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0002 
 ISL ID:  000000001387   Original UID: 1297 FIRST WORD: Order 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Petition to Initiate Rulemaking with Notice and Comment for Approval of Certain Amendments to Illinois Administrative Code Part 280. The Illinois Commerce Commission ordered the proceeding dismissed on the grounds that the new comprehensive 83 Ill. Adm. Code 280 proceeding has been initiated, superseding this docket. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0202 and 06-0379 
 ISL ID:  000000001388   Original UID: 1298 FIRST WORD: Order 



 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Proposed general increase in water rates for the Kankakee Water division. (tariffs filed February 28, 2006). The Illinois Commerce Commission ORDERED that the Proposed Tariffs filed by Aqua Illinois, Inc. on February 28, 2006 are permanently cancelled and annulled. 
 Date Created:  12 20 2006 
 Agency ID:  06-0285 
 ISL ID:  000000001389   Original UID: 1299 FIRST WORD: Order 
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