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Secretary of State[X]
000000038850 (2)
000000002964 (1)
000000011452 (1)
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000000012186 (1)


Jesse White to Expand Drivers License and ID Card Appointment Program to Larger Facilities in Central and Downstate Illinois

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced that throughout the next few months, many larger downstate and central Illinois Driver Services facilities will require appointments for behind-the-wheel road tests, REAL IDs, standard drivers licenses and ID cards. Vehicle services, such as renewing a license plate sticker or applying for a vehicle title, do not require an appointment. 
 Date Created:  11-17-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103372   Original UID: 209646 FIRST WORD: Jesse 


Jesse White Receives Customer Convenience Award from National Organization for Driver Services Appointment System

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White was recently honored with the Region 3 Customer Convenience Award from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) for his offices web-based appointment system at select Driver Services facilities. 
 Date Created:  12-03-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103373   Original UID: 209647 FIRST WORD: Jesse 


Jesse White Extends Drivers License and ID Card Expiration Dates until March 31, 2022

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced that expiration dates for drivers licenses and ID cards have been extended an additional three months from Jan. 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022. This extension does not apply to commercial drivers licenses (CDL) and CDL learners permits. 
 Date Created:  12-17-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103374   Original UID: 209648 FIRST WORD: Jesse 


Mapping Your Past: Genealogy at the Illinois State Archives

 Volume/Number:  2021 October 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois State Archives houses the official memories of our great state. More than 250 years of history are preserved in government documents, land titles, militia roll books and historic photographs. Each document and photograph reveals something unique about past life in Illinois and may be of help in your genealogical research. 
 Date Created:  10-13-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103375   Original UID: 209649 FIRST WORD: Mapping 


Illinois State Archives: 100 Years of History

 Volume/Number:  2021 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Illinois State Archives. I am pleased to present this publication as one of the many ways my office is commemorating this significant event. 
 Date Created:  06-16-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103377   Original UID: 209651 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Welcome to the Illinois State Capitol

 Volume/Number:  2021 November 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  As Secretary of State, one of my responsibilities is to preserve and maintain the Capitol Complex, including this unique building dating back to its groundbreaking in 1868. I hope you will take the opportunity to enjoy the unique architecture, spectacular artwork and the many statues in the Capitol Building and on the Capitol grounds. 
 Date Created:  04-18-2022 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103378   Original UID: 209652 FIRST WORD: Welcome 


Reglamento vial de Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2021 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois contina siendo un lder nacional en seguridad vial. Durante la ltima dcada, las muertes por accidentes de trnsito en nuestro estad an disminuido significativamente. 
 Date Created:  06-15-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103379   Original UID: 209653 FIRST WORD: Reglamento 


DUI Fact Book

 Volume/Number:  2022  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  I am pleased to provide this 2022 Illinois DUI Fact Book, which features information about Illinois efforts to combat drunk driving. 
 Date Created:  12-02-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103380   Original UID: 209654 FIRST WORD: DUI 


Illinois stanu Zasady Ruchu Drogowego

 Volume/Number:  2021 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois pozostaje krajowym liderem w zakresie bezpiecze stwa ruchu drogowego. 
 Date Created:  06-08-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103381   Original UID: 209655 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Click It or Ticket

 Volume/Number:  2021 December 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Under Illinois law, motorists may be stopped and ticketed solely for failing to wear their safety belts. 
 Date Created:  12-06-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103384   Original UID: 209659 FIRST WORD: Click 


DUI: Drive Safe, Drive Sober

 Volume/Number:  2021 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Driving under the influence is a serious offense with serious consequences. DUI refers to driving under the influence of alcohol, cannabis or other drugs, including any legal or illegal substance that causes impairment. 
 Date Created:  06-29-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103388   Original UID: 209663 FIRST WORD: DUI: 


A Quick Guide to Safe Driving

 Volume/Number:  2021 August 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  As Secretary of State, traffic safety is my top priority. That is why my office is providing this Quick Guide to Safe Driving booklet. You will find important information about distracted driving, aggressive driving, child passenger safety, sharing the road with others, driving in inclement weather and additional safe driving tips. 
 Date Created:  08-27-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103391   Original UID: 209667 FIRST WORD: A 


Keep Me in a Safe Seat: Safety Seat Guidelines

 Volume/Number:  2021 August 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Illinois law requires children under age 2 to be properly secured in a rear-facing child restraint system unless they weigh more than 40 pounds or are more than 40 inches tall. Children must remain rear-facing until age 2. 
 Date Created:  08-18-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103392   Original UID: 209668 FIRST WORD: Keep 


Keep Me in a Safe Seat: Safety Seat Guidelines (Spanish)

 Volume/Number:  2021 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Desde el 1 de enero del 2019, ley de Illinois requerir que los nios menores de 2 aos deben usar asiento de seguridad mirando hacia atrs al menos que pesen ms de 40 libras o es ms de 40 pulgadas de estatura. 
 Date Created:  06-08-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103393   Original UID: 209669 FIRST WORD: Keep 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2021 Fall 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry reached two milestones this summer. The donor registry now stands at 7.2 million registrants the result of in person, online and mail-in registrations 200,000 of which are 16- and 17- year-olds who have registered since 2018. 
 Date Created:  10-15-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103394   Original UID: 209819 FIRST WORD: Life 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2021 Spring 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  As we celebrate National Donate Life Month in April, we encourage everyone to continue the mission of increasing the number of individuals who are part of the Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry. 
 Date Created:  04-12-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103395   Original UID: 209820 FIRST WORD: Life 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2021 Summer 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Organ/Tissue Donor Program continued its outreach efforts this spring, increasing the Illinois Donor Registry to 7.1 million people. Despite the challenging year, the registry has continued to grow, thanks to those who have joined the registry in hopes of helping others someday. 
 Date Created:  07-13-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103396   Original UID: 209821 FIRST WORD: Life 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2022 Fall 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  In August, we had a phenomenal National Minority Donor Awareness Month with several community events showcasing the need for more minority donors. We collaborated with the Illinois State Library for distribution of minority donor awareness materials to all Illinois public libraries. 
 Date Created:  10-11-2022 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103397   Original UID: 210148 FIRST WORD: Life 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2022 Spring 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The spring brings new opportunities for promoting the positive message of organ/tissue donation. We are excited to celebrate National Donate Life Month in April look for coverage of our April activities in the summer edition of Life Goes On. 
 Date Created:  05-10-2022 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103398   Original UID: 210149 FIRST WORD: Life 


Life Goes On: a newsletter for Secretary of State Facility Employees and other Organ/Tissue Donation Advocates

 Volume/Number:  2022 Winter 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The new year brings a fresh opportunity to build on past accomplishments. The Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry continued to increase registration numbers last year, and we anticipate the same in 2022. The registry stands at 7.2 million individuals who have said yes to donation. 
 Date Created:  02-15-2022 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000103399   Original UID: 210150 FIRST WORD: Life 
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