Organization • | Illinois Secretary of State. Illinois State Library | [X] |
| 101: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Winter | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Newsletter about the Illinois State Library Literacy Program. | | | Date Created: | 02-05-2015 | | | Agency ID: | LDL 18 | | | ISL ID: | 000000053085 Original UID: 174331 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
102: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois State Librarys Literacy Office addresses the educational needs of adult learners and families through adult volunteer, family and workplace literacy projects.Learners in these programs embark on a journey of lifelong learning with the assistance of dedicated volunteer tutors, teachers and mentors in nearly 200 literacy projects throughout the state. | | | Date Created: | 02-25-2015 | | | Agency ID: | LDL 8.18 | | | ISL ID: | 000000053169 Original UID: 174426 FIRST WORD: Guide | |
103: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Spring | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 03-30-2015 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.12 | | | ISL ID: | 000000053506 Original UID: 174791 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
104: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Spring | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Newsletter about the Illinois State Library Literacy Program. | | | Date Created: | 04-10-2015 | | | Agency ID: | LDL 18 | | | ISL ID: | 000000053694 Original UID: 174990 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
105: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Summer | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Newsletter about the Illinois State Library Literacy Program. | | | Date Created: | 07-20-2015 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000055114 Original UID: 176538 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
106: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Summer | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 07-24-2015 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.13 | | | ISL ID: | 000000055187 Original UID: 176592 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
107: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2016 Winter | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 01-14-2016 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.15 | | | ISL ID: | 000000057165 Original UID: 178237 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
108: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2016 Summer | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 06-30-2016 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.17 | | | ISL ID: | 000000058627 Original UID: 179843 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
109: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2016 Spring | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 03-22-2016 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.16 | | | ISL ID: | 000000058628 Original UID: 179844 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
110: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Fall | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The purpose of the newsletter is to update and inform Talking Book Center patrons about the programs and services available through TBBS and the other Illinois Network of Talking Book and Braille Libraries. | | | Date Created: | 10-06-2015 | | | Agency ID: | TBBS 12.14 | | | ISL ID: | 000000058629 Original UID: 179845 FIRST WORD: TBBS | |
111: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Fall | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Newsletter about the Illinois State Library Literacy Program. | | | Date Created: | 10-29-2015 | | | Agency ID: | LDL 18 | | | ISL ID: | 000000059824 Original UID: 181186 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
112: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2015 Fall | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A Newsletter from the Illinois State Library | | | Date Created: | 12-16-2015 | | | Agency ID: | LDA 213 | | | ISL ID: | 000000061109 Original UID: 181660 FIRST WORD: Insight | |
113: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 August | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This manual has been designed to help you understand the requirements of the states Adult Literacy Grant Program. | | | Date Created: | 08 05 2011 | | | Agency ID: | LDA 189.2 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044115 Original UID: 23636 FIRST WORD: Adult | |
114: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 June | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Listing of resources available in literacy bins which go out to literacy centers. | | | Date Created: | 06 10 2011 | | | Agency ID: | LD A 149.3 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044113 Original UID: 23634 FIRST WORD: Adult | |
115: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2005 September | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Fact sheet for the Electronic Documents Initiative. | | | Date Created: | 09 30 2005 | | | Agency ID: | LD A 108 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044090 Original UID: 23607 FIRST WORD: Electronic | |
116: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 June | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Memoradum from the Illinois State Library Director, Anne Craig, to Illinois public library Directors regarding per capita and equalization aid grant applications. | | | Date Created: | 06 20 2011 | | | Agency ID: | LD A 177.2 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044112 Original UID: 23633 FIRST WORD: FY2012 | |
117: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 January | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Literacy Grants enable educational agencies to provide reading, writing, math, and/or English language instruction to adults who lack basic academic skills, enabling them to fully engage in family, work and community roles. | | | Date Created: | 02 03 2012 | | | Agency ID: | LDA 206.1 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044114 Original UID: 23635 FIRST WORD: FY2013 | |
118: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2010 June | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Bookmark for Family Reading Night. | | | Date Created: | 06 28 2010 | | | Agency ID: | LDA 118.4 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044091 Original UID: 23608 FIRST WORD: Fall | |
119: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 July | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | LIst of ideas that coordinators can use for Family Reading Night activities. | | | Date Created: | 06 16 2011 | | | Agency ID: | LD A 140.1 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044093 Original UID: 23610 FIRST WORD: Family | |
120: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2009 August | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Letter from Secretary of State Jesse White to the Family Reading Night coordinators. | | | Date Created: | 08 31 2009 | | | Agency ID: | LD A 141 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044092 Original UID: 23609 FIRST WORD: Family | |