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Order Initiating Investigation[X]
Illinois Commerce Commission - Chief Clerks Office[X]


Order Initiating Investigation

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Investigation pursuant to Section 9-250 of the Public Utilities Act of Electric Rate Design. The electric rates of Central Illinois Light Company (AmerenCILCO), Central Illinois Public Service Company (AmerenCIPS), and Illinois Power Company (AmerenIP) (collectively Ameren or the Ameren companies), were frozen between December 16, 1997, and January 2, 2007. The rates during that period were set at levels in effect on October 1, 1996, except that Section 16-111(b) of the Act reduced the rates for residential customers by varying percentages during the period. Of the three Respondents in this proceeding, Illinois Power Companys residential rates saw the greatest percentage reduction, with a 15% reduction effective August 1, 1998, and an additional 5% reduction effective May 1, 2002. 
 Date Created:  03 02 2007 
 Agency ID:  07-0165 
 ISL ID:  000000002101   Original UID: 2053 FIRST WORD: Order 


Order Initiating Investigation

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Investigation pursuant to Section 9-250 of the Public Utilities Act of Electric Rate Design. The electric rates of Central Illinois Light Company (AmerenCILCO), Central Illinois Public Service Company (AmerenCIPS), and Illinois Power Company (AmerenIP) (collectively Ameren or the Ameren companies), were frozen between December 16, 1997, and January 2, 2007. The rates during that period were set at levels in effect on October 1, 1996, except that Section 16-111(b) of the Act reduced the rates for residential customers by varying percentages during the period. Of the three Respondents in this proceeding, Illinois Power Companys residential rates saw the greatest percentage reduction, with a 15% reduction effective August 1, 1998, and an additional 5% reduction effective May 1, 2002. 
 Date Created:  03 02 2007 
 Agency ID:  07-0165 
 ISL ID:  000000002101   Original UID: 2053 FIRST WORD: Order