Organization • | Illinois Commerce Commission - Chief Clerks Office | [X] |
| 1101: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Illinois Bell Telephone Company (ATandT Illinois) transmitted to the Manager of the Telecommunications Division of the Commission the triennial filing of its Wholesale Service Quality Plan required by Section 731.205(a) of the Commissions Wholesale Service Quality Rules, 83 Ill. Admin. Code 731. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0548 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005869 Original UID: 4539 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1102: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association (EECA), and Central Illinois Public Service Company d/b/a AmerenCIPS (AmerenCIPS) (collectively Joint Petitioners) filed a Joint Petition with the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) for approval of Request to Serve and Temporary Service Area Agreement between EECA and AmerenCIPS pursuant to Section 6 of the Electric Supplier Act, 220 ILCS 30/1 et. seq. (ESA). | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0547 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005870 Original UID: 4538 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1103: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC (Applicant) filed an application with the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) seeking a Certificate of Service Authority authorizing Applicant to provide resold Interexchange telecommunications services in the State of Illinois, pursuant to Section 13 404 of the Public Utilities Act (Act), 220 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0535 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005882 Original UID: 4536 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1104: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association (EECA), and Illinois Power Company d/b/a AmerenIP (AmerenIP) (collectively Joint Petitioners) filed a Joint Petition with the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) for approval of Request to Serve and Temporary Service Area Agreement between EECA and AmerenIP pursuant to Section 6 of the Electric Supplier Act, 220 ILCS 30/1 et. seq. (ESA). | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0560 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005884 Original UID: 4540 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1105: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Telecom Resources, Inc., (hereinafter, Petitioner), filed a Verified Petition seeking consent and approval to surrender its Certificate of Service Authority to operate as a reseller of telecommunications services on an interexchange basis within the State of Illinois. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0561 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005885 Original UID: 4541 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1106: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Cognigen Networks, Inc. petition for withdrawl of Certificate of Interexchange Service Authority. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0581 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005886 Original UID: 4542 FIRST WORD: Notice | |
1107: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | pursuant to 83 Illinois Administrative Code Part 763, Verizon North Inc., Verizon South Inc. (collectively Verizon) and Marion Telephone, LLC (Marion) filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) a verified joint petition seeking Commission approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252(a)(1) and 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 151, et seq.) (Telecommunications Act). | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0582 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005888 Original UID: 4543 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1108: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Aqua Illinois, Inc. filed its Ill. C. C. No. 47, Section No. 10, 3rd Revised Sheet No. 2, Original Sheet No. 6 and Ill. C. C. No. 48, Section No. 7, 1st Revised Sheet No. 2, hereinafter referred to as Filed Rate Schedule Sheets in which it proposes a general increase in water and sewer rates for its Hawthorn Woods service area. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0620 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005890 Original UID: 4545 FIRST WORD: Suspension | |
1109: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | 2007 pursuant to 83 Illinois Administrative Code Part 763, Verizon North Inc., Verizon South Inc. (collectively Verizon) and Marion Telephone , LLC (Marion) filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) a verified joint petition seeking Commission approval of an Agreement amending the terms of an Interconnection Agreement (Amendment No. 1) pursuant to Section 252(a)(1) and 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 151, et seq.) (Telecommunications Act). | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0583 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005891 Original UID: 4544 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1110: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Aqua Illinois, Inc. filed its proposed general increase in water and sewer rates for its Willowbrook Service area. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0621 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005892 Original UID: 4546 FIRST WORD: Suspension | |
1111: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Rate of interest to be paid on customer deposits, pursuant to 83 Ill. Adm. Code 280.70 and 83 Ill. Adm. Code 735.120 from January 1, 2008 through and including December 31, 2008. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0623 | | | ISL ID: | 000000005894 Original UID: 4547 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1112: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Staff of the Illinois Commerce Commission (Commission) filed a report from the Pipeline Safety Program (May 25, 2007 Report) concluding that The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company (Peoples Gas) had not conducted all of the required inside safety inspections (ISIs) of gas service lines within the five (5) year time span mandated by 49 C.F.R. 192.723 and 83 Ill. Adm. Code 590.10. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0358 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006202 Original UID: 4527 FIRST WORD: Interim | |
1113: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Aurelia Simpson (Complainant) filed a verified complaint pursuant to Section 10-108 of the Illinois Public Utilities Act (220 ILCS 5/10-108) (the Act) against Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company (Respondent), alleging that Respondent had sent her high bills for gas service at her home. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0373 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006203 Original UID: 4528 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1114: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company (Peoples Gas) and North Shore Gas Company (North Shore and, with Peoples Gas, Peoples Gas, Petitioners) filed a Petition for Approval of an Amendment to an Agreement and the Direct Testimony of their witness. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0492 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006204 Original UID: 4531 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1115: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Pursuant to 83 Illinois Administrative Code Part 763, Illinois Bell Telephone Company (Illinois Bell) and Aero Communications, LLC (Aero), filed a joint petition for approval of the Sixth Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement dated October 26, 2007, under Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) (the Act). | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0544 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006205 Original UID: 4537 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1116: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Business Communications Analyst, Inc. (BCA) filed a verified Application seeking Certificates of Service Authority to provide facilities-based and resold interexchange and local exchange services in Illinois. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0178 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006206 Original UID: 4523 FIRST WORD: Amendatory | |
1117: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Petition of Commonwealth Edison Company for Approval of Initial Procurement Plan. Verified Petition for Approval of Tariffs implementing a New Competitive Procurement Process and Recovering Procurement Costs. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0528 - 07-0531 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006207 Original UID: 4535 FIRST WORD: Order | |
1118: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Petition for approval of the taking or damaging owned by a common transportation utility in Will County, Illinois by exercising the right of eminent domain of certain properties. | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0327 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006426 Original UID: 4526 FIRST WORD: Notice | |
1119: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Commission currently uses certain forms as its annual report forms for those public utilities and telecommunications carriers that are required to file annual reports, on such form as the Commission shall require, pursuant to Section 5-109 of the Public Utilities Act; | | | Date Created: | 12 19 2007 | | | Agency ID: | 07-0622 | | | ISL ID: | 000000006536 Original UID: 4548 FIRST WORD: Resolution | |
1120: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Opinions and Orders of the Illinois Commerce Commission. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000006810 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Opinions | |