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Illinois Emergency Management Agency[X]
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Emergency Management Officials Launch Weather Alert Radio Contest

 Volume/Number:  2015 April 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The recent devastating tornadoes in northern Illinois were a heartbreaking reminder of the tornado risk in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  04-22-2015 
 Agency ID:  388**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071251   Original UID: 189239 FIRST WORD: Emergency 


IEMA to Award Ready to Respond Campus Designation to Parkland College

 Volume/Number:  2015 April 28 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: IEMA Director James K. Joseph will present the Ready to Respond Campus designation to Parkland College. Ready to Respond Campus is a voluntary program that encourages colleges and universities in Illinois to meet higher campus safety standards. 
 Date Created:  04-28-2015 
 Agency ID:  427**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071286   Original UID: 189275 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


IEMA Announces Parkland College Attains Ready to Respond Campus Designation

 Volume/Number:  2015 April 29 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Parkland College in Champaign today was recognized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) as the third institution of higher education to achieve the Ready to Respond Campus designation after completing the programs rigorous campus safety criteria. 
 Date Created:  04-29-2015 
 Agency ID:  433**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071293   Original UID: 189282 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


Emergency Preparedness Important for People with Disabilities and Functional Needs

 Volume/Number:  2015 May 4 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: While every home should have a disaster preparedness kit and family communications plan, emergency preparedness is particularly important for households with members who have disabilities, functional needs or may need assistance during an emergency. 
 Date Created:  05-04-2015 
 Agency ID:  458**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071469   Original UID: 189448 FIRST WORD: Emergency 


IEMA Helps Schools Remove Unused Radioactive Materials

 Volume/Number:  2015 May 7 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: More than 60 Illinois schools already have benefitted from a state program that helps schools safely remove unused radioactive materials at no cost. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is encouraging other schools to check for similar materials in storage closets and laboratories and to contact IEMA about collection and disposal. 
 Date Created:  05-07-2015 
 Agency ID:  481**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071473   Original UID: 189452 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


Still Time to Enter Weather Alert Radio Contest

 Volume/Number:  2016 May 18 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: People in Illinois have until May 22 to register for a chance to win a weather alert radio through the Weather Alert Radios Save Lives contest sponsored by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Illinois Emergency Services Management Association (IESMA). 
 Date Created:  05-18-2015 
 Agency ID:  531**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071532   Original UID: 189517 FIRST WORD: Still 


IEMA Encourages Vacation Emergency Preparedness

 Volume/Number:  2015 June 1 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Sunscreen, check. Golf clubs, check. Emergency plan? If your summer vacation checklist doesnt include emergency preparedness, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) encourages you to add this important step to your planning process. 
 Date Created:  06-01-2015 
 Agency ID:  593**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071693   Original UID: 189680 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


State Supporting Flood Fights in Several Communities

 Volume/Number:  2015 June 26 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Heavy rains over much of Illinois in recent weeks has caused already-swollen rivers and streams to spill over their banks, creating flood issues for communities across Illinois. As a result, the state of Illinois is providing assistance to communities working to protect critical infrastructure from flooding, as well as supporting ongoing recovery efforts in northern Illinois areas hit by several tornadoes Monday evening. 
 Date Created:  06-26-2015 
 Agency ID:  664**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071700   Original UID: 189687 FIRST WORD: State 


When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors is Focus of Lightning Safety Awareness Week June 21-27

 Volume/Number:  2015 June 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Recent thunderstorms have produced spectacular lightning shows, but the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), the National Weather Service (NWS) and local emergency management agencies are urging people to stay safe by heading indoors during storms as part of Lightning Safety Awareness Week June 21-27. 
 Date Created:  06-22-2015 
 Agency ID:  642**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071718   Original UID: 189705 FIRST WORD: When 


IEMA, IDOT, IDNR Urge Residents to Stay Safe Around Flood Waters

 Volume/Number:  2015 June 16 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: With more heavy rains expected to fall later this week on already saturated ground, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) today urged Illinois residents to stay safe around flood waters. 
 Date Created:  06-16-2015 
 Agency ID:  634**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071721   Original UID: 189708 FIRST WORD: IEMA, 


SBA Approves Tornado Assistance for Northern Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2015 June 4 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: People affected by April tornado eligible to apply for low-interest, long-term loans to help with recovery. 
 Date Created:  06-04-2015 
 Agency ID:  605**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071741   Original UID: 189728 FIRST WORD: SBA 


Parents Encouraged to Include Emergency Preparedness in Back-to-School Plans

 Volume/Number:  2015 July 31 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: As parents prepare to send their children back to school or college, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management agencies throughout Illinois are encouraging them to include emergency preparedness in their back-to-school plans. 
 Date Created:  07-31-2015 
 Agency ID:  737**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071749   Original UID: 189736 FIRST WORD: Parents 


IEMA Encourages People to Stay Aware, Be Prepared for Potential Severe Weather Today

 Volume/Number:  2015 July 13 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: With widespread severe weather predicted for most of Illinois later today, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is encouraging people to stay aware of local forecasts and be prepared to act quickly if storm warnings are issued. 
 Date Created:  07-13-2015 
 Agency ID:  700**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071784   Original UID: 189761 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


IEMA Radiochemistry Lab One of Nine in U.S. Selected for Federal Training

 Volume/Number:  2015 July 6 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois Emergency Management Agencys radiochemistry laboratory is one of nine labs in the nation selected to participate in on-site training aimed at increasing state and federal capabilities to respond to a potential nuclear or radiological incident. 
 Date Created:  07-06-2015 
 Agency ID:  684**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071787   Original UID: 189764 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


Emergency Management Officials Urge Caution When Temperatures Rise

 Volume/Number:  2015 July 1 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The hottest days of summer are just around the corner, and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management agencies are offering heat safety tips to help people play it safe when temperatures rise. 
 Date Created:  07-01-2015 
 Agency ID:  671**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071816   Original UID: 189795 FIRST WORD: Emergency 


IEMA Announces Augustana College Attains Ready to Respond Campus Designation

 Volume/Number:  2015 August 21 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Augustana College in Rock Island today was recognized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) for achieving the Ready to Respond Campus designation after completing the programs rigorous campus safety criteria. 
 Date Created:  08-21-2015 
 Agency ID:  790**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071917   Original UID: 189905 FIRST WORD: IEMA 


IEMA, FEMA, SBA to Begin Storm Damage Assessments in Adams County

 Volume/Number:  2015 August 5 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Personnel from IEMA, FEMA, SBA and officials from Adams County will begin conducting preliminary damage assessments in Fall Creek on Thursday afternoon. The team also will assess wind damage to homes in Quincy. 
 Date Created:  08-05-2015 
 Agency ID:  748**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071983   Original UID: 189973 FIRST WORD: IEMA, 


Governor Rauner Requests SBA Assistance for Grundy, Iroquois Counties

 Volume/Number:  2015 August 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Declaration would help people and businesses affected by summer storms with low-interest, long-term loans to help with recovery 
 Date Created:  08-27-2015 
 Agency ID:  808**15 
 ISL ID:  000000071987   Original UID: 189979 FIRST WORD: Governor 


Chicago Selected for Federal Securing the Cities Program

 Volume/Number:  2015 September 15 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) will provide technical support to the city of Chicago as part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) Securing the Cities Program. DHS announced Monday the program is expanding to include Chicago and Houston. 
 Date Created:  09-15-2015 
 Agency ID:  868**15 
 ISL ID:  000000072456   Original UID: 190160 FIRST WORD: Chicago 


Illinois Residents Encouraged to Register for The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill

 Volume/Number:  2015 September 9 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: At 10:15 a.m. on October 15, millions of people across the U.S. and in several countries around the globe will take a few minutes to practice actions that could save their lives in the event of an earthquake. 
 Date Created:  09-09-2015 
 Agency ID:  854**15 
 ISL ID:  000000072459   Original UID: 190163 FIRST WORD: Illinois 
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