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Maximum Setback Zone Workbook[X]


Maximum Setback Zone Workbook

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This workbook is intended to provide individuals with guidance on why maximum zones are needed, how to apply for a maximum zone using the rules contained the Part 671 Maximum Setback Zone For Community Water Supply Wells and how to determine maximum zones. Section 14.3 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (IGPA) provided counties and municipalities utilizing any community water supply well the authority to establish a maximum setback zone, up to 1,000 feet, around their well(s). 
 Date Created:  12 17 2002 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000042916   Original UID: 22446 FIRST WORD: Maximum 


Maximum Setback Zone Workbook

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This workbook is intended to provide individuals with guidance on why maximum zones are needed, how to apply for a maximum zone using the rules contained the Part 671 Maximum Setback Zone For Community Water Supply Wells and how to determine maximum zones. Section 14.3 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (IGPA) provided counties and municipalities utilizing any community water supply well the authority to establish a maximum setback zone, up to 1,000 feet, around their well(s). 
 Date Created:  12 17 2002 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000042916   Original UID: 22446 FIRST WORD: Maximum