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Results of the 2006-2007 Illinois Non-Resident Hunter Harvest Survey[X]


Results of the 2006-2007 Illinois Non-Resident Hunter Harvest Survey

 Volume/Number:  2008 April 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Periodic survey of non-resident hunters to determine their activities and harvests in 18-24 game animal hunting categories in Illinois, as well as their characteristics and attitudes toward specific wildlife issues. Abstract: A random sample of 2,000 potential non-resident hunters was selected from among purchasers of 2006 Illinois non-resident hunting licenses and habitat stamps. A 6-page questionnaire was successfully mailed to 1,960 of the 2,000 individuals. We received 1,254 returned questionnaires, 1,249 of which were usable, for a 64% response rate. Non-residents purchased 38,900 hunting licenses in Illinois in 2006-2007. Non-residents harvested more doves, deer and gray squirrels than any other game species, though low sample sizes for many species prevented accurate estimation of harvest. Twenty-nine non-resident hunters reported hunting on controlled hunting areas or shooting preserves in Illinois. These hunters most frequently hunted pheasants, quail and Chuckar partridge. Non-residents most commonly used the IDNR website or phone system to purchase their hunting licenses, habitat stamps and permits. Non-resident hunters reported little difficulty accessing hunting land in Illinois. Twenty percent of non-residents leased land to hunt in Illinois and 37% hired an outfitter to access land. One-fifth of respondents had hunted upland game in a state other than Illinois during 2006-2007. Non-residents most commonly hunted upland game in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Missouri. Respondents reported having access to private hunting land as their primary motivation for hunting upland game outside of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  04 04 2008 
 Agency ID:  W-112-R-16 
 ISL ID:  000000010992   Original UID: 5909 FIRST WORD: Results 


Results of the 2006-2007 Illinois Non-Resident Hunter Harvest Survey

 Volume/Number:  2008 April 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Periodic survey of non-resident hunters to determine their activities and harvests in 18-24 game animal hunting categories in Illinois, as well as their characteristics and attitudes toward specific wildlife issues. Abstract: A random sample of 2,000 potential non-resident hunters was selected from among purchasers of 2006 Illinois non-resident hunting licenses and habitat stamps. A 6-page questionnaire was successfully mailed to 1,960 of the 2,000 individuals. We received 1,254 returned questionnaires, 1,249 of which were usable, for a 64% response rate. Non-residents purchased 38,900 hunting licenses in Illinois in 2006-2007. Non-residents harvested more doves, deer and gray squirrels than any other game species, though low sample sizes for many species prevented accurate estimation of harvest. Twenty-nine non-resident hunters reported hunting on controlled hunting areas or shooting preserves in Illinois. These hunters most frequently hunted pheasants, quail and Chuckar partridge. Non-residents most commonly used the IDNR website or phone system to purchase their hunting licenses, habitat stamps and permits. Non-resident hunters reported little difficulty accessing hunting land in Illinois. Twenty percent of non-residents leased land to hunt in Illinois and 37% hired an outfitter to access land. One-fifth of respondents had hunted upland game in a state other than Illinois during 2006-2007. Non-residents most commonly hunted upland game in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Missouri. Respondents reported having access to private hunting land as their primary motivation for hunting upland game outside of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  04 04 2008 
 Agency ID:  W-112-R-16 
 ISL ID:  000000010992   Original UID: 5909 FIRST WORD: Results