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Friday Memo

 Volume/Number:  2008 February 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  A regular newsletter about Illinois higher education, this issue has items on: Northern Illinois University community to pay tribute to fallen and injured students, Governor unveils fiscal 2009 budget, Erwin testifies before House Appropriations Committee, School Leader Task Force recommends new approaches for training principals, Forum highlights financial strains of rising college costs, The Illinois Community College Board to host 3rd Homeland Security and Emergency Response Institute, Illinois Board of Higher Education releases RFP for Innovation Grants, Illinois Student Assistance Commission and City of Springfield team up on student aid outreach, and Campus News. 
 Date Created:  02 22 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000020004   Original UID: 10313 FIRST WORD: Friday 


Friday Memo

 Volume/Number:  2008 February 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  A regular newsletter about Illinois higher education, this issue has items on: Northern Illinois University community to pay tribute to fallen and injured students, Governor unveils fiscal 2009 budget, Erwin testifies before House Appropriations Committee, School Leader Task Force recommends new approaches for training principals, Forum highlights financial strains of rising college costs, The Illinois Community College Board to host 3rd Homeland Security and Emergency Response Institute, Illinois Board of Higher Education releases RFP for Innovation Grants, Illinois Student Assistance Commission and City of Springfield team up on student aid outreach, and Campus News. 
 Date Created:  02 22 2008 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000020004   Original UID: 10313 FIRST WORD: Friday