SiteTitle • | 2001 305(b) Summary Report (1999 data) Inland Lakes |
| • | 2008 Final Federal CAFO Rule Frequently Asked Questions |
| • | 2008 Groundwater Protection Policy Forum: Groundwater Degradation and Sustainability, Pere Marquette, Peoria, IL, September 24th, 2008 |
| • | Altamont New Reservoir TMDL Report |
| • | Appendices to Cahokia Creek/Holiday Shores Lake Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Stage Three Report |
| • | Aquatic Exotics |
| • | Aquatic Plant Management Options |
| • | Arsenic in Illinois Groundwater |
| • | Artificial Structures for Fish Cover |
| • | Ashland New Lake Watersheds TMDL Stage Three Draft Report |
| • | Ashland New Reservoir Watershed TMDL Stage One Draft Report |
| • | Ashland New Reservoir watershed TMDL report |
| • | Assessment of Total Chromium in Illinois Community Water Supplies |
| • | Baseline Loadings of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediments from Illinois Watersheds |
| • | Bay Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Bay Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Bay Creek Watershed TMDL Stage Three Report |
| • | Beaucoup Creek TMDL Report |
| • | Beavers and Muskrats |
| • | Big Muddy River TMDL Report |
| • | Bonnie Creek TMDL Report |
| • | Bonpas Creek Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load: Stage 1 Report, Draft |
| • | Cahokia Canal Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Cahokia Canal/Horseshoe Lake Watershed TMDL: Stage One [Third Quarter Draft Report] |
| • | Cahokia Canal/Horseshoe Lake Watershed Total Maximum daily Load Stage Three Report |
| • | Cahokia Creek/Holiday Shores Lake Watershed TMDL: Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Cahokia Creek/Holiday Shores Lake Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Stage Three Report |
| • | Cahokia Creek/Holiday Shores Lake watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Canada Geese and Your Lake |
| • | Canton Lake TMDL Development Stage 1 Report: Final |
| • | Capacity Development Strategy for Existing Public Water Supplies, July 2000 |
| • | Casey Fork TMDL Report |
| • | Cedar Creek TMDL Report |
| • | Cedar Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Cedar Creek/Cedar Lake TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Cedar Creek/Cedar Lake Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir Restoration Plan: Clean Lake Program Phase 1 Diagnostic Feasibility Study |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #1 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #2 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #3 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #4 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #5 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #6 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report #7 |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir TMDL: Progress Report ... |
| • | Charleston Side Channel Reservoir Total Maximum Daily Load Report: Coles County, Illinois |
| • | Charleston Side-Channel Reservoir Sedimentation Basin Project Final Report |
| • | Chicago Botanic Garden Lakes: Illinois Clean Lakes Program Phase 2 Final Report |
| • | Chloride Usage Education and Reduction Program Study: Final Report |
| • | Chromium-6 Strategic Plan |
| • | Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters: Unified Watershed Assessment and Watershed Restoration Priorities for Illinois |
| • | Common Lake Water Quality Parameters |
| • | Condition of Illinois Water Resources |
| • | Consumer Confidence Report Guidance Manual |
| • | Countryside Lake Water Quality Monitoring Program: Final Report |
| • | Crab Orchard Creek Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Crab Orchard Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Crab Orchard Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Crooked Creek Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Draft Report |
| • | Crooked Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Crooked Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Des Plaines River/Higgins Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Des Plaines River/Higgins Creek Watershed TMDL Report: Draft |
| • | Des Plaines River/Higgins Creek Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report |
| • | Determining Your Lake's Watershed |
| • | Digester/Over the Spillway |
| • | DuPage River and Salt Creek TMDL - Stage 2 Development of Septic System Map for Targeted Subbasin: Final Report |
| • | DuPage River/Salt Creek Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report |
| • | DuPage River/Salt Creek Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report and Stage 2 TMDL - Sediment Oxygen Demand Monitoring |
| • | Dutchman Creek TMDL Report |
| • | East Fork Kaskaskia River TMDL Report |
| • | East Fork Kaskaskia River/Farina Lake Watershed Simazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | East Fork Kaskaskia Watershed TMDL River |
| • | East Fork LaMoine River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | East Fork LaMoine River/Spring Lake Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Evergreen Lake Watershed Plan |
| • | Evergreen Lake watershed TMDL report |
| • | Facility Planning Area Research: Final Program Evaluation |
| • | Fecal Coliform TMDL Development for the Little Vermilion River, Illinois: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Fertilizers and Pesticides: Options for Lawn and Garden Use |
| • | Final Approved Stage Three Report TMDLs for Target Watersheds: Project Watershed HUC 0714020205 (East Fork Kaskaskia River) Stream Segments IL_OK-01 and IL-OK-02 |
| • | First Quarterly Progress Report: Project Watershed HUC 0714020205 (East Fork Kaskaskia River) |
| • | Framework for a Basinwide Planning and Protection Pilot |
| • | Galena/Sinsinawa Rivers Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report: Draft Report for Public Review |
| • | Georgetown Lake TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Glenn Shoals-Hillsboro Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Glenn Shoals/Hillsboro Watershed: Lake Glenn Shoals (ROL), Old Lake Hillsboro (ROT): ... Quarterly Progress Report [includes First, Second, and Third Quarterly Reports] |
| • | Glenn Shoals/Hillsboro Watershed: Lake Glenn Shoals (ROL), Old Lake Hillsboro (ROT): Draft TMDL |
| • | Glenn Shoals/Hillsboro Watershed: Lake Glenn Shoals (ROL), Old Lake Hillsboro (ROT): Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | Governor Bond Lake Greenville, Illinois Total Maximum Daily Loads |
| • | Governor Bond TMDL Report |
| • | Greenville Lake and Coffeen Lake TMDL: Draft Stage 1 Report: Watershed Characterization, Data Analysis, And Methodology selection |
| • | Greenville Old Lake and Coffeen Lake Watersheds |
| • | Guidance Document for Groundwater Protection Needs Assessments |
| • | Guidance for Developing Watershed Action Plans in Illinois |
| • | Highland Silver Lake Watershed (ROZA): ... Quarterly Progress Report [includes First, Second and Third Quarterly Reports] |
| • | Highland Silver Lake Watershed (ROZA): Draft TMDL |
| • | Highland Silver Lake Watershed (ROZA): Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | Highland Silver Lake Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Hobson Creek Corridor Restoration Project, Phase 1: Tributary 6 to the East Branch DuPage River: Section 319 Project Report |
| • | Hobson Creek Corridor Restoration Project, Phase 2: Tributary 6 to the East Branch DuPage River: Section 319 Project Report |
| • | Hobson Creek Corridor Restoration Project, Phase 3: Tributary 6 to the East Branch DuPage River: Section 319 Project Report |
| • | Hodges Creek TMDL [Stage 3 Draft] |
| • | Hodges Creek Watershed Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | Hodges Creek Watershed: Otter Lake (RDF), Palmyra-Modesto Lake (RDZP), Hettick Lake (SDZF): Draft TMDL |
| • | Hodges Creek watershed TMDL report |
| • | Home and Yard |
| • | Homer Lake Watershed TMDL report |
| • | Horseshoe Lake (Alexander County) Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Horseshoe Lake Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load: Stage 1 Report, Draft |
| • | Illinois 2002 Section 303(d) List |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, October 1, 2010 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2005 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2006 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2007 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2009 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2012 |
| • | Illinois Annual Report on the Efficacy of Capacity Development, September 30, 2013 |
| • | Illinois Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection Method Comparison and Stream Condition Index Revision [2004: rev 2007] |
| • | Illinois Clean Lakes Program |
| • | Illinois EPA Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network Factsheet |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Clean Lakes Study Review and Implementation Report for Lake Hillsboro, Montgomery County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Cedar Lake and Carbondale Reservoir, Carbondale, IL (Final Report - January 2009) |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Highland Silver Lake, Highland, IL: Final Report |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Kinkaid Lake, Jackson County, IL (Final Report - September 2006) |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Lake Vermilion, Vermilion County, IL: final draft submittal |
| • | Illinois EPA Clean Lakes Program: Phase I Diagnostic / Feasibility Study of Campus Lake, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 1999 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2000 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2001 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2002 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2003 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2004 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2005 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2006 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2007 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2008 livestock facility investigation annual report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2010 Livestock Facility Investigation Annual Report |
| • | Illinois EPA Livestock Program 2011 Livestock Facility Investigation Annual Report |
| • | Illinois EPA's Ash Impoundment Strategy Progress Report |
| • | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic Feasibility Study, Glenn Shoals Lake, City of Hillsboro, Montgomery County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic Feasibility Study, Governor Bond Lake, City of Greenville, Bond County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic Feasibility Study, Staunton Lake, City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Clean Lakes Program: Phase 1 Diagnostic and Feasibility Study, Patriots Park Lake, Kingsbury Park District, Bond County, Illinois |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: A Biennial Report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: Biennial Comprehensive status and self-assessment report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: Biennial Status and Self-Assessment Report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: Biennial comprehensive status and self-assessment report, Executive Summary |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: Biennial policy report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: volume 1: Biennial Policy Report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: volume II: biennial program report |
| • | Illinois Groundwater Protection Program: volume III: biennial technical appendices report |
| • | Illinois Integrated Water Quality Report and Section 303(d) List |
| • | Illinois Lake Michigan (nearshore) Toxics TMDL Scoping Report |
| • | Illinois Lakeshore Birds |
| • | Illinois Public Water Supply Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide |
| • | Illinois River (Peoria Area) TMDL and LRS Development: Watershed Characterization and Source Assessment Report (Stage 1) [review draft] |
| • | Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) |
| • | Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program Newsletter |
| • | Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program Newsletter: |
| • | Illinois Water Monitoring Strategy, 2007-2012 |
| • | Illinois Water Pollution Control Loan Program,Annual Report, FY ... |
| • | Illinois Water Pollution Control Loan Program,Annual Report, [FY 2007] |
| • | Illinois Water Quality Report |
| • | Illinois' Nonpoint Source Management Program |
| • | Kickapoo Creek Project - Phase I: IEPA 319 Grant: Final Report |
| • | Kinkaid Lake TMDL Best Management Practices Implementation: Project Evaluation and Final Report |
| • | Lake Beat |
| • | Lake Bloomington TMDL: Draft Stage 1 Report: Watershed Characterization, Data Analysis, and Methodology Selection |
| • | Lake Bloomington TMDL: Final Stage 1 Report: Watershed Characterization, Data Analysis, and Methodology Selection |
| • | Lake Bloomington Watershed Plan |
| • | Lake Bloomington Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft |
| • | Lake Bloomington Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Lake Bloomington Watershed TMDL Stage 3 Public Draft Report |
| • | Lake Carlinville Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Lake Dredging |
| • | Lake Education Assistance Program (LEAP) |
| • | Lake Glenn Shoals/Hillsboro Old Lake Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Lake Mattoon and Lake Paradise Simazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Lake Michigan Beaches TMDL Stage-One Responsiveness Summary |
| • | Lake Oakland TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Lake Oakland Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Lake Springfield Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report: Draft Report |
| • | Lake Stratification and Mixing |
| • | Little Muddy River TMDL Report |
| • | Little Vermilion River Fecal Coliform TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Little Wabash II Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Little Wabash River I Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Little Wabash River II Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft |
| • | Little Wabash River TMDL: Stage 1 Public Draft Report |
| • | Little Wabash River Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Little Wabash River Watershed: Stage 2 Data Report |
| • | Little Wabash Watershed: Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | Load Reduction Strategy and TMDL Draft: Indian Creek, Dago Slough and Prairie Creek |
| • | Lower Kaskaskia River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Lower Kaskaskia River Watershed TMDL Stage One: Final Report |
| • | Lyman Woods Streambank Stabilization PSA 2, Phases 1 and 2: Tributary to the East Branch DuPage River: Section 319 Project Report |
| • | Macoupin Creek Watershed Draft TMDL |
| • | Macoupin Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Maple Lake Rehabilitation and Protection Program: Phase 2 Implementation Project Report [at head of title: Illinois Clean Lakes Program] |
| • | Mary's River/North Fork Cox Creek TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Mary's River/North Fork Cox Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Mary's River/North Fork Cox Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Mauvaise Terre Creek Watershed Final Approved TMDL |
| • | Mauvaise Terre Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Mauvaise Terre Creek Watershed TMDL: January 2011 Revision |
| • | Mauvaise Terre Creek Watershed: Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | Maximum Setback Zone Workbook |
| • | McCullom Lake Evaluation Report |
| • | Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) in Illinois |
| • | Middle Fork Saline River Watershed TMDL Stage One: Final Report |
| • | Middle Fork Saline River Watershed TMDL Stage Three Draft Report |
| • | Middle Illinois River Total Maximum Daily Load and Load Reduction Strategies: Draft |
| • | Middle Illinois River Total Maximum Daily Load and Load Reduction Strategies: Final TMDL |
| • | Middle Saline River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Milfoil Weevil |
| • | Monitoring Lake Quality |
| • | Mt. Olive New Lake, Mt. Olive Old Lake and Staunton Lake Watersheds TMDL Report |
| • | Nashville City Reservoir and Washington County Lake Atrazine and Simazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | North Fork Kaskaskia River Watershed Final Approved TMDL |
| • | North Fork Kaskaskia River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | North Fork Kaskaskia River Watershed: ... Quarterly Progress Report [includes First, Second and Third Quarters] |
| • | North Fork Mauvaise Terre Creek Watershed Draft Stage 3 Report |
| • | North Fork Vermilion River Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | North Fork Vermilion River Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | North Fork Vermilion River and Lake Vermilion TMDL Stage 1 Report: Watershed Characterization, Data Analysis, and Methodology selection |
| • | North Fork Vermilion River and Lake Vermilion TMDL: Draft Stage 3 Report |
| • | Other Coal Ash Sites |
| • | Otter Lake Shoreline Erosion Control Project |
| • | Part 2: Lake and Watershed Management Plan, Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois |
| • | Pecatonica River Total Maximum Daily Load and Load Reduction Strategies: Stage 1 Report |
| • | Phase I Diagnostic/Feasibility Study: Lake Paradise, Coles County, Illinois |
| • | Phase II Implementation Report for Campus Lake, Jackson County, Illinois |
| • | Phosphorus: A Summary of Information Regarding Lake Water Quality |
| • | Prairie Creek / Langan Creek Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Stage One Report |
| • | Prairie Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Pressure-Treated Wood |
| • | Primer Regarding Certain Provisions of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act |
| • | Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) |
| • | Public Water Supply Loan Program Annual Report, FY ... . |
| • | Public Water Supply Loan Program Annual Report, [FY 2007] |
| • | Quality Assurance and Field Methods Manual |
| • | Quarterly Report 1 (July-September 2001): West Branch DuPage River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Big Muddy River #2 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Little Muddy River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Little Wabash River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 1: Vandalia Lake Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2 (October-December 2001): West Branch DuPage River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Big Muddy River #2 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Dutchman Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Little Muddy River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Little Wabash River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 2: Vandalia Lake Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3 (January-March 2002): West Branch DuPage River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Big Muddy River #2 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Dutchman Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Little Muddy River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Little Wabash River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 3: Vandalia Lake Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4 (April-June 2002): West Branch DuPage River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Big Muddy River #2 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Dutchman Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Little Muddy River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Little Wabash River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report 4: Vandalia Lake Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report Dutchman Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Big Muddy River #2 Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Little Muddy River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Little Wabash River Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: Vandalia Lake Watershed |
| • | Quarterly Report: West Branch DuPage River Watershed |
| • | Rayse Creek (ILNK01) TMDL and Implementation Plan |
| • | Rayse Creek Watershed Management Plan |
| • | Regional Fecal Coliform TMDL on Salt Creek of Sangamon River and Lower Sangamon River Watersheds: Stage 1 Report: Watershed Characterization and Water Quality Analysis |
| • | Regional Fecal Coliform TMDL on Salt Creek of Sangamon River and Lower Sangamon River Watersheds: Stage 3 Final Report |
| • | Rend Lake Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report: Draft Report |
| • | Report to Governor: Capacity Development Program, 2002 |
| • | Report to Governor: Capacity Development Program: September 30, 2005 |
| • | Reporting Requirements for Livestock Waste Releases in Illinois |
| • | Restoring Illinois Water Quality with TMDLs |
| • | Rock River Basin Assessment: An Overview of the Rock River Watersheds in Illinois |
| • | Salem City Reservoir Simazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Salt Fork Vermilion River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Sample Collector's Handbook |
| • | Sangamon River/Lake Decatur Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Sangamon River/Lake Decatur Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Sediment Classification for Illinois Inland Lakes: 1996 Update |
| • | Septic Systems |
| • | Shoal Creek Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Shoal Creek Watershed TMDL Implementation Plan: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | Shoal Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Shoal Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | Shoreline Buffer Strips |
| • | Shoreline Stabilization: Bioengineering Alternatives |
| • | Skillet Fork Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Skillet Fork Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Skillet Fork Watershed TMDL [Stage 3] |
| • | Skillet Fork Watershed: Final Stage 1 Progress Report |
| • | South Fork Saline - Lake Egypt Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | South Fork Saline River/Lake of Egypt Implementation Plan: Draft Report |
| • | South Fork Saline River/Lake of Egypt Watershed TMDL Stage One Third Quarter Draft Report |
| • | South Fork Sangamon River/Lake Taylorville Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Spring Lake Atrazine Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): Draft Report |
| • | Stage 2 - Water Quality Sampling Report for TMDLs in North Fork Vermilion River, Salt Fork Vermilion River, Sugar Creek, and Walnut Point Lake: Final Report |
| • | Stage 2 Data Report: Final Report |
| • | Stage 2 Report for TMDL Sampling Activities in the Upper Big Muddy River Watershed, Illinois |
| • | State of Illinois Public Water Supply Loan Program Supplemental Intended Use Plan Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Final Intended Use Plan |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: March 2003 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: March 2006 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: March 2007 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: March 2009 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: March 2010 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: September 2001 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: September 2002 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: September 2004 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 - Biannual Report: September 2005 |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 Biannual Report |
| • | State of Illinois Section 319 Biannual Report: March 2012 |
| • | State of Illinois Water Pollution Control Loan Program Supplemental Intended Use Plan Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Final Intended Use Plan |
| • | Stormwater Detention Ponds |
| • | Stream Dissolved Oxygen Improvement Feasibility Study for Salt Creek: Final Report |
| • | Stream Dissolved Oxygen Improvement Feasibility Study for the East Branch of the DuPage River: Final Report |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program: Pilot |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program: Calendar Years 2007-2008 |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program: Calendar Years 2009-2010 |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program: Section 319-Project 0404, Calendar Year ... |
| • | Streambank Cleanup and Lakeshore Enhancement (SCALE) Program: Section 319-Project 0404, Calendar Year 2003-2006 |
| • | Sugar Creek / Lake Branch Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Sugar Creek Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Sugar Creek Watershed TMDL Stage One: Final Report |
| • | Sugar Creek and Vermont City Reservoir TMDL Development Stage 1 Report: Final |
| • | Surface Discharging Private Sewage Disposal Systems (Commonly Referred to as Septic Systems) and Their Effects on Communities in Illinois |
| • | TMDL Development for Bonpas Creek Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Evergreen Lake: Quarterly Report |
| • | TMDL Development for Evergreen Lake: Quarterly Report #1 |
| • | TMDL Development for Galena/Sinsinawa Rivers Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Homer Lake in the Salt Fork Vermilion River Watershed, Illinois: Stage Three Report: TMDL Development |
| • | TMDL Development for Horseshoe Lake Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Lake Canton Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Lake Michigan Beaches |
| • | TMDL Development for Lake Springfield Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Ohio River Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Pecatonica River Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Prairie Creek/Langan Creek Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Rend Lake Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Upper Big Muddy River Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for Vermont City Reservoir/Sugar Creek Watershed |
| • | TMDL Development for the Cedar Creek/Cedar Lake Watershed, Illinois: Draft Report for IEPA Review |
| • | TMDL Development for the Crab Orchard Creek Watershed, Illinois: Stage Three Report Public Review Draft |
| • | TMDL Development for the Crooked Creek Watershed, Illinois: Public Review Draft |
| • | TMDL Development for the Lake Oakland and Walnut Point Lake Watersheds: Final Report: Stage One Report: Watershed Characterization and Water Quality Analysis |
| • | TMDL Development for the Lake Oakland and Walnut Point Lake Watersheds: Public Review Draft Report: Stage Three Report: Lake Oakland TMDL Development |
| • | TMDL Development for the Little Vermilion River Watershed: Final Report |
| • | TMDL Development for the Little Wabash River Watershed, Illinois: Draft Report for Public Review |
| • | TMDL Development for the Little Wabash River Watershed, Illinois: Public Review Draft |
| • | TMDL Development for the Mt. Olive New Lake, Mt. Olive Old Lake, and Staunton Lake Watersheds: Stage One Report: Watershed Characterization and Water Quality Analysis |
| • | TMDL Development for the Salt Fork Vermilion River Watershed: Stage One Report: Watershed Characterization and Water Quality Analysis |
| • | TMDL Development for the Shoal Creek Watershed, Illinois: Draft Report for Public Review |
| • | TMDL Development for the South Fork Saline River/Lake of Egypt Watershed, Illinois: Public Review Draft Report |
| • | TMDL Scoping Report Development for Lake Michigan (nearshore) Mercury and Polychlorinated Biphenyls |
| • | TMDL and LRS Development for Middle Illinois River Watershed |
| • | Tampier Lake/Saganashkee Slough Watersheds Stage One TMDL Draft Report |
| • | Tampier Lake/Saganashkee Slough Watersheds Stage Three TMDL Draft Report |
| • | Tampier Lake/Saganashkee Slough Watersheds TMDL Report |
| • | The Condition of Illinois Water Resources |
| • | Thorn Creek Watershed Based Plan |
| • | Thorn Creek Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Altamont New Reservoir Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Beaucoup Creek Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Big Muddy River #1 Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Bonnie Creek Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Casey Fork Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Dutchman Creek Watershed |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Fox River |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Little Muddy River Watershed: Draft Final Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Development for Vandalia Lake Watershed: Draft Final Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Evergreen Lake Watershed: Stage One Final Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Evergreen Lake Watershed: Stage Three Draft Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load Report for the Kankakee/Iroquois Watershed, Final |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load, Shoreline Segments in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois: 29 Segments from Juneway Terrace Park Beach to Calumet South Beach |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Load, Shoreline Segments in Lake County, Illinois: 9 Segments from North Point Marina Beach to Highland Park Rosewood Beach |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Loads for Salt Creek, Illinois: Final Report |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Loads for West Branch DuPage River, Illinois |
| • | Total Maximum Daily Loads for the East Branch of the DuPage River, Illinois |
| • | Total maximum daily load, shoreline segments in Suburban Cook County, Illinois: 13 Segments from Glencoe Park Beach to Evanston South Beach |
| • | Triennial Capacity Development Report |
| • | Triennial Capacity Development Report, 2011 |
| • | Triennial Capacity Development Report: Safe Drinking Water: Leveraging Resources and Planning for the Future, 2008 |
| • | Up-dating the LaMoine River Watershed Implementation Plan |
| • | Upper Big Muddy Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Stage One Report |
| • | Upper Fox River/Chain O' Lakes Watershed TMDL Final Stage 1 Report |
| • | Upper Fox River/Flint Creek Watershed TMDL Final Stage 1 Report |
| • | Upper North Branch Chicago River Watershed TMDL Stage 1 Report |
| • | Utilizing Exception Criteria to Avoid Boil Orders after Pressure Loss |
| • | Vandalia Lake TMDL Report |
| • | Vermilion River Watershed (IL Basin) TMDL Report |
| • | Vermilion River Watershed (Illinois Basin) TMDL for Nitrates and Bacteria: Stage 1 Report |
| • | Villa Park Police Station Urban BMP Demonstration Project: A Project to Demonstrate Integration of Green Roof, Permeable Paving, and Bioswale Urban Runoff Systems |
| • | Wabash River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Development: Final Report |
| • | Wabash River Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Walnut Point Lake Watershed TMDL Report |
| • | Walnut Point Lake Watershed Total Maximum Daily Load Stage Three Report |
| • | Water Monitoring Strategy |
| • | Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP) |
| • | Water Pollution Control Loan Program Supplemental Intended Use Plan Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Final Intended Use Plan |
| • | Waterborne Pathogens |
| • | Watershed Implementation Plan for Lake Vermilion and the North Fork Vermilion River, Vermilion County, Illinois |
| • | Watershed Plan and Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Lake Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois |
| • | Watershed Plan and Phase 1 Diagnostic/Feasibility Study of Lake Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois |
| • | Where to Go for Lake Information |
| • | Zebra Mussels |
Organization • | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Water | [X] |
| 441: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (SDWA) (PL104 -182, August 6, 1996, Title XIV, Section 1420) make provision for each primacy agent to provide for full funding of the State Revolving Loan (SRF) fund (Section 1452) allocation. This is contingent on the federal operator certification program requirements (Section 1419) being met and that a capacity development program is established and implemented. Failure to meet either the program or reporting requirements specified within these sections can result in withholding of up to 20 percent of the SRF funds available to the primacy program. Illinois has adopted legislation and rules (415 ILCS 5/15, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 651.102, 652.701-702; 77 Ill. Adm. Code 900.45(c)) for new public water supply systems, which must complete a capacity demonstration in order to obtain a construction or operating permit. The Strategy for Existing Public Water Systems was approved by U. S. EPA Region 5 September 27, 2000, and is being implemented. Revisions to the Strategy for Existing Public Water Systems have been made based upon experience learned through early implementation efforts. Those changes are noted in this report. New reporting criteria for Annual State Capacity Development Program Implementation Reports was developed by USEPA and sent to all primacy states on June 1, 2005, by certified mail (received by Illinois on August 25, 2005). This report is structured in accordance with that memorandum. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044460 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
442: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is a series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Dutchman Creek Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044461 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
443: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is being completed for Evergreen Lake. The TMDL development is in the Stage 1 phase, which consists of Watershed Characterization, Data Analysis, and Methodology Selection. Currently data is being collected for the watershed characterization and data analysis. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044463 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: TMDL | |
444: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is a series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Little Muddy River Watershed. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044464 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
445: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (SDWA) (PL104 -182, August 6, 1996, Title XIV, Section 1420) make provision for each primacy agent to provide for full funding of the State Revolving Loan (SRF) fund (Section 1452) allocation. This is contingent on the federal operator certification program requirements (Section 1419) being met and that a capacity development program is established and implemented. Failure to meet either the program or reporting requirements specified within these sections can result in withholding of up to 20 percent of the SRF funds available to the primacy program. Illinois has adopted legislation and rules (415 ILCS 5/15, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 651.102, 652.701-702; 77 Ill. Adm. Code 900.45(c)) for new public water supply systems, which must complete a capacity demonstration in order to obtain a construction or operating permit. The Strategy for Existing Public Water Systems was approved by U. S. EPA Region 5 September 27, 2000, and is being implemented. Revisions to the Strategy for Existing Public Water Systems have been made based upon experience learned through early implementation efforts. Those changes are noted in this report. New reporting criteria for Annual State Capacity Development Program Implementation Reports was developed by USEPA and sent to all primacy states on June 1, 2005, by certified mail (received by Illinois on August 25, 2005). This report is structured in accordance with that memorandum. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044465 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Triennial | |
446: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Annual Report in accordance with Title XIV of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act as amended (SDWA); the Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) and Loan Support Program (LSP); and Operating Agreement (OA) between the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044466 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Public | |
447: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is a series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Vandalia Lake Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044467 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
448: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | In accordance with Section 606(d) of Title VI of the Water Quality Act of 1987 and the Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP) Operating Agreement between the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), Region V, this Annual Report addresses the activities and goals of the WPCLP which were achieved during the 12 month period. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044468 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
449: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Little Wabash River Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. This quarterly report provides a brief description of what a TMDL is, the waterbodies that are scheduled for TMDL development, the standards and targets the TMDLs will aim to meet, public participation opportunities, project progress, and the next steps of the process to complete. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044470 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
450: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Beaucoup Creek Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. These quarterly reports provide a brief description of what a TMDL is, the waterbodies that are scheduled for TMDL development, the standards and targets the TMDLs will aim to meet, public participation opportunities, project progress, and the next steps of the process to complete. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044471 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
451: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Big Muddy River #1 Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044472 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
452: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Big Muddy River #2 Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044473 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
453: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Bonnie Creek Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044474 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
454: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | A series of quarterly reports to provide an update of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development in the Casey Fork Watershed. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is responsible for TMDL development and has contracted with Camp Dresser and McKee (CDM) to complete TMDLs within this watershed. IEPA plans to complete the TMDLs for this watershed within the next 14 months. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044475 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Quarterly | |
455: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2004 February 5 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Emergency response is one of the most important duties that employees and officials of public water supplies have as a part of everyday operations. Every person should know what to do, and when to do it. Being prepared to take the proper action as quickly as possible is the key to successfully handling any emergency. Emergency response is scary -- this guide is designed to help the reader remain calm, remember the basics and begin response. | | | Date Created: | 03 01 2005 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044772 Original UID: 24256 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |
456: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report documents the analysis and findings of stage 1 of the TMDL development for water segments within this watershed. Water quality data are gathered by the IEPA, the US Geological Survey, and the USEPA. Illinois is required to identify water bodies that do not meet water quality standards and to determine the Total Maximum Daily Load for pollutants causing the impairment. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000044775 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Charleston | |
457: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is a serial record, providing access to the multiple volumes or editions of a periodically published document. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000046856 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Streambank | |
458: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2013 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report documents the analysis and findings of stage 1 of the TMDL development for water segments within this watershed. Illinois is required to identify water bodies that do not meet water quality standards and to determine the Total Maximum Daily Load for pollutants causing the impairment. | | | Date Created: | 04 01 2013 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000047295 Original UID: 168846 FIRST WORD: Canton | |
459: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 September | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Grants issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under section 319 of the Clean Water Act include a condition requiring the submittal of a status report every six months.Nonpoint source pollution is the diffuse, intermittent runoff of pollutants from various sources. Major sources that contribute to Illinois' nonpoint source pollution problems are agriculture, construction erosion, urban runoff, hydrologic modifications, and resoure extraction activities. | | | Date Created: | 08 07 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000047314 Original UID: 169312 FIRST WORD: State | |
460: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report is intended to meet the Capacity Development Program reporting requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 (PL 104-182, August 6, 1996, Title XIV,Section 1420). | | | Date Created: | 12 11 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000047325 Original UID: 169322 FIRST WORD: Illinois | |