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Annual Report, ... / Illinois Labor Relations Board (1)
Annual report, 2011 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (2)
Annual report, 2012 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (2)
Decision and Order of the Illinois Labor Relations Board Educational (1)
Decision and Order of the Illinois Labor Relations Board State Panel (7)
Decisions / Illinois Education Labor Relations Board (2)
Decisions / Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board (3)
Decisions and Opinions of the Illinios State Labor Relations Board (2)
Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board (857)
Decisions and Opinions of the Illinos State Labor Relations Board (4)
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, Fiscal Year 2014 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (2)
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, Fiscal Year 2015 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (1)
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, Fiscal Year 2016 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (1)
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, Fiscal Year 2017 / Illinois Labor Relations Board (1)
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan: Fiscal Year ... / Illinois Labor Relations Board (1)
ILRB 2011 Annual Report (2)
IN-PIPE Technology Recognized with National Safety Award (1)
Illinois Department of Labor Joins OSHA in Promoting Campaign to Prevent Falls at Construction Worksites (1)
Illinois Department of Labor Joins with Farm Safety Experts To Promote Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week (1)
Illinois Department of Labor Relocating Its Springfield Office (1)
Illinois Labor Relations Board 2010 Annual Report (2)
Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board (131)
Opinions and Orders / Illinois State Labor Relations Board (2)
Opinions and Orders / Illinos Local Labor Relations Board (30)
Opinoins and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board (1)
Policy Statement, Flexible Work Requirements (1)
State of Illinois Illinois Labor Relations Board State Panel (1)
Illinois Labor Relations Board[X]
000000040070 (2)
000000046650 (2)
000000046651 (2)
000000047147 (2)
000000047376 (2)


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 -vs- Forest Preserve District of Cook County: On September 30, 2014, Administrative Law Judge Deena Sanceda, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its December 16, 2014 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  12-30-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-13-027 
 ISL ID:  000000053290   Original UID: 174561 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Donna Barnes -vs- County of Cook: On April 28, 2014, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Anna Hamburg-Gal issued a Recommended Decision and Order (RDO) in the above-referenced case, recommending that the Illinois Labor Relations Board, Local Panel find: 1) Respondent County of Cook violated Secitons 10(a)(3) and (1) of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act when it failed and refused to rehire Charging Party Donna Barnes to a position comparable to the one she had held prior to her layoff, in order to retaliate against her for her testimony before the Board on behalf of a union's representation petition; 2) the County did not violate Secions 10(a)(3) and (1) when, after layoff, it required Barnes to formally apply and interview for employment and failed and refused to recall her to a position comparable to the one she had held prior to the layoff; and 3) the County did not violate Sections 10(a)(2) and (1) of the Act by, after layoff, requiring Barnes to formally apply and interview for employment and by failing to and refusing to reassign, rehire, or otherwise reemploy the Charging Party. 
 Date Created:  12-30-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-13-007 
 ISL ID:  000000053293   Original UID: 174564 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 231 -vs- Chicago Transit Authority: On December 24, 2014, Administrative Law Judge Katherine C. Vanek, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its February 10, 2015 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  02-10-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-13-003 
 ISL ID:  000000053295   Original UID: 174566 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Chris Logan -vs- City of Chicago: On August 8, 2014, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Michelle Owen issued a Recommended Decision and Order resolving a change filed by Chris Logan (Charging Party) alleging that Respondent, City of Chicago, violated Section 10(a)(1) the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (Act), 5 ILCS 315 (2012), as amended by denying his Weingarten rights when it refused to allow a union representative to be present during a September 13, 2011 pre-disciplinary meeting. The ALJ found that Respondent did not violate Section 10(a)(1) of the Act when it held the September 13, 2011 pre-disciplinary meeting, and recommended that the charge be dismissed. However, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, the ALJ found that Respondent violated Section 10(a)(3) and (1) of the Act when it issued the Charging Party notice of a second pre-disciplinary meeting, (2012 Notice) in retaliation for bringing the instant charge before the Board. 
 Date Created:  01-16-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-12-041 
 ISL ID:  000000053296   Original UID: 174567 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Rahkal Shelton -vs- County of Cook, Health and Hospital Systems: On July 22, 2014, Administrative Law Judge Martin Kehoe, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its October 7, 2014 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  10-08-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-11-062 
 ISL ID:  000000053298   Original UID: 174569 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 -vs- Department of Central Management Service: On September 26, 2014, Executive Director Melissa Mlynski deferred to arbitration a charge filed by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 (AFSCME or Charging Party) against the State of Illinois, Department of Central Management Service (CMS or Respondent). The charge alleges that CMS violated Section 10(a) of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (Act), by making unilateral charges to health benefits during the term of a collective bargaining agreement. AFSCME has appealed the Executive Director's diferral pursuant to Sections 1200.135(a) and 1220.65 of the Board's Rules and Regulations, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. CMS filed a response, arguing among other things that the appeal was untimely. AFSCME has tendered a reply addressing soley the timeliness of its appeal. We affirm the Executive Director's deferral. 
 Date Created:  01-26-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-CA-14-142 
 ISL ID:  000000053301   Original UID: 174572 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 51 -vs- City of Bushnell: On February 6, 2015, Administrative Law Judge Sarah R. Kerley, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its March 10, 2015 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  03-10-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-UC-15-074 
 ISL ID:  000000053425   Original UID: 174701 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Ronda Power -vs- County of Kankakee and Kankakee County State's Attorney: On January 21, 2015, Executive Director Melissa Mlynski denied the request of Incumbent, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, to block a decertification election pending resolution of an unfair labor practice charge, and instead issued an order directing an election. Incumbent has filed an appeal of the Executive Director's action, pursuant to Section 1200.135 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code (sec.) 1200.135, and Petitioner has filed a response. The Employer has not responded to the appeal. For the reasons that follow, we affirm the Executive Director's decision to order an election. 
 Date Created:  03-13-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-RD-15-003 
 ISL ID:  000000053426   Original UID: 174702 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  County of Mercer -vs- International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150: On January 20, 2015, the Employer, County of Mercer, filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling in Case No. S-DR-15-004, in which it asks whether the inclusion of a voluntary interest arbitration provision as part of a successor labor agreement is a permissive subject of bargaining. 
 Date Created:  03-10-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-15-004 
 ISL ID:  000000053427   Original UID: 174703 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014 September 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  INternational Association of Firefighters, Local 429 -vs- City of Danville: On July 24, 2014, the City of Danville (Employer) filed a unilateral Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The Employer requests a determination as to whether three proposals submitted by the International Association of Firefighters, Local 429 (Union), concerning suppression force strength, equipment levels, andstation minimum requirements address mandatory subjects of bargaining within the meaning ofthe Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2012). Both parties filed briefs. 
 Date Created:  09-04-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-15-003 
 ISL ID:  000000053428   Original UID: 174704 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014 August 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council -vs- Village of Lansing: On July 11, 2014, the Village of Lansing (Employer) filed a unilateral Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The Employer requests a determination as to whether the proposal submitted by the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Union) concerning the residency requirement is a mandatory subject of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2012). Both parties filed briefs. 
 Date Created:  08-25-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-15-002 
 ISL ID:  000000053429   Original UID: 174705 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014 August 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 -vs- County of Lake and Sheriff of Lake County: On July 9, 2014, the County of Lake and Sheriff of Lake County (Employers) filed a unilateral Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The Employers request a determination as to whether the proposal submitted by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 (Union) concerning shift preferences is a mandatorysubject of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315(2012). Both parties filed briefs. 
 Date Created:  08-19-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-15-001 
 ISL ID:  000000053430   Original UID: 174706 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014 July 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Troopers Lodge No. 41 -vs- Illinois Department of State Police: On April 14, 2014, Troopers Lodge No. 41 (Lodge or Union) filed a unilateral Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The Union requests a determination as to whether health care premiums and related costs are mandatory subjects ofbargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2012) (Act or IPLRA). Both the Petitioner and the named Employer, Illinois Department of State Police (ISP), filed briefs. 
 Date Created:  07-10-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-14-004 
 ISL ID:  000000053431   Original UID: 174707 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2013 September 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  City of Carbondale (Police Department) -vs- Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council: On July 17, 2013, the City of Carbondale Police Department (Employer/City) and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Labor Organization/FOP) filed a joint request for a Petition for a Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240, requesting a determination as to whether FOP's proposals concerning work standards offered in response to the City's intention to establish such standards are mandatory subjects of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2012). Both parties filed timely briefs; the City on August 2, 2013, and FOP on August 7, 2013. 
 Date Created:  09-18-2013 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-14-002 
 ISL ID:  000000053432   Original UID: 174708 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2014 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Tri-State Professional Firefighters Union, Local 3615, IAFF -vs- Tri-State Fire Protection District: On April 14, 2014, the Tri-State Professional Firefighters Union Local 3165, IAFF (Union) filed a unilateral Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The Union requests a determination as to whether the Tri-State Fire Protection District's (Employer's) proposals concerning the probationary period and promotions are mandatory subjects of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2012). Both parties filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  06-23-2014 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-14-001 
 ISL ID:  000000053433   Original UID: 174709 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2013 February 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  City of Rockford -vs- International Association of Firefighters, Local 413: On December 6, 2012, the City of Rockford (Employer) filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Seciton 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240, requesting a determination as to whether one of the proposals for a successor collective bargaining agreement offered at interest arbitration by the International Association of Firefighters, Local 413 (Union) is a mandatory subject of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2010), (Act). Both parties filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  02-21-2013 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-13-005 
 ISL ID:  000000053434   Original UID: 174710 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2013 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  City of Danville (Police Department) -vs- Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee, Danville Police Command Officers Assn.: On December 5, 2012, the City of Danville (Employer) filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240,requesting a determination as to whether certain of the Employer's proposals for a successor collective bargaining agreement were mandatory subjects of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2010). Subsequently, the Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee, Danville Police Command Officers' Association (Union) joined in the request for a declaratory ruling. Both parties filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  01-30-2013 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-13-004 
 ISL ID:  000000053435   Original UID: 174713 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2013 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Elgin Fire Association of Fire Fighters, Local 439, International Associationof Firefighters -vs- City of Elgin: On October 2, 2012, the City of Elgin (Employer) unilaterally filed with the General Counsel of the Illinois Labor Relations Board pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code (sec) 1200.143, a Petition for Declaratory Ruling. The Employer is requesting a determination as to whether three proposals offered by the Elgin Fire Association of Fire Fighters, Local 439, IAFF (Labor Organization) with respect to a bargaining unit of sworn firefighters are mandatory or permissive subject of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2010) (Act). Both the Employer and the Labor Organization filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  01-07-2013 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-13-003 
 ISL ID:  000000053438   Original UID: 174715 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2013 July 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee -vs- County of Peoria and Sheriff of Peoria County: On October 18, 2012, the Policemen's Benevolent Labor Committee (Petitioner) filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin Code Part 1200 through 1240, requesting a determination as to whether three proposals offered by the County of Peoria and Sheriff of Peoria County (Employer) during negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement were mandatory subjects of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2010), (Act), as amended. The Employer did not join in the request for a declaratory ruling. Both parties filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  07-02-2013 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-13-002 
 ISL ID:  000000053439   Original UID: 174716 FIRST WORD: Decisions 


Decisions and Opinions of the Illinois State Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2012 September 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  OSchaumburg Professional Firefighters Association, IAFF, Local 4092 -vs- Village of Schaumburg: n July 13, 2012, the Schaumburg Professional Firefighters Association, IAFF, Local 4092 (IAFF) and the Village of Schaumburg (Village) joinly filed with the General Counsel of the Illinois Labor Relations Board a Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 1200.143 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code Parts 1200 through 1240. The parties are requesting a determination as to whether their bargaining proposals with respect to job descriptions and an entire agreement provision are mandatory of permissive subjects of bargaining within the meaning of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2010)(Act). Both the IAFF and the Village filed timely briefs. 
 Date Created:  10-02-2012 
 Agency ID:  Case No. S-DR-13-001 
 ISL ID:  000000053440   Original UID: 174717 FIRST WORD: Decisions 
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