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Illinois State Geological Survey in Organization [X]
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Annual Report for Active IDOT Wetland Compensation and Hydrologic Monitoring Sites (3)
Annual report for active IDOT wetland compensation and hydrologic monitoring sites September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009 (1)
Annual report for active IDOT wetland compensation and hydrologic monitoring sites: (1)
Aquifer sensitivity to contamination, Kane County, Illinois (1)
Assessment of the geology and hydrogeology of two sites for a proposed large dairy facility in Jo Daviess County near Nora, IL (1)
Bedrock Geology (1)
Bedrock Geology of Carrier Mills Quadrangle, Williamson and Saline Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Fishhook Quadrangle, Adams, Brown, and Pike Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Harrisburg Quadrangle, Saline County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Kane County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Kellerville Quadrangle, Adams and Brown Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Mt. Pleasant Quadrangle, Union and Johnson Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Murphysboro Quadrangle, Jackson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Pomona Quadrangle, Jackson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Vergennes Quadrangle, Perry and Jackson Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock Geology of Welge Quadrangle, Randolph and Jackson Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock geology of Brownfield quadrangle, Massac and Pope Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock geology of Elsah Quadrangle, Jersey and Madison Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock geology of Oraville Quadrangle, Jackson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock geology of Valmeyer quadrangle, Monroe County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of .... (1)
Bedrock topography of Coumbia Quadrangle, Monroe and St. Clair Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of Elgin Quadrangle, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of Murphysboro Quadrangle, Jackson County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of Oak Hill Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of Renault Quadrangle, Monroe County, Illinois (1)
Bedrock topography of Waterloo Quadrangle, Monroe County, Illinois (2)
Bedrock topography of the Middle Illinois River Valley : Bureau, Marshall, Peoria, Putnam, and Woodford counties, Illinois (1)
Chemical and isotopic database for McHenry County study on groundwater quality and land use (1)
Coal Industry in Illinois (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Campus Quadrangle, Livingston, Grundy and Kankakee Counties (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Cooksville quadrangle, McLean County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Essex quadrangle, in Grundy, Kankakee and Will Counties (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Colfax Quadrangle, McLean County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Danville Northwest Quadrangle, Vermilion County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Danville Southeast, Vermilion County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Danville Southwest Quadrangle, Vermilion County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Harco Quadrangle, Williamson and Saline Counties (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Herrin Quadrangle, Franklin and Williamson Counties (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Kinsman Quadrangle, Grundy and La Salle Counties (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Mazon Quadrangle, Grundy County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Millstadt Quadrangle, St. Clair County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. New Haven Southwest Quadrangle, Gallatin County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Oakwood Quadrangle, Vermilion County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Rudement Quadrangle, Saline County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Shawneetown Quadrangle, Gallatin County (1)
Coal Mines in Illinois. Stavanger Quadrangle, Grundy, Kendall and La Salle Counties (1)
Data Point Locations of Elgin Quadrangle, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois (1)
Data point locations of Hampshire Quadrangle, DeKalb and Kane Counties, Illinois (1)
Database for Estimating Background and Threshold Nitrate Concentrations Using Probability Graphs (1)
Database for the chemical and isotopic composition of the Illinois River Basin, Illinois (2003-2005) (1)
Deglacial history and paleoenvironments of northeastern Illinois: 54th Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference (1)
Distribution of surficial eolian and outwash sand deposits, Bureau County, Illinois (1)
Distribution of surficial eolian and outwash sand deposits, Lee County, Illinois (1)
Drift Thickness of Elgin Quadrangle, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois (1)
Drift Thickness of Oak Hill Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Four Months a Prisoner of War in 1945 (1)
Geologic cross sections, Kane County, Illinois (1)
Geology of Bandana Quadrangle, Pulaski and Massac Counties, Illinois (1)
Geology of Cairo quadrangle, Alexander and Pulaski Counties, Illinois (1)
Geology of Cypress Quadrangle, Union, Johnson, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois (1)
Geology of Joppa Quadrangle, Massac County, Illinois (1)
Geology of Karnak Quadrangle, Johnson, Pulaski, and Massac Counties, Illinois (1)
Geology of Olmsted Quadrangle, Pulaski County, Illinois (1)
Geology of the Mackinaw River watershed, McLean, Woodford, and Tazewell Counties, Illinois (1)
Green Creek Potential Wetland Compensation Site: Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report (1)
Groundwater flow modeling as a tool to understand watershed geology: Blackberry Creek watershed, Kane and Kendall Counties, Illinois (2)
Groundwater quality of springs and wells of the Sinkhole Plain in southwestern Illinois: Determination of the dominant sources of nitrate (1)
Guide to the Geology of Cave-in-Rock Area, Hardin County, Illinois (1)
Guide to the Geology of Moraine Hills, Glacial Park, and Volo Bog Areas, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois (1)
Guide to the geology of Pere Marquette State Park and surrounding area, Jersey and Madison Counties, Illinois (1)
Guide to the geology of the Garden of the Gods Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, Saline, Gallatin, Pope, and Hardin Counties, Illinois (2)
Hydrogeologic characterization of the former fish farm at Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, Du Page County, Illinois (1)
Illinois State Geological Survey Annual Report (1)
Illinois State Geological Survey Annual Report 2006 (2)
Illinois State Geological Survey Annual Report 2007 (1)
Illinois State Geological Survey Annual Report 2008 (1)
Illinois' Ice Age Legacy (1)
Impact of carbon dioxide sequestration on reservoir brine composition at an enhanced oil recovery site in Fayette County, Illinois (2)
Kane County water resources investigations (1)
Kane County water resources investigations: final report on geologic investigations (1)
Kane County water resources investigations: interim report on geologic investigations (1)
Kane County water resources investigations: interim report on three-dimensional geologic modeling (1)
Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: Morris Wetland Bank Site, Grundy County, Illinois (1)
Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: Potential Wetland Compensation Site 6W, West Freeport Bypass, Stephenson County, Illinois (1)
Level II Hydrogeologic Characterization Report: Sugar Camp Creek Potential Wetland Compensation Site (1)
Level II hydrogeologic characterization report: East Cape Girardeau wetland mitigation site (2)
Major Quaternary Aquifers, Kane County, Illinois (1)
Make No Little Plans: Field Trip Guidebook for the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association 2008 National Conference (1)
Manufacturing bricks with fly ash and advanced coal combustion by-products (1)
Mine Subsidence in Illinois: Facts for Homeowners (1)
Mined-out areas, 7.5' quadrangles June 2006 (1)
Photographic history of coal mining practices in Illinois (1)
Planned Coal Mine Subsidence in Illinois: A Public Information Booklet (1)
Potential soil cleanup objectives for nitrogen-containing fertilizers at agrichemical facilities (1)
Quaternary Deposits and History of the Ancient Mississippi River Valley, North-Central Illinois (1)
Resource assessment and production testing for coalbed methane in Illinois (1)
Sinkhole density and distribution of Cahokia Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois (1)
Sinkhole distribution and density (1)
Sinkhole distribution and density of Columbia Quadrangle, Monroe and St. Clair Counties, Illinois (1)
Sinkhole distribution and density of Renault Quadrangle, Monroe County, Illinois (1)
Sinkhole distribution and density of Waterloo Quadrangle, Monroe County, Illinois (1)
Soils and Parent Materials (1)
Soils and Parent Materials of Dunlap Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Soils and Parent Materials of Oak Hill Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology (1)
Surficial Geology of Ames Quadrangle, Monroe and Randolph Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Chillicothe Quadrangle, Peoria, Marshall, and Woodford Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Dunlap Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Elgin Quadrangle, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Grantfork Quadrangle, Madison County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Hampshire Quadrangle, DeKalb and Kane Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Lacon Quadrangle, Marshall County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Madison County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Mascoutah Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois (4)
Surficial Geology of Monks Mound Quadrangle, Madison and St. Clair Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Oak Hill Quadrangle, Peoria County, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois (2)
Surficial Geology of Putnam Quadrangle, Bureau, Putnam, and Marshall Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial Geology of Welge quadrangle, Randolph and Jackson Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial geology of Columbia Quadrangle, Monroe and St. Clair Counties, Illinois (1)
Surficial geology of New Athens East Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois (1)
The Chicago River - a legacy of glacial and coastal processes. Guidebook for the 2009 Meeting of the North-Central Section of the Geological society of America, Rockford, Illinois, April 2-4, 2009 (1)
The Upper Mississippi Valley lead-zinc district revisited: mining history, geology, reclamation, and environmental issues thirty years after the last mine closed. (1)
The late-glacial and early holocene geology, paleoecology, and paleohydrology of the Brewster Creek site, a proposed wetland restoration site, Pratt's Wayne Woods Forest Preserve, and James (1)
The proximity of underground mines to urban and developed lands in Illinois (1)
Three-dimensional geologic model, Kane County, Illinois (1)
Three-dimensional geological mapping : workshop extended abstracts, 2009 annual meeting, Geological Society of America, Portland, Oregon --- October 17, 2009 (1)
Illinois State Geological Survey[X]
000000030366 (2)
000000030368 (2)
000000030369 (2)
000000030370 (2)
000000030372 (2)


Surficial Geology of Mascoutah Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (2 sheets) and report, revised from 2008, describes the surficial geology of the Mascoutah Quadrangle, St. Clair County. Economic resources, including sand and gravel and groundwater and environmental hazards, including groundwater contamination, subsidence over mined-out areas and seismic hazards are discussed. 
 Date Created:  01 12 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Mascoutah-SG revision 
 ISL ID:  000000030372   Original UID: 14274 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) of the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Crab Orchard Lake-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030373   Original UID: 14275 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of the Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Crab Orchard-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030374   Original UID: 14276 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary depposits, of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Herrin-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030375   Original UID: 14278 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary deposits, of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Johnston City-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030376   Original UID: 14279 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Marion-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030377   Original UID: 14280 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Pittsburg-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030378   Original UID: 14281 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Groundwater flow modeling as a tool to understand watershed geology: Blackberry Creek watershed, Kane and Kendall Counties, Illinois

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The purpose of the project was 1) to develop a model of shallow groundwater and surface water flow for a watershed and 2) to demonstrate the utility of analytic element modeling to test conceptual models developed from geologic modeling. 
 Date Created:  06 25 2010 
 Agency ID:  Circular 576 
 ISL ID:  000000030369   Original UID: 14270 FIRST WORD: Groundwater 


Guide to the geology of the Garden of the Gods Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, Saline, Gallatin, Pope, and Hardin Counties, Illinois

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This geological science field trip describes the geology, landscape, and mineral resources for parts of Gallatin, Hardin, Pope, and Saline Counties, Illinos. The Garden of the Gods Recreation Area, located in the Driftless Area of southern Illinois, is one of the most highly faulted and geologically complex areas of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  05 14 2010 
 Agency ID:  Field Trip Guidebook 2009-B 
 ISL ID:  000000030370   Original UID: 14272 FIRST WORD: Guide 


Impact of carbon dioxide sequestration on reservoir brine composition at an enhanced oil recovery site in Fayette County, Illinois

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This report describes a field-scale enhanced oil recovery project in the Illinois Basin. The goal was to demonstrate that mature Illinois oil reservoirs can provide a reservoir for carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. 
 Date Created:  01 20 2010 
 Agency ID:  OFS 2010-1 
 ISL ID:  000000030366   Original UID: 14267 FIRST WORD: Impact 


Level II hydrogeologic characterization report: East Cape Girardeau wetland mitigation site

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Hydrogeologic characterization of a site in East Cape Girardeau for a potential wetland mitigation site. 
 Date Created:  11 19 2010 
 Agency ID:  OFS 2010-3 
 ISL ID:  000000030368   Original UID: 14269 FIRST WORD: Level 


Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) of the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Crab Orchard Lake Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Crab Orchard Lake-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030373   Original UID: 14275 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of the Crab Orchard Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Crab Orchard-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030374   Original UID: 14276 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary depposits, of Herrin Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Herrin-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030375   Original UID: 14278 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary deposits, of Johnston City Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Johnston City-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030376   Original UID: 14279 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Marion Quadrangle, Williamson County. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Marion-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030377   Original UID: 14280 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Mascoutah Quadrangle, St. Clair County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (2 sheets) and report, revised from 2008, describes the surficial geology of the Mascoutah Quadrangle, St. Clair County. Economic resources, including sand and gravel and groundwater and environmental hazards, including groundwater contamination, subsidence over mined-out areas and seismic hazards are discussed. 
 Date Created:  01 12 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Mascoutah-SG revision 
 ISL ID:  000000030372   Original UID: 14274 FIRST WORD: Surficial 


Surficial Geology of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2010  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Map (1 sheet) describes the surficial geology, Quaternary and Pennsylvanian deposits, of Pittsburg Quadrangle, Williamson and Franklin Counties, Illinois. 
 Date Created:  08 02 2010 
 Agency ID:  IGQ Pittsburg-SG 
 ISL ID:  000000030378   Original UID: 14281 FIRST WORD: Surficial 
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