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Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity[X]
000000000706 (1)
000000039275 (1)
000000039369 (1)
000000058809 (1)
000000074175 (1)


Restaurant Start-Up Profile

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This guide grew out of requests by community leaders for assistance in determining whether a restaurant might be viable in their town and was prepared under contract with the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University in a cooperative endeavor with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity DCEO . It is a resource to facilitate the start-up process for a restaurant and to help existing restaurant owners make decisions about expansion. 
 Date Created:  09 23 1999 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000000706   Original UID: 756 FIRST WORD: Restaurant 


Restaurant Equipment Company Edward Don Expanding in Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2011 October 31 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Director Warren Ribley today announced that family-owned restaurant equipment distributor Edward Don and Company is investing $24.8 million to open a new corporate office and Midwest distribution center in Woodridge. The move will create and retain 400 Illinois jobs and strengthen the Northeast Illinois economy. 
 Date Created:  10 31 2011 
 Agency ID:  1222**11 
 ISL ID:  000000039275   Original UID: 19850 FIRST WORD: Restaurant 


Renewal of Chicago Fire and Chicago PD means jobs for Illinoisans, film office says

 Volume/Number:  2014 March 20 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press release: The Illinois Film Office said today that NBCs decision to renew the TV programs Chicago Fire and Chicago PD for another season will provide an important boost to the states economy. Both of the hit shows are filmed in Chicago. 
 Date Created:  03-20-2014 
 Agency ID:  297**14 
 ISL ID:  000000058809   Original UID: 180031 FIRST WORD: Renewal 


Rural Illinois Telecommunications Companies Awarded $71.6 Million in Federal Broadband Funding

 Volume/Number:  2011 November 14 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Director Warren Ribley today announced that four Illinois telephone utilities have been awarded $71.6 million in federal grants through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to build, expand and improve broadband in their rural service territories. Illinois received the highest number of awards this grant period. 
 Date Created:  11 14 2011 
 Agency ID:  1273**11 
 ISL ID:  000000039369   Original UID: 19947 FIRST WORD: Rural 


Report to the Illinois General Assembly: 2018 First Stop Business Information Center

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Annual Report on First Stop for 2018 
 Date Created:  02-27-2015 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000074175   Original UID: 191147 FIRST WORD: Report 


Report to the Restore Illinois Collaborative Commission

 Volume/Number:  2020 November 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Restore Illinois Collaborative Commission Report 
 Date Created:  07-01-2020 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000086964   Original UID: 197925 FIRST WORD: Report 


Report to the 101st General Assembly: Cannabis Social Equity Program

 Volume/Number:  2021 January 1 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Loans and Grants to Social Equity Applicant Report 
 Date Created:  01-01-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000088008   Original UID: 198986 FIRST WORD: Report 


Report to the Illinois General Assembly: Small Business Incubator Program annual report, FY 2020

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Small Business Incubator Annual Report 
 Date Created:  12-19-2018 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000088036   Original UID: 199019 FIRST WORD: Report 


Reports to the 101st General Assembly: Cannabis Social Equity Program

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Loans and Grants to Social Equity Applicant Report 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000088948   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Reports 


Report to the Illinois General Assembly: 2020 Angel Investment Tax Credit Program

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Angel Investment Program Report 
 Date Created:  03-01-2015 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000089289   Original UID: 200349 FIRST WORD: Report 


Report to the Restore Illinois Collaborative Commission

 Volume/Number:  2021 September 15 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Restore Illinois Collaborative Commission Report 
 Date Created:  07-01-2020 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000092578   Original UID: 203076 FIRST WORD: Report