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000000030075 (2)
000000030078 (2)
000000030133 (2)
000000030135 (2)
000000030137 (2)


Nominations Still Needed for Governors Health and Safety Award

 Volume/Number:  2020 January 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press release: The deadline January 31 is fast approaching to nominate someone for the 2020 Governors Award for Health and Safety. 
 Date Created:  01-17-2020 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000087834   Original UID: 198810 FIRST WORD: Nominations 


Nominations Now Open for Illinoisan of the Day Recognition to be Awarded Throughout Illinois State Fair

 Volume/Number:  2021 June 22 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois State Fair Museum Foundation today announced they are seeking individuals to spotlight during the Illinois State Fair as an Illinoisan of the Day. 
 Date Created:  06-22-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000091854   Original UID: 202315 FIRST WORD: Nominations 


Nominations Due by June 1 for Senior Illinoisan Hall of Fame

 Volume/Number:  2022 May 11 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is reminding residents about the upcoming deadline to submit nominations for the Senior Illinoisan Hall of Fame. 
 Date Created:  05-11-2022 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000105916   Original UID: 212644 FIRST WORD: Nominations 


Nomination Deadline Approaching for Senior Illinoisan Hall of Fame Awards

 Volume/Number:  2023 May 3 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is reminding residents of the upcoming June 1 nomination deadline for the Senior Illinoisan Hall of Fame awards, open to adults aged 65 and older who excel in the categories of community service, education, performance and/or graphic arts, and the labor force. 
 Date Created:  05-03-2023 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000109148   Original UID: 216124 FIRST WORD: Nomination 


Nominations for Senior Hall of Fame Awards Due August 20

 Volume/Number:  2012 August 1 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) Director John K. Holton, Ph.D., is reminding people about the fast approaching deadline to nominate seniors, ages 65 years and older, for the 2012 Illinois Senior Hall of Fame. For consideration, nomination forms must be postmarked or faxed by Monday, August 20, 2012. 
 Date Created:  08 01 2012 
 Agency ID:  851**12 
 ISL ID:  000000044594   Original UID: 24090 FIRST WORD: Nominations 


Northwest suburban residents at risk of foreclosure

 Volume/Number:  2010 August 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Scores of homeowners expected at Bensenvilles Fenton High School for workshops designed to help prevent foreclosure 
 Date Created:  08 27 2010 
 Agency ID:  1023**10 
 ISL ID:  000000029440   Original UID: 13913 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest suburban residents at risk of foreclosure to receive free state assistance this Saturday

 Volume/Number:  2011 June 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  CHICAGO Officials from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), and local elected officials will be available to discuss the latest developments regarding the foreclosure crisis that continues to plague Illinois homeowners. 
 Date Created:  06 17 2011 
 Agency ID:  710**11 
 ISL ID:  000000036403   Original UID: 17522 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Illinois Sees Increase in Economic Impact of Tourism in 2010

 Volume/Number:  2011 August 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), Office of Tourism recently released numbers that highlight the success the northwest Illinois tourism industry experienced in 2010. 
 Date Created:  08 17 2011 
 Agency ID:  937**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037577   Original UID: 18488 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Rockford Area of Fuel Contaminated Groundwater

 Volume/Number:  2011 October 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Winnebago County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) worked together to collect samples from private wells in the area on three occasions during June, August and September after being informed of fuel-like odors from private well water. Contaminants discovered in some private wells are from a family of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are commonly found in fuels such as gasoline, diesel and home heating fuel. The most recent set of well water samples was taken on September 14, 2011. Twenty-five wells have been tested in all, some more than once. The larger image referenced in the fact sheet will be included in a separate pdf attachment. 
 Date Created:  05 24 2012 
 Agency ID:  Fact Sheet #1 
 ISL ID:  000000042439   Original UID: 21964 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Side Homeowners at Risk of Foreclosure to Receive Free State Assistance

 Volume/Number:  2012 July 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Officials from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), and local elected officials will be available to discuss the latest developments regarding the housing crisis, its impact on Chicago residents, and how the Illinois Foreclosure Prevention Networkincluding todays Mortgage Relief Project outreach eventis helping Northwest Side homeowners. 
 Date Created:  07 27 2012 
 Agency ID:  826**12 
 ISL ID:  000000044578   Original UID: 24074 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Illinois Sees Increase in Economic Impact of Tourism in 2010

 Volume/Number:  2011 August 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), Office of Tourism recently released numbers that highlight the success the northwest Illinois tourism industry experienced in 2010. 
 Date Created:  08 17 2011 
 Agency ID:  937**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037577   Original UID: 18488 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest suburban residents at risk of foreclosure to receive free state assistance this Saturday

 Volume/Number:  2011 June 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  CHICAGO Officials from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), and local elected officials will be available to discuss the latest developments regarding the foreclosure crisis that continues to plague Illinois homeowners. 
 Date Created:  06 17 2011 
 Agency ID:  710**11 
 ISL ID:  000000036403   Original UID: 17522 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Rockford Area of Fuel Contaminated Groundwater

 Volume/Number:  2011 October 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Winnebago County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) worked together to collect samples from private wells in the area on three occasions during June, August and September after being informed of fuel-like odors from private well water. Contaminants discovered in some private wells are from a family of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are commonly found in fuels such as gasoline, diesel and home heating fuel. The most recent set of well water samples was taken on September 14, 2011. Twenty-five wells have been tested in all, some more than once. The larger image referenced in the fact sheet will be included in a separate pdf attachment. 
 Date Created:  05 24 2012 
 Agency ID:  Fact Sheet #1 
 ISL ID:  000000042439   Original UID: 21964 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Northwest Side Homeowners at Risk of Foreclosure to Receive Free State Assistance

 Volume/Number:  2012 July 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Officials from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), and local elected officials will be available to discuss the latest developments regarding the housing crisis, its impact on Chicago residents, and how the Illinois Foreclosure Prevention Networkincluding todays Mortgage Relief Project outreach eventis helping Northwest Side homeowners. 
 Date Created:  07 27 2012 
 Agency ID:  826**12 
 ISL ID:  000000044578   Original UID: 24074 FIRST WORD: Northwest 


Nearly 27,000 Eligible Students Denied Map In First Month Of Award Suspension

 Volume/Number:  2010 May 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) announced that through May 20, it has received nearly 27,000 eligible Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant applications since the agency began denying eligible applicants due to exhaustion of anticipated funds on Monday, April 19. 
 Date Created:  05 27 2010 
 Agency ID:  610**10 
 ISL ID:  000000029067   Original UID: 13526 FIRST WORD: Nearly 


Nearly $525,000 in Veterans Cash lottery proceeds awarded to schools, groups to support Illinois veterans

 Volume/Number:  2011 September 1 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) today announced $524,925 in grants from Veterans Cash scratch-off lottery ticket sales to help nine colleges and non-profits deliver rehabilitative programs and other services for Illinois veterans. 
 Date Created:  09 01 2011 
 Agency ID:  1014**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037805   Original UID: 18708 FIRST WORD: Nearly 


Nearly 60,000 Illinois Residents Already Registered for Great Central U.S. ShakeOut

 Volume/Number:  2011 December 15 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  On Dec. 16, 1811, a massive earthquake along the New Madrid Seismic Zone rocked the Central U.S. and was felt as far away as the East Coast. Two hundred years later, people throughout the Midwest are taking steps to prepare for a possible major earthquake in the region. 
 Date Created:  01 15 2011 
 Agency ID:  1399**11 
 ISL ID:  000000039719   Original UID: 20243 FIRST WORD: Nearly 


Nearly 500,000 Illinois Residents Participate in the Second Annual Great Central U.S. ShakeOut

 Volume/Number:  2012 February 7 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Nearly 500,000 Illinois residents from around the state registered to participate in The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut, which took place Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. Schools in Lincoln and Chatham in Central Illinois were among the more than 500 schools that registered to participate in the ShakeOut drill. Video of students participating in the drill and sound bites from Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Director Jonathon Monken are included on this uplink feed. 
 Date Created:  02 07 2012 
 Agency ID:  113**12 
 ISL ID:  000000041305   Original UID: 21166 FIRST WORD: Nearly 


Nearly $478,000 in Veterans Cash lottery proceeds awarded to 10 groups to support Illinois veterans

 Volume/Number:  2012 March 19 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  SPRINGFIELD The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) today announced $477,752 in grants from Veterans Cash scratch-off lottery ticket sales to help 10 non-profits deliver specialized programs and services for Illinois veterans. 
 Date Created:  03 19 2012 
 Agency ID:  243**12 
 ISL ID:  000000041769   Original UID: 21567 FIRST WORD: Nearly 


Nearly 200 Illinois Responders Participating in Multi-State Earthquake Exercise June 16-20

 Volume/Number:  2014 June 16 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois and several other Central U.S. states will join federal agencies, volunteer organizations and the private sector in a large-scale earthquake exercise June 16-20. The exercise will test state, regional and national response and recovery capabilities for a major earthquake in the New Madrid and Wabash Valley seismic zones. 
 Date Created:  06-16-2014 
 Agency ID:  698**14 
 ISL ID:  000000053387   Original UID: 174658 FIRST WORD: Nearly 
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