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Illinois Department on Aging[X]
000000034185 (2)
000000037512 (2)
000000039260 (2)
000000000303 (1)
000000020088 (1)


FY2015 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Public Act 93-0484 amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the state of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meals report with the General Assembly each year. 
 Date Created:  01-30-2015 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000054438   Original UID: 174298 FIRST WORD: FY2015 


FY2017 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Public Act 93-0484 amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the state of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. 
 Date Created:  01-31-2017 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000059464   Original UID: 180766 FIRST WORD: FY2017 


FY2019 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This report provides information on the Home Delivered Meals program. It provides information on nutrition sites that provides meals to seniors in Illinois and also provides information on service providers, background and analysis, underserved and unserved populations, fiscal impact and recommendations. 
 Date Created:  0-25-2019 
 Agency ID:  IL 402 1273 
 ISL ID:  000000073063   Original UID: 190581 FIRST WORD: FY2019 


FY2020 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This report provides information on the Home Delivered Meals Program. It provides information on nutrition sites that provide meals to seniors in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  01-01-2020 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000082726   Original UID: 195422 FIRST WORD: FY2020 


FY2021 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Home Delivered Meals Report outlines requirements needed to provide services to the older Illinois population 
 Date Created:  03-08-2021 
 Agency ID:  IL-402-1273 
 ISL ID:  000000089536   Original UID: 200642 FIRST WORD: FY2021 


FY2022 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Home Delivered Meals Report details the need for nutrition services for older adults throughout Illinois. 
 Date Created:  02-17-2022 
 Agency ID:  IL-402-1273 
 ISL ID:  000000095903   Original UID: 204841 FIRST WORD: FY2022 


FY2018 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This report provides information for the previous year regarding the nutrition services provided by the Home Delivered Meals Program. 
 Date Created:  02-01-2018 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000065460   Original UID: 183329 FIRST WORD: FY2018 


FY2023 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Pursuant to Public Act 93-0484, Section 4.07 to the Illinois Act on Aging, the Illinois Department on Aging must file an annual home delivered meals report with the General Assembly. 
 Date Created:  03-24-2024 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000102964   Original UID: 209119 FIRST WORD: FY2023 


FY2023 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Home Delivered Meals Annual Report details the need for nutrition services for older adults in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  02-26-2024 
 Agency ID:  IL-402-1273 
 ISL ID:  000000106462   Original UID: 212790 FIRST WORD: FY2023 


Fact Sheet: Resident Councils in Nursing Homes

 Volume/Number:  2018 November 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Resident Councils in Nursing Home Fact Sheet defines what comprises of a nursing home resident council, what it accomplishes and explains their right to meet as a council, and how one should be organized. 
 Date Created:  11-16-2018 
 Agency ID:  IL-402-1375 
 ISL ID:  000000106909   Original UID: 213441 FIRST WORD: Fact 


Family Councils in Long-Term Care Facilities

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  A family council is an independent group of families and friends of residents who protects and improves the quality of life for residents and provides a voice in decisions that affect their loved ones. Families are guaranteed the right to form and hold regular meetings of a family council in the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law. 
 Date Created:  01 13 2004 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000000303   Original UID: 317 FIRST WORD: Family 


Family Councils in Long-term Care Facilities: Illinois Long Term Care Ombudsman Program: protecting, advocating and promoting the right of residents in long-term care facilities

 Volume/Number:  2009 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Contains information regarding the Illinois Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, with relation to Family Councils. Explains Family Councils, long-term care residents rights, how to set up a Family Council and how families and residents benefit. 
 Date Created:  03 11 2009 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000020088   Original UID: 10394 FIRST WORD: Family 


Family Councils in Long-Term Care Facilities

 Volume/Number:  2017  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program's Family Councils brochure outlines the importance and benefits of and steps to organize these family support groups to address concerns and needs of a loved one residing in a long-term care facility. 
 Date Created:  05-17-2017 
 Agency ID:  IOCI17-0290 
 ISL ID:  000000108832   Original UID: 215788 FIRST WORD: Family 


Fun, Free and Informative Activities for Seniors and Their Families at the Illinois State Fair

 Volume/Number:  2011 August 12 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Attendees 60 years of age and older will be admitted free to the State Fair on Monday August 15, for Senior Day. Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is hosting activities for seniors and their families during the Illinois State Fair, which runs August 12 - 21. The department has a lineup of special events in the senior center, which is in the air conditioned setting of the Illinois Building, located near the main gate of the fairgrounds. (A full list of IDoA State Fair activities is attached.) 
 Date Created:  08 12 2011 
 Agency ID:  905**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037512   Original UID: 18430 FIRST WORD: Fun, 


Fun, Free and Informative Activities for Seniors and Their Families at the Illinois State Fair

 Volume/Number:  2011 August 12 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Attendees 60 years of age and older will be admitted free to the State Fair on Monday August 15, for Senior Day. Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is hosting activities for seniors and their families during the Illinois State Fair, which runs August 12 - 21. The department has a lineup of special events in the senior center, which is in the air conditioned setting of the Illinois Building, located near the main gate of the fairgrounds. (A full list of IDoA State Fair activities is attached.) 
 Date Created:  08 12 2011 
 Agency ID:  905**11 
 ISL ID:  000000037512   Original UID: 18430 FIRST WORD: Fun, 


Free Tax Preparation Assistance Available Throughout Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2020 March 10 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Low-to-moderate income families and senior citizens needing assistance filing their 2019 income taxes can receive free help through several trusted programs across the State of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  03-10-2020 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000088031   Original UID: 199014 FIRST WORD: Free 


Free Tax Preparation Assistance Available Throughout Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2021 March 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Press Release: Low-to-moderate income families and older Illinoisans needing assistance filing their 2020 individual income taxes can receive free help through several trusted programs across the State of Illinois. 
 Date Created:  03-02-2021 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000089880   Original UID: 201010 FIRST WORD: Free 


FY 2011 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This annual report is in accordance with Public Act 93-0484, which amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the State of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. At a minimum, the report must include the following information: Estimates, by county, of citizens denied service due to insufficient funds during the preceding fiscal year and the potential impact on service delivery of any additional funds appropriated for the current fiscal year Outlined on Pages 15 - 21 of the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . Geographic areas and special populations unserved and underserved in the preceding fiscal year Outlined on Pages 25 - 37 of the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . Estimates of additional funds needed to permit the full funding of the program and the statewide provision of services in the next fiscal year, including staffing and equipment needed to prepare and deliver meals. Outlined on Page 38 of the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . Recommendations for increasing the amount of federal funding captured for the program. Outlined on Page 56 of the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . Recommendations for serving unserved and underserved areas and special populations, to include rural areas, dietetic meals, weekend meals, and two or more meals per day. Outlined on Pages 56 - 59 of the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . Any other information needed to assist the General Assembly and the Illinois Council on Aging in developing a plan to address unserved and underserved areas of the State Outlined throughout the FY 2011 Home Delivered Meal Report . 
 Date Created:  01 2011 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000034185   Original UID: 15719 FIRST WORD: FY 


FY 2012 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This annual report is in accordance with Public Act 93-0484, which amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the State of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. At a minimum, the report must include the following information: Estimates, by county, of citizens denied service due to insufficient funds during the preceding fiscal year and the potential impact on service delivery of any additional funds appropriated for the current fiscal year Outlined on Pages 15 - 22 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Geographic areas and special populations unserved and underserved in the preceding fiscal year Outlined on Pages 24 - 36 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Estimates of additional funds needed to permit the full funding of the program and the statewide provision of services in the next fiscal year, including staffing and equipment needed to prepare and deliver meals. Outlined on Page 41 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Recommendations for increasing the amount of federal funding captured for the program. Outlined on Page 50 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Recommendations for serving unserved and underserved areas and special populations, to include rural areas, dietetic meals, weekend meals, and two or more meals per day. Outlined on Pages 50 - 53 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Any other information needed to assist the General Assembly and the Illinois Council on Aging in developing a plan to address unserved and underserved areas of the State Outlined throughout the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. 
 Date Created:  01 2012 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000039260   Original UID: 19724 FIRST WORD: FY 


FY 2013 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This annual report is in accordance with Public Act 93-0484, which amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the state of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home-delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. 
 Date Created:  01 14 2013 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000046185   Original UID: 25732 FIRST WORD: FY 
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