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FY 2012 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This annual report is in accordance with Public Act 93-0484, which amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the State of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. At a minimum, the report must include the following information: Estimates, by county, of citizens denied service due to insufficient funds during the preceding fiscal year and the potential impact on service delivery of any additional funds appropriated for the current fiscal year Outlined on Pages 15 - 22 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Geographic areas and special populations unserved and underserved in the preceding fiscal year Outlined on Pages 24 - 36 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Estimates of additional funds needed to permit the full funding of the program and the statewide provision of services in the next fiscal year, including staffing and equipment needed to prepare and deliver meals. Outlined on Page 41 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Recommendations for increasing the amount of federal funding captured for the program. Outlined on Page 50 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Recommendations for serving unserved and underserved areas and special populations, to include rural areas, dietetic meals, weekend meals, and two or more meals per day. Outlined on Pages 50 - 53 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Any other information needed to assist the General Assembly and the Illinois Council on Aging in developing a plan to address unserved and underserved areas of the State Outlined throughout the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. 
 Date Created:  01 2012 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000039260   Original UID: 19724 FIRST WORD: FY 


FY 2012 Home Delivered Meals Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This annual report is in accordance with Public Act 93-0484, which amended the Illinois Act on the Aging to state: Every citizen of the State of Illinois who qualifies for home-delivered meals under the federal Older Americans Act shall be provided services, subject to appropriation. These amendments also require the Illinois Department on Aging to file a home delivered meal report with the General Assembly each year. At a minimum, the report must include the following information: Estimates, by county, of citizens denied service due to insufficient funds during the preceding fiscal year and the potential impact on service delivery of any additional funds appropriated for the current fiscal year Outlined on Pages 15 - 22 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Geographic areas and special populations unserved and underserved in the preceding fiscal year Outlined on Pages 24 - 36 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Estimates of additional funds needed to permit the full funding of the program and the statewide provision of services in the next fiscal year, including staffing and equipment needed to prepare and deliver meals. Outlined on Page 41 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Recommendations for increasing the amount of federal funding captured for the program. Outlined on Page 50 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report . Recommendations for serving unserved and underserved areas and special populations, to include rural areas, dietetic meals, weekend meals, and two or more meals per day. Outlined on Pages 50 - 53 of the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. Any other information needed to assist the General Assembly and the Illinois Council on Aging in developing a plan to address unserved and underserved areas of the State Outlined throughout the FY 2012 Home Delivered Meal Report. 
 Date Created:  01 2012 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000039260   Original UID: 19724 FIRST WORD: FY