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000000030104 (2)
000000030105 (2)
000000030134 (2)
000000030438 (2)
000000030440 (2)


End of Session Legislation

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This is a summary of all the 2005 education-related legislation that was signed into law. This legislation effects ISBE, school districts and other education entitities. 
 Date Created:  08 29 2005 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000000187   Original UID: 197 FIRST WORD: End 


Embarras River watershed digital floodplain mapping, Champaign County, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2002  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The project objective was to assimilate the best available data to prepare digital maps of critical riparian corridors and areas at risk of flooding for the upper Embarras River, East Branch Embarras River, and Black Slough in Champaign County. Hydrologic, hydraulic, and digital data defining streams and floodplains were reconciled with digital orthophotos of the Embarras watershed. Using orthophotos as base maps, digital data sets were prepared of streams and rivers and floodplain boundaries expected for a flood having a one percent chance of occurrence in any given year. These maps were developed to provide easy-to-interpret information that identifies areas at risk during flood events. The maps were developed using ESRI ArcGIS 8.1 software and are on the attached CD-ROM in ready-to-print PDF format. The CD-ROM format is compatible with Microsoft Windows Operating System Version 95 or later. The CD-ROM contains the HEC-RAS hydraulic model used to simulate flood elevations, digital coverages used to compose the maps, digital photos of bridge crossings and landscapes of the watershed, and this report. Graphs of channel thalweg and water surface profiles showing the depth of flooding for the biennial flood event (2-year flood) and the one-percent annual chance of occurrence flood (100-year flood) provide additional information. 
 Date Created:  9 7 2005 
 Agency ID:  CR-2002-05 
 ISL ID:  000000000863   Original UID: 999999994343 FIRST WORD: Embarras 


Exemption Change

 Volume/Number:  2005 January 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Information Bulletin pertaining to Form ST-556, for all dealers who file Form ST-556, Sales Tax Transaction Return. State list-FY2005-12, ST-556 Exemption Change (as of February 1, 2005) also attached to file. 
 Date Created:  01 28 2005 
 Agency ID:  FY 2005-13 
 ISL ID:  000000001461   Original UID: 1380 FIRST WORD: Exemption 


Elsbury v. Stann and Assoc.

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Elsbury v. Stann and Assoc. SIXTH DIVISION December 15, 2006 No. 1-05-1620 VICKY ELSBURY, Mother and Next Friend of Jennifer Nicole and Kate Jaclyn, Minor Children of Roger O'Connor, Deceased; and JAMES DOBRY Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. STANN AND ASSOCIATES, ILLINOIS EARTHCARE WORKERS' COMPENSATION TRUST; GROUP SELF INSURERS' INSOLVENCY FUND; THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE, RATE ADJUSTMENT FUND, JUDITH BAAR TOPINKA, Treasurer, State of Illinois, as ex officio guardian of the Illinois Group Workers' Compensation Pool Insolvency Fund, Defendants-Appellants. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County. Nos. 04 CH 259 and 02 L 51371 (consolidated) Honorable Martin S. Agran, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  12 19 2006 
 Agency ID:  1-05-1620 
 ISL ID:  000000001987   Original UID: 1901 FIRST WORD: Elsbury 


Episcope v. Law Offices of Campbell

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Episcope v. Law Offices of Campbell No. 1-05-2329 First Division 2/13/07 PAUL B. EPISCOPE, Ltd., an Illinois Professional Corporation; PAUL B. EPISCOPE, Individually; and JOHN C. ERB, Individually, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. LAW OFFICES OF CAMPBELL AND DI VINCENZO, a Partnership; RICHARD P. CAMPBELL, Individually; and ANTHONY S. DI VINCENZO, Individually, Defendants-Appellees Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County. No. 97 CH 12492 Honorable Mary Anne Mason, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  02 15 2007 
 Agency ID:  Episcope v. Law Offices of Campbell 
 ISL ID:  000000002099   Original UID: 2043 FIRST WORD: Episcope 


Esmail v. The Department of Revenue

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Esmail v. The Department of Revenue No. 2--06--0277 Filed 2-16-07 IN THE APPELLATE COURT OF ILLINOIS SECOND DISTRICT BASIM ESMAIL, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Defendant-Appellee. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Du Page County. No. 05--MR--1056 Honorable Bonnie M. Wheaton, Judge, Presiding. 
 Date Created:  02 21 2007 
 Agency ID:  2-06-0277 
 ISL ID:  000000002157   Original UID: 2092 FIRST WORD: Esmail 


Express Valet v. The City of Chicago

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  First Division May 29, 2007 No. 1-05-3998 EXPRESS VALET, INC., and FRANK ESPOSITO, Petitioners-Appellants, v. THE CITY OF CHICAGO, a Municipal Corporation, Respondent-Appellee. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County 05 MI 450322 03 MI 450989 Honorable Edna M. Turkington, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  05 29 2007 
 Agency ID:  1-05-3998 
 ISL ID:  000000003088   Original UID: 2931 FIRST WORD: Express 


Evaluating Gang and Drug House Abatement in Chicago

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  In November 1996, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) implemented a multi-agency program designed to combat increasing criminal gang and narcotics activity in Chicago. Funded under the U.S. Department of Justices Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Anti- Gang Initiative, and furthering one aspect of the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS), which is CPDs community policing program, several city departments joined forces to execute the Municipal Drug and Gang Enforcement (MDGE) pilot program.The program is a joint effort of the CPD, Chicago Department of Law, Chicago Department of Buildings, and other city departments. This report describes the evaluation methodology developed for the MDGE program, and presents the findings of a process and impact evaluation conducted by theIllinois Criminal Justice Information Authority with whom CPD contracted for this purpose. 
 Date Created:  04 2000 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000003843   Original UID: 3701 FIRST WORD: Evaluating 


Eliminating Illinois' Educational Achievement Gap

 Volume/Number:  2006 March 27 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  An action plan developed from a symposium held on March 27, 2006 sponsored by the Illinois African-American Family Commission and Southern Illinois University Carbondale's Office of the Associate Chancellor for Diversity and the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute. Policy makers, educators and community activists were gathered together to formulate recommendations for eliminating the debilitating disparities in academic performance. 
 Date Created:  10/27/2006 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000004053   Original UID: 3909 FIRST WORD: Eliminating 


Ellison v. Illinois Racing Board

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  FOURTH DIVISION October 11, 2007 No. 1-05-3835 JAMES ELLISON, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. ILLINOIS RACING BOARD; LORNA PROPES, JAMES KANE, LOUISE OSULLIVAN, RALPH GONZALEZ, GENE LAMB, JOSEPH KINDLON JOHN SIMON, J. GERARD PECK and WILLIAM JACKSON, Members of the Illinois Racing Board, in Their Individual and Official Capacities; JACK KUBIK, Executive Director of the Illinois Racing Board; ROBERT MILBURN and BRAD DYE, State Stewards; and BEN WESSELS, Association Steward, in Their Individual and Official Capacities, Defendants-Appellees. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois No. 99 CH 18598 Honorable Anthony Young, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  10 11 2007 
 Agency ID:  1-05-3835 
 ISL ID:  000000004429   Original UID: 4279 FIRST WORD: Ellison 


Emigarnt Mortgage v. Chicago Financial Services

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  FIRST DIVISION OCTOBER 29, 2007 No. 1-06-3341 EMIGRANT MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, v. CHICAGO FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., Defendant-Appellant. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County. No. 03 M1 105022 Honorable Wayne Rhine, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  10 29 2007 
 Agency ID:  1-06-3341 
 ISL ID:  000000004454   Original UID: 4317 FIRST WORD: Emigarnt 


Employ Illinois Veterans

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This brochure describes the several no-cost resources to employers who hire veterans and veterans seeking employment that are offered by the Illinois Department of Employment Security. 
 Date Created:  09 07 2007 
 Agency ID:  SN4079/IlSG08-184 
 ISL ID:  000000008720   Original UID: 5067 FIRST WORD: Employ 


Equistar Chemicals V. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  NO. 4-07-0478 Filed 3/3/08 In the Appellate Court of Illinois, Fourth District, EQUISTAR CHEMICALS, LP, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT, Defendant-Appellee. Appeal from Circuit Court of Douglas County No. 07L11 Honorable Michael G. Carroll, Judge Presiding. 
 Date Created:  03 06 2008 
 Agency ID:  4-07-0478 
 ISL ID:  000000009984   Original UID: 5477 FIRST WORD: Equistar 


Endocrine disruptors strategy

 Volume/Number:  1997 February 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency made a committment to develop a strategy for addressing endocrine disruptors. A number of sources warn of extensive adverse effects from hormone disrupting chemicals. 
 Date Created:  02 1997 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000010182   Original UID: 5594 FIRST WORD: Endocrine 


Engel v. Loyfman

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Sixth Division, June 6, 2008 No. 1-07-1468 SHELDON ENGEL, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. MARSHA LOYFMAN, Defendant-Appellee. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County 06 M1 106381 Honorable Joyce Marie Murphy Gorman, Judge Presiding 
 Date Created:  06 11 2008 
 Agency ID:  1-07-1468 
 ISL ID:  000000011463   Original UID: 6123 FIRST WORD: Engel 


ESL Delivery Services Company v. Delivery Network, Inc.

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  NO. 5-07-0122 In the Appellate Court of Illinois, Fifth District, ESL DELIVERY SERVICES COMPANY, Plaintiff and Counterdefendant-Appellee, v. DELIVERY NETWORK, INC., and FI WAREHOUSE CORPORATION, Defendants and Counterplaintiffs-Appellants. Appeal from the Circuit Court of Madison County. No. 04-L-389 Honorable A. A. Matoesian, Judge, presiding. 
 Date Created:  07 25 2008 
 Agency ID:  5-07-0122 
 ISL ID:  000000013506   Original UID: 7398 FIRST WORD: ESL 


Emmitt G. Rule v. Jewel Food Stores

 Volume/Number:  2007 Jan. 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This is a Notice of No Exceptions and Recommended Order and Decision issued in a race discrimination case where the Complainant failed to appear after stating his wishes to voluntarily dismiss his case. 
 Date Created:  11 20 2008 
 Agency ID:  S11731 
 ISL ID:  000000014482   Original UID: 8037 FIRST WORD: Emmitt 


Ernesto D. Sowell v. Nitro Trucking, Inc.

 Volume/Number:  2007 March 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This is a Notice of No Exceptions and Recommended Order and Decision issued by the Human Rights Commission in a civil rights case where the case was closed for failure to prosecute. 
 Date Created:  11 20 2008 
 Agency ID:  05-224 
 ISL ID:  000000014495   Original UID: 8074 FIRST WORD: Ernesto 


Eighteenth Annual Toxic Chemical Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  A summary of information contained in the Toxic Chemical Report Forms for the calendar year. The Toxic Release Inventory reporting program is required under the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. Covers toxic chemicals with significant human health effects, i.e. which are known or probable human carcinogens, teratogens, fetal toxicants and/or reproductive toxicants. Includes Total Releases and Number of Reporting Facilities For Each County in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  03 12 2007 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000015834   Original UID: 8622 FIRST WORD: Eighteenth 


Eggesiecker Building - Staunton, Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2000 Nov. 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois MAIN STREET Program, through the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, has provided this free design assistance to qualified property/ business owners in the officially designated MAIN STREET project areas. The rendering on this sheet is a conceptual view of the facade renovation based on information supplied to the staff architect. 
 Date Created:  11 30 2004 
 Agency ID:  200073 
 ISL ID:  000000016287   Original UID: 9065 FIRST WORD: Eggesiecker 
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