| 141: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 October 24 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Illinois community colleges continue to experience high enrollments for the fall 2011 semester, according a report released today by the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). | | | Date Created: | 10 24 2011 | | | Agency ID: | 1183**11 | | | ISL ID: | 000000039054 Original UID: 19645 FIRST WORD: Demand | |
142: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 September 12 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois EPA will be at the Chemetco Superfund site in Hartford to oversee the removal of the large manifolds from the roof of the facility. The manifolds gave the foundry its distinctive appearance. This is a major step toward the overall demolition of the facility, which has been an eyesore for many years. The remaining demolition should be completed by the end of the year. | | | Date Created: | 09 12 2011 | | | Agency ID: | 1041**11 | | | ISL ID: | 000000037778 Original UID: 18769 FIRST WORD: Demolition | |
143: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2010 July 13 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) today announced that a dozen diseased and damaged trees are being removed at Illini State Park in an effort to limit the spread of tree diseases at the forested site on the Illinois River. | | | Date Created: | 07 13 2010 | | | Agency ID: | 816**10 | | | ISL ID: | 000000030383 Original UID: 14286 FIRST WORD: Diseased | |
144: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2010 September 10 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is conducting a managed drawdown of the water level at Argyle Lake in an effort to enhance the sport fishery at Argyle Lake State Park. | | | Date Created: | 09 10 2010 | | | Agency ID: | 1093**10 | | | ISL ID: | 000000030915 Original UID: 14471 FIRST WORD: Drawdown | |
145: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Changes for dry cleaning facilities and solvent suppliers become effective January 1, 2010. | | | Date Created: | 01 05 2010 | | | Agency ID: | FY-2010-07 | | | ISL ID: | 000000032347 Original UID: 15059 FIRST WORD: Dry | |
146: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2000 December | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | In late July 2000, an abundance of accidental mercury spills were discovered in a number of homes in the Chicago area. The problem was the result of the removal and replacement of outdated mercury-containing gas regulators. This program deals with the mercury discovery, and the subsequent involvement by the Illinois Department of Public Health, the IEPA and USEPA. 9:56 | | | Date Created: | 03 08 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000040504 Original UID: 20668 FIRST WORD: Dealing | |
147: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 March | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Even after floodwaters recede and the storms have passed debris remains that can cause serious pollution problems and potentially result in ill health effects. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) has developed this fact sheet to outline what you can do to ensure that the waste and debris are disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Please follow these guidelines to dispose of the debris. | | | Date Created: | 03 15 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000041367 Original UID: 21226 FIRST WORD: Debris | |
148: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 March 27 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that a project to remove and replace the Deerfield Road bridge over East Skokie Ditch is scheduled to begin, weather permitting, on Monday, April 2. | | | Date Created: | 03 27 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000042704 Original UID: 22241 FIRST WORD: Deerfield | |
149: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 July 24 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission on Tuesday announced the start of a demonstration project to reduce the recidivism and improve the outcomes of juvenile offenders. The project will provide intensive reintegration services to help youth transition back into their home communities. | | | Date Created: | 07 24 2012 | | | Agency ID: | 803**12 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044550 Original UID: 24048 FIRST WORD: Demonstration | |
150: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2012 June 18 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that Dempster Street will be closed, weather permitting, between Sherman Avenue and Sherman Place in Evanston for approximately five days starting Friday, June 22. | | | Date Created: | 06 18 2012 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000043400 Original UID: 22905 FIRST WORD: Dempster | |
151: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2013 February 8 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) will host a Remembrance Ceremony to honor and remember those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm 22 years ago. | | | Date Created: | 02 08 2013 | | | Agency ID: | 129**13 | | | ISL ID: | 000000045063 Original UID: 26331 FIRST WORD: Desert | |
152: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 1999 December | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Lake Notes is a series of publications produced by the Agency about issues confronting Illinois' lake resources. The objective of these publications is to provide lake and watershed residents with a greater understanding of environmental cause-and-effect relationships, and actions we all can take to protect our lakes. | | | Date Created: | 12 08 2006 | | | Agency ID: | Lake Notes | | | ISL ID: | 000000042836 Original UID: 22396 FIRST WORD: Determining | |
153: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2008 February | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Map of the downtown Springfield and the Springfield area. | | | Date Created: | 10 20 2008 | | | Agency ID: | Com 1.19 | | | ISL ID: | 000000044079 Original UID: 23591 FIRST WORD: Dowtown | |
154: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2013 August | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Proceeds from the sale of these plates will go into the Ducks Unlimited Fund to be used for grants to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. The grants willhelp fund wetland protection, enhancement andrestoration projects in Illinois; education and outreach efforts for the media, volunteers and the general public; and administration of the wetland conservation projects and education program. | | | Date Created: | 07 24 2013 | | | Agency ID: | VSD 862 | | | ISL ID: | 000000047328 Original UID: 169325 FIRST WORD: Ducks | |
155: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2004 October | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report documents the analysis and findings of stage 1 of the TMDL development for water segments within this watershed. Water quality data are gathered by the IEPA, the US Geological Survey, and the USEPA. Illinois is required to identify water bodies that do not meet water quality standards and to determine the Total Maximum Daily Load for pollutants causing the impairment. | | | Date Created: | 03 03 2005 | | | Agency ID: | IEPA/BOW/04-009 | | | ISL ID: | 000000040724 Original UID: 20898 FIRST WORD: Dutchman | |
156: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2023 November 7 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Carl Sandburg Songbag Concert Series will conclude the 2023 season with the Dance Hall Doves on Sunday, Nov. 12 at the Carl Sandburg State Historic Site in Galesburg. | | | Date Created: | 11-07-2023 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000110152 Original UID: 217319 FIRST WORD: Dance | |
157: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2024 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Flyer for program in Illinois State Treasurer's Office | | | Date Created: | 05-07-2024 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000110574 Original UID: 217140 FIRST WORD: Discover | |
158: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2005 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This study provides a scientific basis for developing a classification system in support of nutrient criteria development for streams and rivers based on their susceptibility to algal growth. Those streams having high algal biomass as a result of low nutrient concentration are considered susceptible to algal growth. Conversely, streams having low algal biomass and high nutrient concentration are considered less susceptible to algal growth. The process of setting nutrient criteria is complex due to various designated water uses that require different levels of water-quality protection. That complexity is compounded further by the diversity in habitat conditions. Scientists have found that a stream's response to nutrient enrichment depends on various habitat factors such as water velocity, canopy cover along the streambank, and stream width/depth. Habitat conditions may differ considerably from one reach to another and also from season to season. To account for this spatial and temporal variability, monthly aggregated reach-scale habitat conditions were used to develop the classification system. Algae are either the direct or indirect cause of most problems related to nutrient enrichment. In this study, statistical methods were applied to develop a relationship between algal biomass and nutrients (total nitrogen and total phosphorus). Residuals of the developed relationship were considered to be attributable to stream susceptibility to algal growth. Variability of the residuals (i.e., susceptibility values) then can be explained by habitat conditions. Two sets of monitoring data for Illinois streams and rivers were used to develop the statistical models. The susceptibility-habitat model uses habitat monitoring data to predict stream susceptibility, and classify these streams based on their susceptibility. Eventually, the classification system may be used to develop site-specific nutrient standards based on stream tolerance to nutrients. It also can be used to prioritize streams and rivers for the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and for watershed management purposes. This two-stage model approach was tested on two datasets for Illinois. The Fox River dataset included nine locations on the Fox River in Lake, McHenry, Kane, Kendall, and LaSalle Counties. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) dataset included extensive habitat factors and nutrient data observed at 142 locations on rivers and streams throughout the state. Those data were used to estimate the nonlinear regression model (f1) for calculating susceptibility based on the habitat factors. Validation entailed comparing predicted susceptibility with 'observed' susceptibility calculated as a residual from the nutrients-algal biomass (chlorophyll a) nonlinear regression model (f2). Various combinations of linear or squared inputs were examined for both f1 and f2 models, and those models giving the best-fit statistics were identified. Results show how the proposed two-stage model could be implemented for watershed classification based on stream susceptibility. Longer, more complete datasets will be required in the future to further test the results and to finetune the models, however. | | | Date Created: | 5 10 2005 | | | Agency ID: | CR-2005-02 | | | ISL ID: | 000000000876 Original UID: 999999994451 FIRST WORD: Development | |
159: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2005 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting (CWRF) is the climate extension of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, incorporating all WRF functionalities for numerical weather predictions while enhancing the capability for climate applications. This report focuses on the construction and implementation of surface boundary conditions (SBCs) specifically designed for CWRF mesoscale modeling applications. The primary SBCs include surface topography (mean elevation, slope, curvature, and their standard deviations); bedrock, lakebed, or seafloor depth; soil sand, and clay fraction profiles; surface albedo localization factor; bottom soil temperature; surface characteristic identification; land cover category; fractional vegetation cover; leaf and stem area index; sea surface temperature, salinity, and current; and sea temperature and salinity profiles. They are currently presented in a CWRF domain suitable for the U.S applications at 30-kilometer spacing. The raw data sources and processing procedures, however, are elaborated in detail, by which the SBCs can be readily constructed for any specific CWRF domain anywhere in the world. For a specific field, alternative data sources, if available, were compared to quantify uncertainties and suggest the choice or improvement. | | | Date Created: | 2 8 2005 | | | Agency ID: | SR-2005-01 | | | ISL ID: | 000000000950 Original UID: 999999994441 FIRST WORD: Development | |
160: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2007 4 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Describes groundwater samples collected (1994-2000) from Illinois' sinkhole plain wells and springs by providing statistical, analytical and land use data with chemical, isotopic and bacterial results for all samples. | | | Date Created: | 07 25 2007 | | | Agency ID: | OFS | | | ISL ID: | 000000003962 Original UID: 3818 FIRST WORD: Database | |