SiteTitle • | CAPS at ten: community policing in Chicago: an evaluation of Chicago's alternative policing strategy |
| • | CHRI Advisory The Illinois Facsimile Network |
| • | CLEAR and I-CLEAR: A Report on New Information Technology in Chicago and Illinois |
| • | CLEAR and I-CLEAR: A Status Report on New Information Technology and its Impact on Management, the Organization and Crime-Fighting Strategies |
| • | Chicago Communities And Prisoner Reentry |
| • | Chicago Homicide Dataset Offender-Level File (OLF) 1965 to 1995. User's Guide and Codebook |
| • | Chicago Women's Health Risk Study: A Report to the National Institute of Justice, June 2000 |
| • | Civil Legal Aid in Illinois |
| • | Civil Rights Policy and Procedures for Discrimination Complaints |
| • | Co-Occurring Mental Health And Substance Use Disorders Of Women In Prison: An Evaluation Of The Westcare Foundations Dual Diagnosis Program |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of Task Force 6 |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Blackhawk Area Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Central Illinois Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Multi-County Narcotics Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Quad Cities Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the South Central Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Southeastern Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Southern Illinois Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the State Line Area Narcotics Team |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the Vermilion County Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces A Profile of the West Central Illinois Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces Profile of the Joliet Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces Profile of the North Central Narcotics Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces: A Profile of the East Central Illinois Task Force |
| • | Collaborating To Fight Drug Crime: Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces: A Profile of the Metropolitan Enforcement Group of Southwestern Illinois |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Blackhawk Area Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Central Illinois Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the DuPage County Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the East Central Illinois Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Joliet Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Metropolitan Enforcement Group of Southwestern Illinois |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Multi-County Narcotics Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the North Central Narcotics Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the South Central Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Southeastern Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Southern Illinois Drug Task Force |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the Southern Illinois Enforcement Group |
| • | Collaborating to fight drug crime: Profile of the State Line Area Narcotics Team |
| • | Collaboration In Criminal Justice: A Review Of The Literature On Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils |
| • | Collaboration in Action: Overview and Lessons from Data, Planning, and Impact: A Joint Adult Redeploy Illinois and Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils Summit |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year Five and Six: An Interim Report |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year Four: An Interim Report |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year One: An Interim Report |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year Seven: An interim Report |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year Three |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Year Two: An Interim Report |
| • | Community Policing in Chicago, Years Eight and Nine: An Evaluation of Chicago's Alternative Policing Strategy and Information Technology Initiative |
| • | Community Reentry After Prison Drug Treatment Learning from Sheridan Therapeutic Community Program participants |
| • | Community Reintegration Trajectories: A Qualitative Comparative Study of Gang-Affiliated and Non-Gang-Affiliated Ex-Offenders |
| • | Community re-entry challenges daunt ex-offenders quest for a fresh start |
| • | Community reentry after prison drug treatment: Learning from Sheridan Therapeutic Community Program participants |
| • | Comparison of Official and unofficial sources of criminal history record information |
| • | Concentrations of Incarceration: Consequences Of Communities With High Prison Admissions And Returns |
| • | Conducting Research Interviews on Sensitive Topics |
| • | Cool kids resolve conflict peacefully |
| • | Criminal Case Filings Fact Sheet |
| • | Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications 2023 Report |
| • | Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications Annual Report |
| • | Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications Annual Reports |
| • | Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications Progress Report |
| • | Criminal History Record Checks For Federally Assisted Housing Applications: State Fiscal Year 2023 Supplemental Report |
| • | Criminal History Records (CHRI) Audit Report |
| • | Criminal Justice Facts Court System |
| • | Criminal Justice Facts Criminal Sentencing |
| • | Criminal Justice Facts Juvenile Justice |
| • | Criminal Justice Facts Law Enforcement |
| • | Criminal Justice Facts Victims' Rights |
| • | Criminal Justice Plan for the State of Illinois |
| • | Criminal Justice System Utilization in Rural Areas |
| • | Criminal Justice System, Criminal Sentencing: Get the Facts |
| • | Criminal justice system Arrests |
| • | Criminal justice system Corrections |
| • | Criminal justice system Criminal records |
| • | Criminal justice system Criminal sentencing |
| • | Criminal justice system Pretrial process |
| • | Criminal justice system The courts |
| • | Criminal justice system Victims' rights |
| • | Criminal justice, health services stakeholders convene for Data-Driven Health & Justice Conference |
| • | Critical Incident Preparedness and Response on Campus: Examining the Relationship Between Local Law Enforcement and Post-Secondary Institutions in Illinois and the United States |
Organization • | Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority | [X] |
| 1: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2020 August 17 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This article offers recommendations to researchers conducting qualitative interviews on sensitive topics, including creating a safe environment, offering compensation and referrals, and considering staff well-being. | | | Date Created: | 08-16-2020 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101119 Original UID: 207053 FIRST WORD: Conducting | |
2: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2001 April | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | If you've got a problem with someone else / don't push or shove, control yourself | | | Date Created: | 08-01-2000 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101751 Original UID: 207827 FIRST WORD: Cool | |
3: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2005 Feb. | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is the third evaluation report on the status of the information technology enterprise system under development by the Chicago Police Department (CPD). Since 2001, the CPD, in partnership with Oracle Corporation and the Police Executive Research Forum, has been developing a state-of-the-art integrated criminal justice information system. This system "Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR)" is another step in the Department's ongoing quest to "police smarter" and be "intelligence driven." CLEAR is designed to provide anytime, anyplace access to vast repositories of centralized, relational data. In early 2004, the governor of Illinois and mayor of Chicago announced their commitment to building a single criminal justice database for the state and all of its criminal justice agencies. The new system "I-CLEAR" will eventually serve all of Illinois through a new partnership between Chicago and the Illinois State Police. Chicago's Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the federal Department of Homeland Security are also now involved in these developments as well. This report describes all of these initiatives, the "launch procedures" that lie behind them and their impact on policing through October 2004. | | | Date Created: | 02 17 2005 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003687 Original UID: 3530 FIRST WORD: CLEAR | |
4: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is the eighth report on Chicago's community policing program. The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) was inaugurated in April 1993. After experimenting in five police districts, the program was expanded to encompass the entire city. This report examines CAPS progress through the end of 2003, more than ten years after its inception. The first section summarizes what has been learned about citizen involvement in the program, through an analysis of beat meetings and district advisory committees. The next section describes changes over time in Chicagoans' assessments of the quality of police service. Next is a description of trends in crime and fear in Chicago's neighborhoods, followed by a description of CAPS problem-solving efforts and trends in neighborhood problems. Then, the report presents an in-depth look at conditions in the Latino community. The report concludes with an analysis of new management initiatives within the Police Department aimed at enhancing the implementation of Department priorities. | | | Date Created: | 02 26 2004 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003703 Original UID: 3543 FIRST WORD: CAPS | |
5: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2007 August | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This is the fourth evaluation report on the status of new information technology enterprise systems under development by the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police. The first part of this report looks at CLEAR application development and usage as well as its impact on officers using the various modules. It also provides a glimpse at CLEARpath, the Chicago Police Department's newest suite of applications aimed at strengthening the city's police-community partnership. The second part of the report showcases I-CLEAR development and the Illinois State Police-Chicago Police Department partnership that has guided the construction of the I-CLEAR case management system. Observations and recommendations complete the report. This report covers progress and activities through the end of April 2007. | | | Date Created: | 08 30 2007 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000004432 Original UID: 4282 FIRST WORD: CLEAR | |
6: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2018 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This brief shares findings from a process evaluation of a program that treats women prisoners in Illinois with co-occurring disorders substance use and mental health disorders. Overall, feedback from clients and staff were positive and the program showed reductions in clients' posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and aggression after participation. In addition, researchers offer suggestions to improve the program's physical space, as well as enhance program components and data collection. | | | Date Created: | 10-05-2018 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101232 Original UID: 207125 FIRST WORD: Co | |
7: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2008 December 12 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report is being released to the public near the first anniversary of the February 14, 2008 shootings on the campus of Northern Illinois University (NIU). The content of this report is particularly relevant to those interested in campus public safety, especially in light of two campus shooting incidents occurring within the course of a year in DeKalb, Illinois and Blacksburg, Virginia. | | | Date Created: | 02-17-2009 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101475 Original UID: 207386 FIRST WORD: Critical | |
8: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 1988 July | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois facsimile, or fax network is frequently the only means available for law enforcement and other criminal justice personnel to establish positive identification and to obtain a full criminal history record transcript of an arrestee within a few hours. | | | Date Created: | 07-01-1988 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000102205 Original UID: 208216 FIRST WORD: CHRI | |
9: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2018 July 19 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The criminal justice system features multiple independent agencies working parallel to each other. Criminal justice coordinating councils (CJCCs) foster agency collaboration to better address county criminal justice issues. This article describes CJCCs and examines the limited available research on them. | | | Date Created: | 07-19-2018 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000100971 Original UID: 207139 FIRST WORD: Collaboration | |
10: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2019 December 18 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This article reviews literature on the prevalence, causes, and consequences of community concentration of prison admissions and returns. | | | Date Created: | 12-19-2019 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101201 Original UID: 207087 FIRST WORD: Concentrations | |
11: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2018 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This report gives an overview of the first joint ARI/CJCC summit as a case study of ICJIA efforts to better coordinate its coordination by creating opportunities for engagement between state and local jurisdictions, as well as across and among local jurisdictions. This report offers an overview of summit programming, participant feedback, and recommendations for future CJCC and ARI program application. | | | Date Created: | 09-19-2018 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000102397 Original UID: 208522 FIRST WORD: Collaboration | |
12: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2018 July 1 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is committed to prohibiting discrimination, in the delivery of services and in employment by ICJIA and ICJIA grantees. ICJIA and ICJIA grantees have a legal and contractual obligation to provide employment and grant-funded services in a discrimination-free manner. accordingly, this document establishes the policy and procedure for ICJIA to follow regarding civil rights compliance. This policy covers the training of ICJIA staff and ICJIA grantees in the area of civil rights compliance and the process for filing a complaint of discrimination for an ICJIA employee; ICJIA grantee employees; or ICJIA grantee program participants. | | | Date Created: | 07-01-2018 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000100978 Original UID: 207146 FIRST WORD: Civil | |
13: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2020 May 18 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This article provides an overview of civil legal aid, with a focus on Illinois where applicable, and discusses challenges and innovations in provision of civil legal services. | | | Date Created: | 05-15-2020 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101126 Original UID: 207061 FIRST WORD: Civil | |
14: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | In February 2005, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, in collaboration with the Illinois Integrated Justice Information System initiative, conducted a review of two private providers of conviction records. This review compared six subjects' criminal history information as compiled by two private providers with the subjects' official rap sheets and discovered that the quality of those records varied depending upon their source. In addition to recommending further research in this area, several recommendations are presented to increase the accuracy of privately compiled criminal history records and warn users of the disparity between the official and unofficial compilations. | | | Date Created: | 06 01 2005 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003680 Original UID: 3521 FIRST WORD: Comparison | |
15: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2006 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | In 1997, the Illinois State Police's (ISP) Bureau of Identification (BOI) initiated a project to redesign the criminal history record information system using National Criminal History Identification Program (NCHIP) funds. Testing of the new system began in 1998 and implementation of the system was completed in 1999. At that time, the ISP began using an upgraded Automated Fingerprint Identification System, AFIS-21/EX, in conjunction with a reconfigured computerized criminal history record identification system based on relational database technology. The system allows for the electronic receipt and transfer of demographic and fingerprint arrest data, via livescan technology, from local law enforcement entities to the ISP. The redesigned CCH system also established a direct interface with the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), and the National Criminal Information Center (NCIC). When this connection became operational in 2000, Illinois arrest fingerprint and associated demographic information could be forwarded automatically to the FBI without the local agencies submitting an additional manual fingerprint card. Response from the federal system could be expected within hours instead of days or weeks due to its enhanced system. Despite livescan's positive aspects, this audit investigates users' problems with the technology. | | | Date Created: | 07 01 2006 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003662 Original UID: 3507 FIRST WORD: Criminal | |
16: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2003 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This audit of the Illinois criminal history record system, maintained by the Illinois State Police (ISP), was another in a series of assessments conducted by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) pursuant to requirements of the Bureau of Justice Assistance funding guidelines. This audit was designed as a follow-up to the 1995 statewide audit conducted by ICJIA. This audit was conducted on records created after Illinois began its participation in the program (covering the period 1994-1998), and just before a major re-write of ISP's Computerized Criminal History (CCH) database was implemented in September, 1999. The findings presented here measure the progress made since 1995 and serve as a benchmark by which to assess future improvements to the Illinois criminal history record system. | | | Date Created: | 03 2003 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003707 Original UID: 3552 FIRST WORD: Criminal | |
17: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | This annual publication reports on the audit or study of the redesigned criminal history record information system, which communicates identification information on arrested suspects among the FBI, the Illinois State Police and local law enforcement. | | | Date Created: | | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000003968 Original UID: NA for serial records FIRST WORD: Criminal | |
18: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2011 August | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The criminal justice system incorporates several governmental institutions to prevent and deter crime, and sanction those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. This Get the Facts provides an overview of criminal sentencing including how sentences are determined and types of sentences. | | | Date Created: | 08 24 2011 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000042331 Original UID: 21855 FIRST WORD: Criminal | |
19: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2016 December 9 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) and the Illinois Health & Hospital Association will host a conference today on innovations that local governments and states are using to address the costly and harmful over-reliance on incarceration for people who suffer from mental illness and substance abuse disorders. | | | Date Created: | 12-09-2016 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000078055 Original UID: 192137 FIRST WORD: Criminal | |
20: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | The criminal justice system incorporates several governmental institutions to prevent and deter crime, and sanction those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. This Get the Facts provides an overview of what occurs after an arrest, including how charges are filed, options for obtaining an attorney, and pretrial jail alternatives | | | Date Created: | 10-11-2011 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000101356 Original UID: 207316 FIRST WORD: Criminal | |