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000000001478 (2)


2010 Employment Projections

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This Illinois Department of Employment Security report takes us from base year 2000 employment to projected year 2010. Emnployment statistics are collected as part of a federal/state cooperative program called Occupational Employment Statistics or OES. It covers nine major industry groups: 1. agriculture-forestry-fishing, 2. mining, 3. construction, 4. manufacturing, 5. transportation-communications-public utilities, 6. wholesale and retail trade, 7. finance-insurance-real estate, 8. services and 9. government. The report also covers Standard Occupational Classification definitions. 
 Date Created:  08 21 2003 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000001478   Original UID: 1408 FIRST WORD: 2010 


2010 Employment Projections

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This Illinois Department of Employment Security report takes us from base year 2000 employment to projected year 2010. Emnployment statistics are collected as part of a federal/state cooperative program called Occupational Employment Statistics or OES. It covers nine major industry groups: 1. agriculture-forestry-fishing, 2. mining, 3. construction, 4. manufacturing, 5. transportation-communications-public utilities, 6. wholesale and retail trade, 7. finance-insurance-real estate, 8. services and 9. government. The report also covers Standard Occupational Classification definitions. 
 Date Created:  08 21 2003 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000001478   Original UID: 1408 FIRST WORD: 2010