Organization • | Illinois Department of Transportation | [X] |
| 221: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 October 13 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: Autumn brings shorter days, cooler temperatures and a new set of driving habits for Illinois motorists. The Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois Department of Natural Resources warn drivers to be vigilant during mating season as deer will be more active and visible throughout the state. | | | Date Created: | 10-13-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079478 Original UID: 193743 FIRST WORD: Mating | |
222: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 10 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation and Amtrak representatives will be available to highlight the features of the new Siemens Charger locomotives, serving Amtrak customers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Missouri. | | | Date Created: | 11-10-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079510 Original UID: 193779 FIRST WORD: IDOT, | |
223: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 14 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: IDOT, Amtrak to Showcase Features of New Locomotives Serving Amtrak Riders in Illinois. | | | Date Created: | 11-14-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079511 Original UID: 193780 FIRST WORD: IDOT, | |
224: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 17 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: Transportation and law enforcement officials will launch this years Winter Weather Get it Together campaign. The Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois State Police and AAA will offer important winter safety advice for traveling motorists. Interview, ride along and B-roll opportunities will be available. | | | Date Created: | 11-17-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079512 Original UID: 193781 FIRST WORD: Winter | |
225: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 17 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: CHICAGO Transportation and law enforcement officials will launch this years Winter Weather Get it Together campaign. Representatives from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Tollway, Illinois State Police, and AAA will offer important winter safety advice for traveling motorists. Interview, ride along and B-roll opportunities will be available. | | | Date Created: | 11-17-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079513 Original UID: 193782 FIRST WORD: *Media | |
226: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 17 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: SPRINGFIELD Transportation and law enforcement officials will launch this years Winter Weather Get it Together campaign. The Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police will offer important winter safety advice for traveling motorists. Interview, ride along and B-roll opportunities will be available. | | | Date Created: | 11-17-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079514 Original UID: 193783 FIRST WORD: *Media | |
227: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 17 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois and Iowa departments of transportation were joined by local officials and community leaders today to celebrate the completion of the new U.S. 52-Illinois 64 bridge over the Mississippi River. The $80.6 million bridge, which connects the communities of Savanna, Ill., and Sabula, Iowa, will open to traffic this evening. | | | Date Created: | 11-17-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079526 Original UID: 193795 FIRST WORD: New | |
228: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 20 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: As bitter cold creeps into Illinois, the states frontline weather responders remind motorists that preparation can help take the bite out of winter this season. | | | Date Created: | 11-20-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079528 Original UID: 193797 FIRST WORD: Preparation | |
229: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 27 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation will host a public meeting Dec. 6 to share updates and collect feedback on proposed changes to the Interstate 55 managed lanes project. | | | Date Created: | 11-27-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079530 Original UID: 193799 FIRST WORD: Public | |
230: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 20 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: As thousands of additional motorists prepare to visit loved ones and celebrate Thanksgiving, the Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police are reminding drivers and passengers to Click It or Ticket to reduce the risk of traffic-related injuries. | | | Date Created: | 11-20-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079534 Original UID: 193804 FIRST WORD: *MEDIA | |
231: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 30 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Village of Sugar Grove, in partnership with Kane County, the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois Tollway, will host a public hearing Dec. 14, regarding potential improvements to the Illinois 47 (Sugar Grove Parkway) interchange with Interstate 88 (Reagan Memorial Tollway) in Kane County. | | | Date Created: | 11-30-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079539 Original UID: 193809 FIRST WORD: Public | |
232: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 9 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportations Director of Business and Workforce Diversity has received the prestigious Diversity Mentorship award from the Egretha Foundation. Pam Simon was recognized for her work in forming IDOTs Mentor Protg program and her commitment to enhancing the capabilities of socially and economically disadvantaged businesses. | | | Date Created: | 11-09-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079542 Original UID: 193812 FIRST WORD: IDOTs | |
233: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 November 16 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation has released its 2017 Freight Plan, which outlines the states strategy for facilitating the successful and efficient movement of goods. Public comments will be accepted through Nov. 30. | | | Date Created: | 11-16-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079545 Original UID: 193815 FIRST WORD: IDOT | |
234: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 11 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn joined city and Amtrak officials today to announce the completion of the new station in Carlinville, the latest of several station improvements overseen by the Illinois Department of Transportation along the Chicago-St. Louis passenger rail corridor. The new station opened to Amtrak service Nov. 16. | | | Date Created: | 12-11-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079637 Original UID: 193918 FIRST WORD: Opening | |
235: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 20 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: Illinois property owners in 18 disaster declared counties may be eligible to claim an income tax credit worth up to $750 due to flooding in 2017. The Illinois Department of Revenue has released an Informational Bulletin on their website for individuals and businesses who wish to determine their eligibility for the newly enacted Natural Disaster Income Tax Credit. | | | Date Created: | 12-20-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079638 Original UID: 193919 FIRST WORD: Tax | |
236: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 28 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation, along with state and local law enforcement, wants to ring in 2018 with zero alcohol- and drug-related crashes on Illinois roads. | | | Date Created: | 12-28-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079640 Original UID: 193921 FIRST WORD: Ring | |
237: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 7 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation, Chicago Department of Transportation and McCormick Place announce completion of the $135 million project that reconstructed the six elevated bridges connecting Interstate 55 and Lake Shore Drive (U.S. 41). | | | Date Created: | 12-07-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079643 Original UID: 193924 FIRST WORD: I | |
238: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 18 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois State Police and local law enforcement agencies throughout the state are working together to ensure motorists drive sober and buckle up this holiday season. | | | Date Created: | 12-18-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079646 Original UID: 193927 FIRST WORD: Make | |
239: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 5 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn was joined today by city officials and Amtrak to announce the completion of renovations to the station in historic downtown Lincoln, the latest of several station improvements overseen by the Illinois Department of Transportation along the Chicago-St. Louis passenger rail corridor. | | | Date Created: | 12-05-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079666 Original UID: 193949 FIRST WORD: Historic, | |
240: | | Title: | | | | Volume/Number: | 2017 December 7 | | | Issuing Agency: | | | | Description: | Press Release: The Illinois Department of Transportation is seeking feedback on the states transportation system through its annual Illinois Traveler Opinion Survey, available today through Dec. 31. | | | Date Created: | 12-07-2017 | | | Agency ID: | | | | ISL ID: | 000000079669 Original UID: 193951 FIRST WORD: IDOTs | |