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Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board[X]
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Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 -vs- County of Cook and Sheriff of Cook County: On February 11, 2015, Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its May 19, 2015 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter, declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  05-19-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-14-063 
 ISL ID:  000000054391   Original UID: 175766 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Service Employees International Union, Local 73 -vs- County of Cook: On May 29, 2015, Administrative Law Judge Deena Sanceda, on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned matter. No party filed exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommendation during the time allotted, and at its August 11, 2015 public meeting, the Board, having reviewed the matter, declined to take it up on its own motion. 
 Date Created:  08-11-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-14-045 
 ISL ID:  000000055411   Original UID: 176756 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2015  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700 and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council -vs- County of Cook and Sheriff of Cook County: On March 9, 2015, Administrative Law Judge Deena Sanceda issued a Recommended Decision and Order in the above-captioned case finding that Respondents had violated Section 10(a)(1) of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2014), as amended, when they unilaterally changed their secondary employment policy. Thereafter, in accordance with Section 1200.135 of the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code, Parts 1200 through 1300, Charging Party and Intervening Charging Party filed timely exceptions to the Recommended Decision and Order, followed by Respondents timely responses. After reviewing the record, exceptions and responses, we hereby uphold the Recommended Decision and Order for the reasons set forth by the Administrative Law Judge. 
 Date Created:  09-29-2015 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CA-14-016 
 ISL ID:  000000056430   Original UID: 177461 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2016  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Opinions and Orders filed with the Illinois Local Labor Relations Board for 2016. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000057733   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2007  
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Opinions and Orders filed with the Illinois Local Labor Relations Board. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000057801   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2016 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 -vs- County of Cook and Sheriff of Cook County -vs- Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Chapter 438: On March 6, 2016, Administrative Law Judge, Kelly Coyle (ALJ) issued a Recommended Decision and Order (RDO) dismissing the above-captioned case. On September 24, 2014, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 (AFSCME or Union) filed a petition with the Local Panel of the Illinois Labor Relations Board (Board) seeking to clarify the unit, certified by the Board in Case No. L-RC-02-005, pursuant to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2014), as amended (Act), and the Rules andRegulations of of the Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code, Parts 1200 through 1300 (Rules) to include Sergeants in the Electronic Monitoring (EM) Unit, employed by the County of Cook and Sheriff of Cook County (Joint Employer). The petition was precipitated by the Employersreorganization that moved EM Sgts. to another operating department staffed by bargaining unitmembers represented by AFSCME. The Intervenor, Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Local 438(MAP) opposed the petition on several bases, as detailed in the RDO, including that it is certified representative of the at-issue employees. 
 Date Created:  06-30-2016 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-UC-15-003 
 ISL ID:  000000059877   Original UID: 181238 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2016 June 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 -vs- City of Chicago: On February 19, 2016, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), Deena Sanceda issued a Recommended Decision and Order (RDO) in which she detem1ined, among other things, that aprior agreement entered into between American Federation of State, County and MunicipalEmployees (AFSCME or Petitioner) and the City of Chicago (City or Employer) does not precludethe instant majority interest/representation petition filed by AFSCME with the Local Panel of the Illinois Labor Relations Board (Board) pursuant to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 315 (2014), as amended (Act), and the Rules and Regulations of the Board, 80 Ill. Admin. Code, Parts 1200 through 1300 (Rules) seeking to add a title to an existing bargaining unit. The City filed timely exceptions challenging only that aspect of the RDO; AFSCME filed a timely response. 
 Date Created:  07-01-2016 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-RC-16-007 
 ISL ID:  000000059878   Original UID: 181239 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2016 August 25 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Chicago Joint Board, Local 200, RWDSU, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union -vs- Illinois Labor Relations Board, Local Panel, County of Cook (Health and Hospitals System): This case is before us on direct review of an administrative order entered by respondent Illinois Labor Relations Board, Local Panel (ILRB), dismissing a petition seeking union representation. Petitioner Chicago Joint Board, Local 200, RWDSU, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (the Union) appeals from the administrative decision of respondent ILRB finding that pharmacy supervisors are supervisors within the meaning of section 3(r) of the Labor Relations Act (the Act)(5 ILCS 315/3(r)(West 2012)). On appeal, the Union argues that the ILRB erred in adopting the findings of the administrative law judge (ALJ) that respondent employer, County of Cook (Health and Hospitals System)(CCHHS), met its burden of proof to show that pharmacy supervisors and supervisors undet section 3(r) of the Act because CCHHS did not establish that (1) pharmancy supervisors have the authority to effectively recommend discipline of their subordinates, (2) pharmacy supervisors direct their subordinates with independent judgment in the interest of the employer, and (3) pharmacy supervisors spend a preponderance of their working time engaged in supervisory functions. 
 Date Created:  10-31-2016 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-RC-14-018; No. 1-15-2770 
 ISL ID:  000000059879   Original UID: 181240 FIRST WORD: Opinions 


Opinions and Orders / Illinois Local Labor Relations Board

 Volume/Number:  2016 September 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Darryl Spratt -vs- Amalgamated Transit Union, Lcoal 241: On July 5, 2016, Melissa Mlynski, Executive Director of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, dismissed the above-captioned charge, finding that Charging Party, Darryl Spratt, had failed to raise an issue of law or fact sufficient to warrant a hearing. 
 Date Created:  09-19-2016 
 Agency ID:  Case No. L-CB-16-047 
 ISL ID:  000000059880   Original UID: 181241 FIRST WORD: Opinions 
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