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119th Street Bridge Replacement in Palos Park (2)
A lane closure will be installed on I-80 eastbound at mile marker 3 in Rock Island County, Illinois (2)
A two-year project will begin on US 67, one mile south of IL 9 in McDonough County (2)
Affirmative Action Plan, FY 2012 / Department of Transportation (2)
Affirmative Action Plan, FY 2013 / Department of Transportation (2)
Affirmative Action Plan, FY 2014 / Department of Transportation (2)
Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Fatalities On the Decline in Illinois (2)
Annual Report of Projects Funded under the Safe Routes to School Construction Program (3)
Annual Report, 2011 / Illinois Department of Transportation (2)
Annual Report, 2012 / Illinois Department of Transportation (2)
Annual Report, 2013 / Illinois Department of Transportation (2)
Award Winning Hands-On Teen Driver Training Program Comes to Chicago (2)
Award Winning Hands-On Teen Driver Training Program Comes to Springfield (2)
Benton Street at east edge of Mt. Carroll (4)
Bridge Closure Us 60/62 South Of Cairo (12)
Bridge Closure, Illinois Route 14, Wabash River (2)
Bridge Deck Patching at Interstate 55 and U.S. 41 (4)
Bridge Element Inspection Manual 1995 (2)
Bridge Element Inspection Manual 2014 (2)
Bridge Element Inspection Manual 2014 Revised (2)
Bridge Maintenance Project (2)
Bridge Rehabilitation Work (2)
Bridge Rehabilitation on Interstate 55 (2)
Bridge Replacement (2)
Bridge Work Scheduled for U.S. 136 (Main St.) (2)
Bridge Work Scheduled for U.S. 36 (2)
Car-Free Vacations in Illinois by Amtrak: Pedestrian-Friendly Cities with Attractions Near the Amtrak Station (2)
Carman Rd. at Honey Creek in Henderson County will be reduced to one lane (2)
Carman Rd. between Lomax and Carman will be closed for roadway repairs (2)
Centennial Bridge in Rock Island County (2)
Central Avenue over Interstate 80 Bridge Replacement (2)
Cermak Road to Close at North Riverside Railroad Crossing (2)
Clark Bridge US 67 Alton, Illinois (2)
Closed IL 29 traffic west toward the Cedar Street Bridge (2)
Concrete Pour Scheduled for Illinois 22 Project (2)
Condition Rating Survey Summary Report FY... (1)
Condition Rating Survey Summary Report FY2011 (2)
Condition Rating Survey Summary Report FY2012 (2)
Condition Rating Survey Summary Report FY2013 (2)
Construction IL 173 (W. Lane Road) and IL 251 (N. Second Street) in Machesney Park (2)
Construction is scheduled to begin Monday, May 7th on US 150 in Woodford County (2)
Construction will begin Monday, May 21st on Airport Rd. at I-474/Dirksen Pkwy in Peoria County. (2)
Construction will begin on US 150 over Henderson Creek (2)
Construction work at the interchange of I-39 and US 20 south of Rockford will begin on Monday, June 4, 2012 (2)
Construction work on IL 2 south of Oregon will begin on Monday, May 21, 2012. (2)
Construction work on IL 2 south of Oregon will begin on Thursday, June 21, 2012 (2)
Construction work on IL 72 from Byron to Stillman Valley will begin on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 (2)
Crawford Avenue Resurfacing in Evanston (2)
Daytime lane closures IL 8 (Washington St.) in East Peoria from Oakwood Rd. to east of Sunrise Ave (2)
Deerfield Road Bridge Replacement in Highland Park (2)
Dempster Street will be closed between Sherman Avenue and Sherman Place in Evanston (2)
Department of Transportation Opens Bidding for Made-in-America Passenger Rail Cars (2)
Diversity Matters! (48)
Down IDOT and Law Enforcement Partner to Boost Safety, Crack on Impaired Drivers and Law Violators (4)
Drainage Manual 2004 (2)
Drainage Manual 2011 (2)
Driving (right) lane of IL 40 at Elaine Ave. in Peoria will be closed (2)
Drought Prompts IDOT to Permit Hay Loads on Interstates (2)
East St. Louis Eastbound and Westbound I-64 at 9th Street (2)
East St. Louis, Ramp from I-55/70 to I-64/IL 3 (2)
East State Street (Bus. 20) in Rockford (4)
Eastbound I-64 at I-55/70 (2)
Fairmont City / E. St. Louis (2)
Federal Highway Administration Highway Safety Improvement Program: Five Percent Report (3)
Fifth Avenue Bridge Replacement in Melrose Park (2)
First Street (US 67) in Milan closed at I-280 overpass (2)
Flagging Training Program: Flagger Handbook 2006 (2)
Flagging Training Program: Flagger Handbook 2010 (2)
Full Closures Scheduled on LaGrange Road in Orland Park (2)
Governor Quinn Announces Appointment of Illinois Transportation Secretary to National Freight Advisory Committee (2)
Harrison Road northwest of Rockford (4)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2006 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2007 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2008 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2011 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2012 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2013 (2)
Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2014 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2005 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2009 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2010 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2011 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2012 (2)
Highway Safety Program Annual Evaluation Report 2013 (2)
Highway and Railroad Improvements and Property Rights (2)
Hurricane Sandy Prompts IDOT to Permit Heavy Loads on State Roads (2)
I 74 southbound off ramp to 3rd Avenue will be closed in Moline (2)
I-270 in Madison County (4)
I-270 in Madison County at the Chain of Rocks Bridge near IL 3 (2)
I-270 near IL 3 at the Chain of Rocks Bridge (2)
I-39 Pavement Patching (2)
I-39 approximately, 3 miles north of the Ogle County line in Winnebago County, Illinois (2)
I-39 bridges over the Kishwaukee River south of Rockford (2)
I-55 Bridge Inspections in Will County Aug. 7 (2)
I-55, U.S. 41 Lane, Ramp Closures for Patching Project (2)
I-55/70 at IL 162 in Troy (2)
I-64 in St. Clair County (10)
I-64/55/70 in St. Clair County (2)
I-70, from 2 miles east of I-55/70/270 interchange to the U.S. Route 40 interchange at Pocahontas. (2)
I-74 High Tension Guardrail Installation (4)
I-74 Reflective Marker Project (10)
I-74 Westbound, between I-280 and Illinois 5 in Moline (2)
I-74 at the Lincoln St./BNSF Railroad overpass in Galesburg (2)
I-74 between Urbana and St. Joseph in Champaign County (2)
I-74 lane restriction at the IL 5 (John Deere Road) overpass (4)
I-74 near Sterling Ave. in Peoria this weekend (2)
I-88 eastbound from Old Route 2 exit to mile marker 1 in Rock Island County (2)
I-88 in Whiteside County (4)
IDOT Alters Roadway Pattern for State Fairground Access to Improve Safety, Traffic Flow (2)
IDOT Announces Contract Awarded for Repair of Florence Bridge (2)
IDOT Announces Current Availability in Upcoming Motorcycle Safety Courses (2)
IDOT Announces Public Meetings to Help Plan Future Road Programs, Present Updates to Long Range State Transportation Plan (2)
IDOT Announces Public Meetings to Help Plan Future Road Programs, Present Updates to Long-Range State Transportation Plan (12)
IDOT Announces Public Meetings to Help Plan Future Road Programs, Present Updates to Long-Range Transportation Plan (2)
IDOT Commits $72 Million to Construction of I-74 Mississippi River Bridge at Quad Cities (1)
IDOT Highlights Commitment to Sustainability Practices During Earth Week (2)
IDOT Hosts Highway Maintainer Resource Fair (2)
IDOT Hosts Public Meeting on Study to Widen Wabash Avenue (2)
IDOT Invites Public to Attend Free Highway Maintainer Information Session (4)
IDOT Kicks Off 2012 Rain Barrel Design Competition (2)
IDOT Launches 2013 Yellow Dot Program (2)
IDOT Launches Digital Safety Campaign on Roadways to Reduce Traffic-Related Fatalities (2)
IDOT Launches Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Labor Day Crackdown (2)
IDOT Launches Drive to Survive Campaign for Thanksgiving Travel (2)
IDOT Launches First Career Day in Peoria (4)
IDOT Launches New Video Series On Current Transportation Topics (2)
IDOT Opens Final Section of Illinois Route 255 in Godfrey (2)
IDOT Postpones Public Meeting in Marion on State Rail Plan Due to Severe Storm in Southern Illinois (2)
IDOT Reports 63 Percent Decline in Motor Vehicle Fatalities Over Thanksgiving Weekend (2)
IDOT Schedules Public Hearing for Improvement of IL 97 (2)
IDOT Schedules Public Hearing for Improvement of US 51, IL 29 (2)
IDOT Seeks Input on Chicago-to-Quad Cities Corridor Expansion for Passenger Rail Service (2)
IDOT Seeks Input on Circle Interchange Study at Upcoming Public Meeting (2)
IDOT Statement on High-Speed Rail Milestone (2)
IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work for Easter Weekend to Improve Traffic Flow (4)
IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow During Holiday Weekend (2)
IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow for Independence Day (2)
IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow for Labor Day Weekend (2)
IDOT Suspends Non-Emergency Road Work to Improve Traffic Flow for Thanksgiving Weekend (2)
IDOT Winter Weather Crews Tackle First Storm of New Year (2)
IDOT and ISP Kickstart Ice and Snow - Take it Slow Campaign (16)
IDOT and ISP Partner for 2013 National Roadcheck Enforcement Program to Improve Safety on Illinois Roadways (2)
IDOT and ISP Partner for National Roadcheck Enforcement Program to Improve Commercial Vehicle Safety on Illinois Roadways (2)
IDOT and Law Enforcement Kick Off Click It or Ticket Campaign to Help Save Lives in Illinois (2)
IDOT and Partners Announce 2011-2012 Operation Teen Safe Driving Winners (2)
IDOT and Partners Commemorate Lives Lost in Work Zones, Unveil National Work Zone Memorial Wall (2)
IDOT and Partners to Launch Start Seeing Motorcycles Campaign (8)
IDOT to Hold Public Open Houses on Long-Range State Transportation Plan Update (2)
IDOT to Host Career Day in Chicago (2)
IDOT to Host Public Meeting on I-55 Managed Lane Project (2)
IDOT to Launch First Career Day in Peoria (6)
IDOT to Partner with Motorcycle Advocacy Groups in Gear Up for Safe Ride Campaign (4)
IDOT to Partner with Motorcycle Advocacy Groups to Launch Gear Up for Safe Ride Campaign (2)
IDOT to Start IL Rt. 21/Milwaukee Ave. Widening Project in Libertyville 3/22 (2)
IDOT to Start IL Rt. 62 Widening Project In South Barrington (2)
IDOT, City of Springfield and Sangamon County Officials Sign Agreement to Move Forward with Design Work on 10th Street Consolidation Plan (2)
IDOT, DCEO Encourage Public Use of National Historic Routes During Annual Scenic Byway Week (2)
IDOT, Ford, Allstate, Illinois Secretary of State and Law Enforcement Launch Operation Teen Safe Driving at State Fair (2)
IDOT, ISP and Tollway Encourage Motorists to Prepare for Winter Driving Conditions (2)
IDOT, ISP and Tollway to Launch Ice and Snow-Take it Slow Campaign (18)
IDOT, Illinois Law Enforcement Make Big Plans for New Years Holiday (2)
IDOT, Illinois Police Ramp Up Drunk Driving and Seat Belt Campaigns as (2)
IDOT, Illinois Tollway and ISP Prepare for 1st Snowfall of 2012-13; Caution Drivers About Potential Whiteout Conditions Across Northern Illinois (2)
IDOT, Laborers to Host Media Availability in Conjunction with 2012 National Work Zone Awareness Week (8)
IDOT, Law Enforcement Agencies Announce Drunk-Driving Crackdown Through 4th of July Holiday (2)
IDOT, Law Enforcement Officials Remind Motorists to Drive Safely, Responsibly on Super Bowl Sunday (2)
IDOT, Law Enforcement Urge Fans to Safely Celebrate Super Bowl Sunday (2)
IDOT, Law Enforcement and Highway Safety Advocates to Launch New Highway Safety Campaign (4)
IDOT, Law Enforcement and Safety Advocates Launch Start Seeing Motorcycles Campaign Statewide (2)
IDOT, Law Enforcement to Announce Boost in Safety Efforts Leading Up to Holiday (22)
IDOT, Law Enforcement to Announce Boost in Safety Efforts Over Holiday Weekend (18)
IDOT, Law Enforcement to Launch New Statewide Campaign, Boost Safety Efforts for Thanksgiving Travel (10)
IDOT, NHTSA, Law Enforcement to Announce Boost in Safety Efforts Leading Up to Holiday (4)
IDOT, NHTSA, Law Enforcement to Announce Boost in Safety Efforts Over Holiday Weekend (2)
IDOT, NHTSA, Law Enforcement to Launch New Statewide Campaign, Boost Safety Efforts for Thanksgiving Travel (4)
IDOT, Partners Announce Winners of 2012 Work Zone Safety Calendar Contest (2)
IDOT, Partners to Announce 2011-2012 Operation Teen Safe Driving Program Winners (2)
IDOT, Partners to Announce 2011-2012 Work Zone Safety Calendar Contest Winners (2)
IDOT, Secretary of State Jesse White and AAA Launch National Child Passenger Safety Week in Illinois (2)
IDOT, Secretary of State and AAA to Join Efforts in Support of National Child Passenger Safety Week (2)
IDOT, Springfield and Sangamon County Officials Sign Agreement to Advance High-Speed Rail Design Work on 10th Street Corridor (2)
IDOT, State Police, Laborers to Host Media Availability in Conjunction with 2012 National Work Zone Awareness Week (2)
IDOT, State Rep. Frank Mautinos Office Honor Deceased Flagger During National Work Zone Awareness Week (2)
IDOT, State Representative to Honor Deceased Flagger During National Work Zone Awareness Week (2)
IDOT, State and Local Dignitaries to Break Ground on Macomb Bypass project (2)
IDOT, State and Local Dignitaries to Cut Ribbon on IL 13 Connector Project (2)
IDOT, State and Local Law Enforcement Announce Plans for St. Patricks Day (2)
IDOT, Tollway and Laborers to Host Media Availability in Conjunction with 2012 National Work Zone Awareness Week (2)
IDOT: Bridge Work to Require Lane Closures On Kennedy/I-90 from Central to the Edens on Saturday AM (2)
IDOT: Interstate 94 (Bishop Ford Freeway) Closed between the Dan Ryan Expressway/ I-57 Interchange and IL 83 (Sibley Blvd/147th Street) Due to Flooding (2)
IDOT: Public Meeting in McHenry County on Planned Improvements to U.S. 20 at Harmony Road (2)
IDOT: Ramp from McLean Blvd. to EB U.S. Rt. 20 Will be Closed Weekdays for Three Months (2)
IL 15 near St. Libory (2)
IL 164 at the railroad crossing in Gladstone will be closed (2)
IL 192 between Edgington and Taylor Ridge (2)
IL 2 (Main St.) north of Rockford (2)
IL 2 East of Sterling (2)
IL 2 bridge over BNandSF Railroad, south edge of Oregon (2)
IL 2 in Rockford (4)
IL 251 between Samuelson Road and Blackhawk Rd and US 20 and Montague Rd South of Rockford (2)
IL 255 in Madison County (4)
IL 255 in Madison County From I-270 to IL 143 (2)
IL 26 south of US 30 in Lee Co. (2)
IL 3 at I-270 in Madison County, Lane Restrictions (2)
IL 3 at I-270, North of Granite City (2)
IL 40 (Knoxville Ave.) Lane Closures in Peoria (2)
IL 40 at I-88 interchange, south of Rock Falls (2)
IL 5 (John Deere Road) between 16th Street and 7th Street in Rock Island County (2)
IL 75 in Rockton (4)
IL 8 (Washington Rd.) between Summit Dr. and Legion St. in Washington (2)
IL 90/IL 91 at the railroad viaduct, five miles east of Princeville (2)
IL 94 west of Reynolds (2)
IL Route 111 south of Hawthorne and Madison Streets in Hartford (2)
IL Route 155 in Prairie du Rocher, IL, to be temporarily closed (2)
IL Route 176 (Maple St.) at Canadian National Railroad closure in the Village of Mundelein (2)
IL Route 3 (Lewis and Clark Blvd./Broadway) at Bridge over Wood River Creek in East Alton/Alton, IL (2)
IL Route 58 (Dempster St.) between Sherman Ave. and Sherman Place in Evanston (2)
IL Route 58 (Dempster St.) between Sherman Ave. and Sherman Place in the City of Evanston, Cook County (2)
IL Route 60/83 at Canadian National Railroad closure in the Village of Mundelein (2)
IL Route 7 West of Route 171 in the Lockport, Will County (2)
Illinois 171 Over Interstate 55 Patching Project (2)
Illinois 171 Resurfacing in Summit, Lyons (2)
Illinois 173 Resurfacing Near Antioch (2)
Illinois 176 Bridge Painting in Libertyville (2)
Illinois 19, Barrington Road Intersection Improvements (2)
Illinois 21 Resurfacing Project in Glenview (2)
Illinois 31 Resurfacing in Kane County (2)
Illinois 43 Bridge Project in Tinley Park (2)
Illinois 47 Lane Closures in Huntley (2)
Illinois 47 Resurfacing Project in Elburn (2)
Illinois 47 Resurfacing in Woodstock, Hebron (2)
Illinois 50 (Cicero Avenue) over the Cal-Sag Channel (2)
Illinois 50 Bridge Maintenance in Alsip (2)
Illinois 50 Resurfacing in South Suburbs (2)
Illinois 50 Safety Improvements (2)
Illinois 53 Intersection Improvements in Wilmington (2)
Illinois 53 Resurfacing Begins in Elwood (2)
Illinois 53 Resurfacing Project in Lisle, Glen Ellyn and Downers Grove (2)
Illinois 53 between Hoff and South Arsenal roads near Elwood and Wilmington (2)
Illinois 56 Improvements Continue With Batavia Road Closure (2)
Illinois 56 Intersection Improvements (2)
Illinois 56 Project Closes Two Wheaton Streets (2)
Illinois 64 Improvements to Begin in West Chicago, St. Charles (2)
Illinois Department of Transportation Celebrates the Opening of Missouri Street in Harrisburg (2)
Illinois Department of Transportation Receives States Highest Environmental Award (2)
Illinois Department of Transportation Receives Top Award for Major Reconstruction Project in Metro East Area (2)
Illinois Receives Federal Approval for Highway Construction Program Hiring Incentive (2)
Illinois Route 160 in Washington County (2)
Illinois Route 47, North of U.S. Route 136 (2)
Illinois Route 5 Eastbound, at the ramp to Interstate 80 Eastbound in Rock Island County (4)
Illinois Route 50 and I-57 (2)
Illinois State Transportation Plan (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Announces Completion of $23.5 Million Interchange on Illinois Route 162 at Interstate 55/70 (1)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Announces Next Step to Advance Toward Full High-Speed Rail Service from Chicago to St. Louis (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Announces Three Key Traffic Safety Laws for 2013 (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Encourages Public to Embrace the Orange and Help Save Lives (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Joins Other State and Local Officials to Celebrate Completion of the Missouri Street Improvement Project in Harrisburg (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Joins Other State, Federal and Local Officials to Celebrate Completion of IL Route 162, I-55/70 in Metro East Area (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Unveils Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Unveils Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, Highlights Impact to Chicago Area (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Unveils Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, Highlights Impact to Marion Area (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Unveils Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, Highlights Impact to Peoria Area (2)
Illinois Transportation Secretary Unveils Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, Highlights Impact to Quad Cities Area (2)
Illinois route 3 (Lewis and Clark blvd./Broadway) at bridge over wood river creek in east Alton/Alton, IL, to be temporarily closed (4)
Interchange of US 20 and IL 251 (Eleventh St.), south side of Rockford (2)
Intermittent lane closures on eastbound and westbound I-74 in Knox County (2)
Intermittent lane closures on the Shade-Lohmann Bridge (2)
Intersection Improvements at Higgins, Randall Roads (2)
Intersection Reconstruction at Illinois 64, Illinois 47 (2)
Interstate 290 Bridge Repairs (2)
Interstate 55 Lane Closures at Central Avenue (4)
Interstate 80 Bridge Inspections in Joliet to Close Lanes (4)
Interstate 80 westbound in the driving lane between mile marker 4 and mile marker 3 in Rock Island County, Illinois (4)
Interstate 88 eastbound between mile marker 1 and mile marker 2 in Rock Island County, Illinois (4)
Interstate 90 (the Kennedy Expressway) from Montrose Ave. to IL 171 (Cumberland Ave) (2)
Interstate Closure, Interstate 57 Northbound West Frankfort IL (2)
Interstate Lane Closure Alert, Interstate 57 (2)
Interstate routes in the Quad City area (4)
Joe Orr Road over Illinois 394 Bridge Replacement (2)
Joliet Road Resurfacing Project in Bolingbrook (2)
Kirby Avenue over Interstate 57 to be closed for Bridge Repairs (2)
Kirby Avenue over Interstate 57 to be closed for Bridge Repairs Detour Route Changed (2)
Lane Closure Alert Location IL 15 West Between IL 159 and Green Mount Road: St. Clair County (2)
Lane Closure I-74 between I-280 and Illinois 5 in Moline (4)
Lane Closure and Interstate Closure Interstate 57 Northbound And Forest Baptist Church Road Benton/West Frankfort, Il (6)
Lane Closure and Interstate Closure, Interstate 57 Northbound and Illinois 149 Eastbound (2)
Lane Closure for IL 3 at Broadway in Venice (4)
Lane Closure on I-80 between I-74 / I-280 and US 6 (4)
Lane Closure, Northbound Interstate 57 over Atchison Creek (2)
Lane Reduction- Delays Expected I-57 Northbound Only at Mile Marker 69.8 Franklin County (2)
Lane Reduction/Road Closure Country Club Road (2)
Lane closure will be installed on I-80 eastbound, exit ramp 4-A in Rock Island County (2)
Lane closures on IL 40 (Knoxville Ave.) in Peoria (2)
Lane closures will resume on the I474 Shade-Lohmann Bridge (2)
Lane reduction on eastbound I-74, just west of the Pinecrest Dr (2)
Lane reductions on US 150 (War Memorial Dr.) (2)
McKinley Bridge Venice, IL (2)
Motorists Urged to Drive Cautiously, Remain Alert for Pavement Failure Due to Extreme Heat (2)
National Work Zone Traveling Memorial Wall Unveiled at IDOT Headquarters in Schaumburg (2)
New Ramp Opening at Arsenal Road and I-55 (2)
Oriole Avenue over Interstate 90 Bridge Replacement (2)
Osco Road between US 6 and IL 81 (2)
Overnight Closures of Congress Parkway for Bridge Project (2)
Overnight I-55 Lane Closures at Arsenal Road (2)
Overnight Lane Closures on Dan Ryan Expressway (2)
Pavement Repairs, Lane Closures in Will, South Cook Counties (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course (6)
Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2006 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2006 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2007 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2007 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course (6)
Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2006 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2006 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2007 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2007 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course (6)
Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2006 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2006 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2007 (3)
Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2007 Appendices (2)
Portland Cement Concrete Tester Course (6)
Press Release - Update: I-270 Mississippi River Bridge, near Granite City (2)
Press Release Revised, I-270 in Madison County, at IL 3, north of Granite City (2)
Press Release, Updated: Lane restrictions will be encountered along eastbound and westbound I-64 between IL 111 and IL 157 (2)
Public Comment Period Begins On Elgin OHare West Bypass Project (2)
Public Hearings Scheduled for Chicago to St. Louis (2)
Public Hearings Scheduled for Chicago to St. Louis High-Speed Rail Tier 1 Study (2)
Public Meeting for New Study on 95th Street at Stony Island Avenue in Chicago (2)
Public Meeting for Potential Improvement of I-55 at Airport Road in Will County (2)
Public Meeting for Proposed Improvement of Wood Street/Ashland Avenue in South Cook County (2)
Public Meeting for the Proposed Improvement of Illinois Route 83/Illinois Route 137 in Lake County (2)
Public Meeting for the Study to Improve the Intersection of 47th Street at East Avenue (2)
Public Meeting on Proposed Improvement of U.S. 20, Illinois 59 Interchange in Bartlett (2)
Public Meetings Scheduled for Chicago-Detroit/Pontiac Passenger Rail Corridor Program (2)
Quinn Administration Continues Push To Increase Contract Opportunties For Minority-Owned And Women-Owned Businesses (2)
REVISED Press Release: The ramp from westbound I-55/70 to eastbound I-64 and northbound IL 3 in East St. Louis will be closed to all traffic (2)
Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board Fiscal Year ... Activities (1)
Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board Fiscal Year 2012 Activities (2)
Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board Fiscal Year 2013 Activities (2)
Railroad Work To Be Done On TR 200N (Lerna Road) (2)
Railroad Work to be Done on IL Route 49 at Willow Hill (2)
Ramp Closures at I-290, Illinois 64 Saturday Morning (2)
Ramp Closures at I-290, Illinois 83 Saturday Morning (2)
Ramp Closures at I-55, I-294 Saturday Morning (2)
Ramp from I-55/70 to IL 3 Closed (2)
Ramp from WB I-64 to EB I-55/70 (2)
Ramp taking northbound IL 29 traffic west toward the Cedar Street Bridge (2)
Re-opening of US 60/62 Bridge at Cairo (2)
Reduced to one lane on IL 17 over the Spoon River, approximately one mile west of Wyoming (2)
Resurfacing Project to begin on Market Street (2)
Resurfacing Project to begin on Sidney-Longview Road (2)
Revised Highway Safety Performance Plan FY 2014 Revised (2)
Right lane of eastbound US 150 in the vicinity of Charter Oak Rd. in Peoria (2)
Road Closure Date Change, IL 149 RR Crossing in Desoto (2)
Road Closure Scheduled For Monday July 16th (4)
Road Closure Scheduled For Tuesday September 4th (8)
Road Closure for Through Traffic, Hazel Dell Road in Bond County (2)
Road Closure for West Ayers at IL 127 (2)
Road Construction on East Harrison Street near Charleston (2)
Road Construction on IL. 121 between Toledo and US 45 (2)
Road Construction on US 51 Bypass Southwest of Decatur (2)
Road Construction over Embarras River near Charleston (2)
Road closure scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday September 18th and 19th (4)
Road construction is set to begin and utility construction will continue on IL 8 between Summit Dr. and Legion St. in Washington. (2)
Road construction will begin on I-155 from the overpass at Feather Rd. to the I-74 interchange (2)
Road postings to restrict vehicular weights will be lifted Monday (2)
Road work will begin on US 150 and Washington Rd., approximately three miles east of Morton (2)
Roadway Rehabilitation Project (2)
Rockton Road at the IL 251 interchange in Roscoe (4)
Saturday Morning Lane Closures on I-290 (2)
Saturday Morning Lane Closures on I-55 (2)
Saturday Morning Lane Closures on Outbound I-290 (2)
Second Annual Rain Barrel Contest Begins (2)
Secretary Schneider to Host Question-and-Answer Session on Multi-Year Plan Announcement (2)
Shermer Road Bridge Replacement in Northbrook (2)
Sign Installation Requires Temporary I-80/294 Ramp Closure (2)
Sign Structures Manual 2006 (2)
Sign Structures Manual 2007 (2)
Sign Structures Manual 2010 (2)
Sign Structures Manual 2012 (2)
Sign truss removal and replacement work is scheduled for next week from Monday, May 21, 2012 to Thursday, May 24, 2012. interchange (2)
Sound Wall Installation on I-80 (2)
Southbound Interstate 57 Work Scheduled Near Thomasboro (2)
Springfield Avenue northwest of Rockford (2)
Springfield Rail Improvements Project Advisory Group Meets to Review (2)
St. Clair Avenue near 21st Street in East St. Louis, IL, will be temporarily closed (2)
State Announces Plans to Provide $8.6 M for Springfield High-Speed Rail Corridor (1)
State, Corporate Officials to Launch 2012-2013 OperationTeen Safe Driving Program at State Fair (2)
State, Local Officials Cut Ribbon to Connect IL 13, US 45 (2)
State, Regional and Local Officials Break Ground on Macomb Bypass (2)
TRAFFIC ALERT -- SIGNIFICANT DELAYS: Interstate 80 and IL 178 (2)
Take Amtrak to the Heart of Chicago (2)
Teasel Yearly Growth Chart (2)
Temporary Lane Closures in Lake County (2)
Temporary Lane Closures in McHenry County (2)
Temporary Lane Closures on Dan Ryan Saturday (6)
The intersection of IL 116 (Main St.) and Centennial Dr. in East Peoria will be controlled by stop signs instead of traffic signals (2)
The westbound driving (right) lane of I-474 at I-74 in Peoria will be closed (2)
Traffic Signal Modernization to begin at Springfield and Prospect Avenues in Champaign (2)
Transportation Agencies, Law Enforcement and Highway Safety Advocates Launch Embrace the Orange Campaign (2)
Transportation Agencies, Law Enforcement and Highway Safety Advocates to Launch New Work Zone Campaign (2)
Transportation Secretary Announces New Video Display in Rest Area Honoring Tuskegee Airmen (2)
Transportation Secretary Schneider Cuts Ribbon on New East Side Transit Center in Rockford (2)
Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Announce Impact to Rockford Area (1)
Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Chicago Area (1)
Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Peoria District (1)
Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Quad Cities Area (1)
Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Southern Illinois (1)
Transportation, Law Enforcement and Highway Safety Officials to Launch New Work Zone Campaign (2)
U.S. 12/45 Resurfacing Project in Rosemont, Des Plaines (2)
U.S. 6 Resurfacing Project in Joliet (2)
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin to Keynote Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Conference (2)
US 150 (War Memorial Dr.) in Peoria (2)
US 150 North of Galesburg (2)
US 20 North of Freeport (2)
US 20 approximately 1/2 mile east of the Harrison Ave interchange in Cherry Valley, Winnebago County, Illinois (4)
US 20 approximately one-half mile east of the Harrison Avenue interchange in Cherry Valley, Winnebago County, Illinois. (4)
US 20 between East Dubuque and Galena (2)
US 20 bridge over the Galena River in Galena (2)
US 20 from Galena to Stockton (2)
US 20 west of Galena (2)
US 30 bridge over the Mississippi River (2)
US 30 east of Morrison will be restricted to one lane at the culvert replacement east of Yager Road on Monday, May 21, 2012. (2)
US 34 from the West Main Street (IL 164) interchange in Galesburg (2)
US 52/IL 26 bridge, north edge of Polo (2)
US Route 40 from Overpass Road to Silver Street just west of IL 127 and on IL Route 127 from Main Street to College Avenue (2)
Utility work on IL 8 (Washington Rd.) between Summit Dr. and Legion St. (2)
Vermont Street Resurfacing in Blue Island, Chicago (2)
Veterans Parkway Rehabilitation (2)
Weekend Ramp Closures at I-55, Illinois 171 (2)
Weekend Southbound I-57 Lane Closures Over I-294 (2)
Westbound I-55/70 will be reduced to two lanes (2)
Westbound Interstate 24 ramp closure to Interstate 57 (2)
Westbound Interstate 270 will be restricted to one lane (2)
Western Algonquin Bypass Construction Begins Sept. 4 (2)
Western Avenue Bridge Replacement in Flossmoor (2)
Widening work will begin on IL 94 approximately mile and 2 miles north of Stronghurst in Henderson County (2)
Work is scheduled at I-74 over a railroad crossing, just west of Sterling Ave. in Peoria (2)
Work is under way on US 24 / IL 9 near Lamarsh Creek and Cameron Ln. in Peoria County (2)
Work will begin Monday, May 14th on IL 89 approximately one mile north of IL 71 in Putnam County. (2)
construction will begin on the Frontage Road (Schuester Road) along the south side of Interstate 70 near Pocahontas (2)
Illinois Department of Transportation[X]
000000040003 (2)
000000040031 (2)
000000040033 (2)
000000040043 (2)
000000040046 (2)


Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Chicago Area

 Volume/Number:  2012 April 29 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider will highlight Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, the states new $9.2 billion multi-modal transportation improvement program and also detail key projects included in the program within the Chicago area. 
 Date Created:  04 29 2012 
 Agency ID:  452**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043427   Original UID: 22945 FIRST WORD: Transportation 


Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Quad Cities Area

 Volume/Number:  2012 April 29 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider will highlight Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, the states new $9.2 billion multi-modal transportation improvement program and also detail key projects included in the program within the Quad Cities area. 
 Date Created:  04 29 2012 
 Agency ID:  453**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043428   Original UID: 22946 FIRST WORD: Transportation 


Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Southern Illinois

 Volume/Number:  2012 April 30 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider will highlight Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, the states $9.2 billion multi-modal transportation improvement program and also detail key projects included in the program within the Southern Illinois region. 
 Date Created:  04 30 2012 
 Agency ID:  458**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043436   Original UID: 22964 FIRST WORD: Transportation 


Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Local Projects in Peoria District

 Volume/Number:  2012 April 30 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider will highlight Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, the states $9.2 billion multi-modal transportation improvement program and also detail key projects included in the program within the Peoria district. 
 Date Created:  04 30 2012 
 Agency ID:  459**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043437   Original UID: 22965 FIRST WORD: Transportation 


Transportation Secretary to Highlight New $9.2 Billion Multi-Year Program, Announce Impact to Rockford Area

 Volume/Number:  2012 May 2 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider will highlight Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow, the states first $9.2 billion multi-modal transportation improvement program and also detail key projects included in the program within the Rockford area. 
 Date Created:  05 02 2012 
 Agency ID:  476**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043487   Original UID: 23012 FIRST WORD: Transportation 


IDOT Commits $72 Million to Construction of I-74 Mississippi River Bridge at Quad Cities

 Volume/Number:  2012 May 11 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  May 11, 2012. Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider today announced that the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will adjust its multi-year transportation program to include a $72-million commitment to constructing a new Interstate 74 bridge across the Mississippi River in Quad Cities. Governor Pat Quinn directed IDOT to include a significant construction commitment in the agencys current multi-year funding program for the new I-74 bridge. 
 Date Created:  05 11 2012 
 Agency ID:  523**12 
 ISL ID:  000000043538   Original UID: 23060 FIRST WORD: IDOT 


State Announces Plans to Provide $8.6 M for Springfield High-Speed Rail Corridor

 Volume/Number:  2012 June 28 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) today was joined by officials from the City of Springfield to announce a planned $8.6 million commitment toward the Phase II engineering studies on high-speed rail service on a consolidated 10th Street corridor through Springfield, should that be the chosen corridor in the Record of Decision. The planned commitment coincides with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)s approval to release Draft Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS) on future enhancements to the Chicago-to-St. Louis high-speed route currently under construction. IDOT is committed to helping the City of Springfield identify and secure other revenue sources to help pay for construction as the project moves forward. 
 Date Created:  06 28 2012 
 Agency ID:  713**12 
 ISL ID:  000000044366   Original UID: 23892 FIRST WORD: State 


Illinois Transportation Secretary Announces Completion of $23.5 Million Interchange on Illinois Route 162 at Interstate 55/70

 Volume/Number:  2012 December 18 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider, joined by federal, state and local officials, today clipped a ceremonial ribbon to commemorate the completion of a $23.5 million bridge reconstruction and single-point diamond interchange to serve Illinois Route 162 at Interstate 55/70 in Troy. The project created or supported more than 300 jobs and will reduce traffic congestion for motorists as it ensures safer travel, including widened overpass clearance to assist with oversize loads. The improvement project represents the single largest American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded transportation effort in Illinois. 
 Date Created:  12 18 2012 
 Agency ID:  1372**12 
 ISL ID:  000000046151   Original UID: 25700 FIRST WORD: Illinois 


Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board Fiscal Year ... Activities

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Report of the Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board as required by Public Act 094-0997 requiring a report be issued on or before April 1st of each year regarding the Oversight Board's activities during the previous fiscal year. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049583   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Racial 


Condition Rating Survey Summary Report FY...

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Condition Rating Survey (CRS) is an assessment of the pavement condition on Illinois approximate 16,000 miles of centerline state highway system. The CRS is an important tool to assist the Department with its pavement management activities. This document summarizes the results. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049586   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Condition 


Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2007

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level I PCC Technician. The manual discusses the various aspects to make concrete adjustments, for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department , Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual discusses various test methods, but any question regarding the correct test method shall be resolved by the Manual of Test Procedures for Materials, which has precedence over this manual. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049677   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2007

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level II PCC Technician. The manual discusses the various aspects to proportion portland cement concrete, for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department, Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual discusses various test methods, but any question regarding the correct test method shall be resolved by the Manual of Test Procedures for Materials, which has precedence over this manual. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049682   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2007

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level III Portland Cement Concrete PCC Technician. The main focus of the manual is to provide a procedure to design concrete mixes for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department, Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual summarizes various specifications, but project contract specifications shall govern in all cases. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049683   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Annual Report of Projects Funded under the Safe Routes to School Construction Program

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  Public Act 094-0493 requires the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to submit a report to the Illinois General Assembly annually on March 30, listing and describing the projects funded under the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Construction Program. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049693   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Annual 


Portland Cement Concrete Level I Technician Course 2006

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level I PCC Technician. The manual discusses the various aspects to make concrete adjustments, for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department, Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual discusses various test methods, but any question regarding the correct test method shall be resolved by the Manual of Test Procedures for Materials, which has precedence over this manual. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049697   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Portland Cement Concrete Level II Technician Course 2006

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level II PCC Technician. The manual discusses the various aspects to proportion portland cement concrete, for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department, Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual discusses various test methods, but any question regarding the correct test method shall be resolved by the Manual of Test Procedures for Materials, which has precedence over this manual. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049700   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Portland Cement Concrete Level III Technician Course 2006

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  This manual has been prepared to train the student to become a Level III Portland Cement Concrete PCC Technician. The main focus of the manual is to provide a procedure to design concrete mixes for Illinois Department of Transportation herein referred to as IDOT or the Department, Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA projects. The manual summarizes various specifications, but project contract specifications shall govern in all cases. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049703   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Portland 


Federal Highway Administration Highway Safety Improvement Program: Five Percent Report

 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  As part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), states are required to submit an annual report to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) describing at least five percent of highway locations exhibiting the most pressing safety needs. This Five Percent Report will help Illinois is to gain an understanding of the nature and extent of safety problems, to provide guidance on where safety investments are needed, and to provide a basis for tracking the progress toward improving safety in the state. 
 Date Created:   
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000049896   Original UID: FIRST WORD: Federal 


Westbound I-55/70 will be reduced to two lanes

 Volume/Number:  2012 February 17 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Transportation today announced that westbound I-55/70 will be reduced to two lanes near Exchange Avenue from mile marker 3.0-2.5 in East St. Louis from 9:00 am to 5 pm Tuesday, February 21, 2012, weather permitting. Traffic will be guided through the work zone by using the construction signing and flaggers. These lane restrictions are set temporary concrete barrier to protect the work zone. 
 Date Created:  02 17 2012 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000040003   Original UID: 20355 FIRST WORD: Westbound 


Right lane of eastbound US 150 in the vicinity of Charter Oak Rd. in Peoria

 Volume/Number:  2012 February 8 
 Issuing Agency:   
 Description:  The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announces lane of eastbound US 150 in the vicinity of Charter Oak Rd. in Peoria will be closed February 13 th and Tuesday, February 14 The lane closure is necessary for utility work in the area to be completed Please slow down and use extreme caution while driving State of Illinois uinn, Governor Illinois Department of Transportation L. Schneider, Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Brian Williamsen 309-671 217-720 The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announces that driving (right) lane of eastbound US 150 in the vicinity of Charter Oak Rd. in Peoria will be closed and Tuesday, February 14. 
 Date Created:  02 08 2012 
 Agency ID:   
 ISL ID:  000000040031   Original UID: 20346 FIRST WORD: Right 
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