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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Investigation at Markham Illegal Dumping Site: Markham, Cook County, Illinois


  • The dump site in/near Markham in Cook County is a 12-acre-plus property bounded by 159th Street on the north, Dixie Highway on the east, the Calumet-Union Drainage Canal on the south, and Western Avenue on the west (see map). Dumping activities have apparently been going on at the site for many years. Illinois EPA found discarded mobile homes, automobile parts, boats, tires, drums and totes of unknown liquids and solids (and some spilled onto the ground), unidentified gas cylinders, swimming pool chemicals and various construction and demolition debris.

Originally Deposited as: 21939

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2010
Number or Issue: July

Date Created: 05 24 2012
Date Last Modified: 05 24 2012

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