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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY...


  • These books are a compilation of federal aid programs administered by Illinois state agencies. Includes program descriptions and outlay information.

Originally Deposited as: NA for serial records

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Language(s): EN-English

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This is the parent of a series. Its descendents are:

  1. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2006-2008 17th edition: 13839
  2. Federal Funds to State Agencies FY 2007-2009 18th edition: 18835
  3. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2008-2010 19th edition : 28622
  4. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2009-2011 20th edition : 37224
  5. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FYs 2010-2012 2012 21st edition: 79781
  6. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2011-2013 22nd edition : 47815
  7. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2012-2014 23rd edition : 54047
  8. Federal Funds To State Agencies, FY 2013 - 2015 24th Edition : 59524
  9. Federal Funds To State Agencies, FY 2014-2016 25th Edition : 59523
  10. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2015-2017 26th Edition : 61540
  11. Federal Funds To State Agencies, FY 2016-2018 2018 27th edition: 79780
  12. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2018-2020 2020 August: 94974
  13. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2019-2021 2021 June: 92238
  14. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2020-2022 2022 July: 102215
  15. Federal Funds to State Agencies, FY 2021-2023 2023 July: 106870