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  • Evaluating Gang and Drug House Abatement in Chicago


  • In November 1996, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) implemented a multi-agency program designed to combat increasing criminal gang and narcotics activity in Chicago. Funded under the U.S. Department of Justices Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Anti- Gang Initiative, and furthering one aspect of the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS), which is CPDs community policing program, several city departments joined forces to execute the Municipal Drug and Gang Enforcement (MDGE) pilot program.The program is a joint effort of the CPD, Chicago Department of Law, Chicago Department of Buildings, and other city departments. This report describes the evaluation methodology developed for the MDGE program, and presents the findings of a process and impact evaluation conducted by theIllinois Criminal Justice Information Authority with whom CPD contracted for this purpose.

Originally Deposited as: 3701

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 04 2000
Date Last Modified: 02 24 2003

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