Electronic Documents of Illinois
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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleJuvenile Crime and Justice System Activities in Illinois: An Overview of Trends
- The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authoritys Research and Analysis Unit developed this report for the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission. It is a companion publication to a report with the same title that was produced by the Authority in May 1997. Most of the analyses in that earlier report have been updated, and additional analyses have been added as well. It provides a general overview of trends in various juvenile justice indices, and focuses on particular regions of Illinois that are experiencing increases in juvenile crime or that have high rates of juvenile justice system activities.
Originally Deposited as: 3699
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: Number or Issue: Date Created: 06 2000 Date Last Modified: 08 31 2000 Librarian Remarks: |
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