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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Research Bulletin


  • In response to the growing methamphetamine problem in Illinois, and increased arrests of those involved with meth production, distribution, and possession, state and local criminal justice practitioners and policymakers have changed Illinois laws, increased resources to detect meth-related activities, and increased the capacity to treat meth abusers. This Research Bulletin examines the most current data available to gauge methamphetamine's emergence and migration in Illinois and how the drug has impacted justice and treatment systems across the state.

Originally Deposited as: 3585

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 4 2006
Number or Issue: 8 June

Date Created: 06 2006
Date Last Modified: 06 22 2006

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1. The Evolution of Meth in Illinois (20070830162002_meth_in_IL.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Research Bulletin: 4331