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  • Results from the 2000 Juvenile Probation Outcome Study


  • Despite the fact that most juveniles adjudicated delinquent are sentenced to probation in Illinois, relatively little is known about the characteristics of these offenders, the conditions imposed as part of their probation term, and the outcomes of these sentences. To fill the gap in information about Illinois' juvenile probation population, and the effectiveness of probation, the Illinois Supreme Court's Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts has collaborated with local probation departments, and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority over the past 10 years to collect detailed probation-level data to support program and policy development in the state. The 2000 Illinois Probation Outcome Study is the latest, and most comprehensive effort to assess the needs and impact of probation in Illinois.

Originally Deposited as: 3539

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 09 2002
Date Last Modified: 07 12 2004

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1. Results from the 2000 Juvenile Probation Outcome Study (20070830151334_juvenile2000study.pdf).
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