Electronic Documents of Illinois
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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleProgram Completion, Behavioral Change, and Re-Arrest for the Batterer Intervention System of Cook County Illinois: Final Report to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
- The effectiveness of intervention programs for men who batter is an important issue for practice, policy and research. This report summarizes a preliminary examination of outcomes of Cook County batterer intervention programs (BIP). In Cook County, 30 community programs and one court-housed program provide a state standard minimum of 24 weeks of intervention programming for men arrested for domestic violence. The specific questions this evaluation addresses are: (1) What is the completion rate of men referred to batterer programs in Cook County? (2) What is the rate of re-arrest of men completing the batterer program compared with men not completing the program? (3) Do participants change their behavior during the program? (4) Are there identifiable factors associated with program completion, re-arrest, and behavioral change?
Originally Deposited as: 3528
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: Number or Issue: Date Created: 02 14 2005 Date Last Modified: 07 28 2005 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Program Completion, Behavioral Change, and Re-Arrest for the Batterer Intervention System of Cook County Illinois (20070830172132_CookCountyDVInt.pdf).Document Size:255558 Software: Acrobat Distiller Version: 6.0.1. (Windows)