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  • Community Reintegration Trajectories: A Qualitative Comparative Study of Gang-Affiliated and Non-Gang-Affiliated Ex-Offenders


  • This report examines qualitatively the re-entry experiences and trajectories of 39 Chicago-area ex-convicts during the first year of their most recent release from incarceration in a State penal facility. The analysis of interview data is comparative in several ways: First, the authors discern changes in individual participants over time by drawing on data collected in six interviews over a one-year period. Second, they scrutinize the similarities and differences between and among participants as we account for variation in the social and economic processes implicated in the processes attendant to community reintegration. Finally, the data permit a comparison and contrast of gang-involved (or formerly gang-involved) and non-gang involved ex-convicts, the goal being to account for the role of past and/or current gang activity in community reintegration.

Originally Deposited as: 3512

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 07 15 2005
Date Last Modified: 03 24 2006

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1. Community Reintegration Trajectories: A Qualitative Comparative Study of Gang-Affiliated and Non-Gang-Affiliated Ex-Offenders (20070830170234_CommunityReintegrationTrajectories.pdf).
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