Illinois State Library

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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Illinois Libraries


  • This special issue of Illinois Libraries focuses on Illinois School Library Media Programs with articles entitled The Status of School Library Programs in Illinois A Snapshot; Libraries and Their Endless Opportunities A Students View; The Importance of School Libraries An Administrators View; Why I Volunteer in the School Library; Why I Volunteer; Why I Became a Librarian; Through a Newbies Eyes; Intellectual Freedom and Illinois School Library Media Programs; Webinar Series for School Librarians: Case Study of Online Professional Development; Issues in Education and Their Impact on School Library Media Programs; It All Started with a Study; Urban School Libraries: Making Effective Use of Prep Time; A Chicago Update: Students Achieve with Quality Libraries; Digital Information Fluency Survival in the Information Age; Thinkers Without Borders: Information Literate Students in Illinois; Reflections on Teachers, Librarians and Collaboration; The Role of Illinois Regional Library Systems in Professional Development for School Library Media Specialists; The Monarch Award Takes Flight; BookinWith Abe: The Abraham Lincoln Illinois High School Book Award; and Making a Difference in New Orleans. Also included: Illinois State Library Directory, a listing of the 2006 Illinois State Library Advisory Committee members, and Guidelines for Illinois Libraries Manuscripts. Systems in honor of their 40 years of service to Illinois

Originally Deposited as: 3394

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 86 2006
Number or Issue: 3 Fall

Date Created: 10 23 2006
Date Last Modified: 10 27 2006

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This is part of a series. It is part of Illinois Libraries: 178