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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleOffice of the Illinois StateTreasurer Request for Proposals Internal Venture Capital Consultant July 26, 2004
- The Illinois General Assembly enacted the Technology Development Act (30 ILCS 265/1 et seq.) to encourage technology development in the State of Illinois. The purpose of the Technology Development Act (Act) is to attract, assist, and retain quality technology businesses in Illinois. The Act permits the State Treasurer (Treasurer) to segregate a portion of the Treasurer's investment portfolio, that at no time shall be greater than 1% of the portfolio, in the Technology Development Account which shall be maintained separately from other moneys invested by the Treasurer. In order for the Treasurer to carry out her duties under the Act, the Treasurer is seeking an individual to serve as an Internal Venture Capital Consultant to utilize his or her expertise in developing, implementing and administering a Venture Capital Program (Program). The Internal Venture Capital Consultant will consult the Treasurer on the development and the internal daily operations of the Program. The Internal Venture Capital Consultant is distinct from an External Investment Advisor who will provide services including asset allocation and investment recommendations once the Program is in place. All proposals and services performed must be in accordance with the Act.
Originally Deposited as: 3154
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1. Office of the Illinois Treasurer Request for Proposal Internal Venture Capital Consultant July 26, 2004 (RFPInternalVentureCapitalConsultant7-26-04.pdf).Document Size:153665 Software: Acrobat Distiller Version: 6.0 Windows This is part of a series. It is part of Office of the Illinois StateTreasurer Request for Proposals Internal Venture Capital Consultant: 3343