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- The Commission entered the Order Initiating Proceeding in the present docket ("Initiating Order"). The Initiating Order requires, in relevant part, that Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd or Company) file with the Commission, on a monthly basis, data on 3 megawatt (MW) and larger customers. The Initiating Order also requires that all retail electric suppliers ("RESs") (the term includes alternative retail electric suppliers (ARESs) and electric utilities other than the incumbent), currently serving 3MW and larger customers in ComEds territory, file data with the Commission.
Originally Deposited as: 2987
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: Number or Issue: Date Created: 06 12 2007 Date Last Modified: 06 12 2007 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Order Dimissing Proceeding (03-0056finalorder.doc).Document Size:39936 Software: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Version: 12.0 This is part of a series. It is part of Opinions and orders - June 2007: 3153