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  • Guide to Understanding Criminal Background Check Information


  • The Bureau of Identification (BOI) is the state central repository for criminal records. The BOIs primary function is to collect, maintain and disseminate criminal history record information (CHRI). Criminal history record information maintained by the BOI consists of information reported by Illinois criminal justice agencies summarizing an individuals contacts with the criminal justice system. An individual's CHRI transcript, commonly referred to as a rapsheet, consists of personal identification information such as name, sex, race, and date of birth, as well as other physical characteristics. Transcripts include a cumulative record of arrests, states attorney dispositions, court dispositions, sentence information and custodial data. This publication explains how to request a CHRI and how to interpret the information when received.

Originally Deposited as: 2890

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 07 2005
Date Last Modified: 11 17 2005

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1. The Bureau of Identification is the state central repository for criminal records. (ISPGuidetoUnderstandingCriminalBackgroundCheckInformation.pdf).
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