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  • Office of the Illinois State Treasurer Request for Proposals Publication of Names of Apparent Owners of Abandoned Property . . . Lake County on August 27, 2006


  • The Illinois Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act requires the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer to notify Illinois residents who appear to be owners of Abandoned Property of that fact. To this end, the Treasurer is requesting bids from Vendors which publish an English Language newspaper of general circulation in Lake County, Illinois, to publish the names and addresses of persons appearing to be owners of Abandoned Property with last known addresses in Lake County in Illinois.

Originally Deposited as: 2614

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 07 05 2006
Date Last Modified: 07 05 2006

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1. Request for Proposal Lake County (RFPPublicationofNamesAbandonedPropertyLakeCo.8-27-06.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Office of the Illinois State Treasurer Request for Proposals Publication of Names of Apparent Owners of Abandoned Property: 2829