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  • Welcome to the Bright Start College Savings Program


  • Did you know that next to retirement the cost of college education is going to be one of the greatest expenses you and your family are likely to face? Thats why the Illinois State Treasurers Office, working with Citigroup Asset Management, has created the Bright Start College Savings Program. Learn how an investment in Bright Start, a tax-advantaged Section 529 Plan, is designed to help parents, grandparents, relatives or friends nationwide plan for the high cost of a college education. Invest today to take advantage of the benefits of Bright Start.

Originally Deposited as: 1663

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2004
Number or Issue: November

Date Created: 11 2004
Date Last Modified: 2004

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1. Bright Start College Savings Program (BrightStart12-04.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Welcome to the Bright Start College Savings Program: 3031