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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Order


  • Complaint at to billing/charges in Chicago, Illinois. On May 2, 2006, Lawrence D. Zea (Complainant) filed a verified complaint pursuant to Section 10-108 of the Illinois Public Utilities Act (220 ILCS 5/10-108) (the Act) against Peoples Energy Services Corporation (Respondent), alleging that he had contracted with Respondent for gas service for a five-year period at $0.62 per therm, but the rate he was charged increased to $1.29 per therm after only two years.

Originally Deposited as: 1913

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 02 15 2007
Date Last Modified: 02 15 2007

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1. Order (06-0350order.doc).
Document Size:58553 Software: Microsoft Office Word 2003 Version: 11.0

This is part of a series. It is part of Opinions and orders - February 2007: 2277