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  • Guide to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act as amended


  • This guide has been prepared in order to inform employers of their rights and responsibilities under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act. It describes the conditions under which an employer is liable for the payment of contributions or for making payments in lieu of contributions, the reports that must be filed by all employers, the varying rates at which contributions are paid, the circumstances under which unemployed workers are eligible for benefits and, the highlights of Illinois unemployment insurance law.

Originally Deposited as: 1264

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2006
Number or Issue: June 23

Date Created: 11 21 2006
Date Last Modified: 12 14 2006

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1. Guide to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act as amended to June 23, 2006 (20061226183606_uiact-guide.pdf).
Document Size:195903 Software: Acrobat PDF Writer 5.0 for Windows NT Version: 1.5 (Acrobat 6.x)

This is part of a series. It is part of Guide to the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act: as amended to ...: 3223