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- Illinois Taxing District Map for Tax Year 2003. Geospatial data representing taxing district boundary information collected from Illinois county clerks. Map identifies the boundaries of property tax districts to be used for general illustration and research.
Originally Deposited as: 1079
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: Number or Issue: Date Created: 01 31 2004 Date Last Modified: 01 31 2004 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitarium district boundaries in Hyde Park, Lake and Calumet townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook9a.jpg).Document Size:731645 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 2. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Street Lighting district boundaries in Palatine, Wheeling, and Elk Grove townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook2a.jpg).
Document Size:785067 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 3. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitary district boundaries in Orland, Breman and Rich townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook10a.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 4. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Mosquito Abatement, Library and Street Lighting district boundaries for Leyden, Norwood Park, River Forest, Oak Park, Proviso, Riverside, Berwyn and part of Jefferson townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook5a.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 5. map showing Fire Protection, Sanitarium, Mass Transit, and Sanitary district boundaries in Palatine, Wheeling, and Elk Grove townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook2b.jpg).
Document Size:928228 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 6. map showing Fire Protection, Public Health, Park, Sanitarium, River Conservancy, Water Authority, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Leyden, Norwood park, River Forest, Oak Park, Proviso, Riverside, Berwyn and part of Jefferson townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook5b.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 7. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College and Library district boundaries in New Trier, Niles, Evanston, Rogers Park, and part of Jefferson townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook4a.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 8. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitary district boundaries in Thornton and Bloom townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook11a.jpg).
Document Size:945528 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 9. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Park, Sanitarium, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Lake View, North, West, South and part of Jefferson townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook6.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 10. map showing Fire Protection, Public Health, Park, Sanitarium, River Conservancy, Water Authority, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Leyden, Norwood park, River Forest, Oak Park, Proviso, Riverside, Berwyn and part of Jefferson townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook5b.jpg).
Document Size:957871 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 11. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Mosquito Abatement, Library, Water Authority district boundaries in Lyons, Lemont and Palos townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook7a.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 12. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitary district boundaries in Orland, Breman and Rich townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook10a.jpg).
Document Size:866362 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 13. map showing Fire Protection, Sanitarium, Mass Transit, and Sanitary district boundaries in Palatine, Wheeling, and Elk Grove townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook2b.tif).
Document Size:38561715 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 14. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Sanitarium, Mass Tansit, and Sanitary district boundaries in Northfield and Maine townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook3b.jpg).
Document Size:791357 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 15. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Orland, Breman and Rich townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook10b.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 16. map showing Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in New Trier, Niles, Evanston, Rogers Park and part of Jefferson townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook4a.jpg).
Document Size:747059 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 17. map showing Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in New Trier, Niles, Evanston, Rogers Park and part of Jefferson townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook4b.jpg).
Document Size:667501 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 18. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Water Authority. and Sanitary district boundaries in Barrington, Hanover, and Schaumberg townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook1b.jpg).
Document Size:861237 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 19. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Mosquito Abatement district boundaries in Northfield and Maine townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook3a.jpg).
Document Size:745119 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 20. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitary district boundaries in Thornton and Bloom townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook11a.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 21. map showing Fire Protection, Public Health, Park, Sanitary and Sanitarium district boundaries in Lake, Worth and Stickney townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook8b.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 22. map showing Park, Fire Protection and Mass transit district boundaries in Thornton and Bloom townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook11b.jpg).
Document Size:824470 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 23. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Sanitarium, Mass Tansit, and Sanitary district boundaries in Northfield and Maine townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook3b.tif).
Document Size:38561715 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 24. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Mosquito Abatement district boundaries in Northfield and Maine townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook3a.tif).
Document Size:38561715 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 25. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Street Lighting district boundaries in Palatine, Wheeling, and Elk Grove townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook2a.tif).
Document Size:38561715 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 26. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Mass Transit district boundaries in Barrington, Hanover, and Schaumberg townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook1a.jpg).
Document Size:809600 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 27. map showing Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries for Hyde Park, Lake and Calumet townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook9b.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 28. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Mosquito Abatement, Library and Street Lighting district boundaries for Leyden, Norwood Park, River Forest, Oak Park, Proviso, Riverside, Berwyn and part of Jefferson townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook5a.jpg).
Document Size:954269 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 29. map showing Grade School, High School, Jr. College, Mosquito Abatement, Library, Water Authority district boundaries in Lyons, Lemont and Palos townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook7a.jpg).
Document Size:917161 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 30. map showing Fire protection, Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Lyons, Lemont and Palos townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook7b.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 31. map showing Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in New Trier, Niles, Evanston, Rogers Park and part of Jefferson townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook4b.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 32. map showing Fire Protection, Public Health, Park, Sanitary and Sanitarium district boundaries in Lake, Worth and Stickney townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook8b.jpg).
Document Size:832680 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 33. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Orland, Breman and Rich townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook10b.jpg).
Document Size:872887 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 34. map showing Fire Protection, Park, Water Authority. and Sanitary district boundaries in Barrington, Hanover, and Schaumberg townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook1b.tif).
Document Size:41235606 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 35. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library, and Mass Transit district boundaries in Barrington, Hanover, and Schaumberg townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook1a.tif).
Document Size:41235606 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 36. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library and Mosquito Abatement district boundaries in Lake, Worth and Stickney townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook8a.jpg).
Document Size:845616 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 37. map showing Park, Fire Protection and Mass transit district boundaries in Thornton and Bloom townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook11b.tif).
Document Size:38683476 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 38. map showing Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries for Hyde Park, Lake and Calumet townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook9b.jpg).
Document Size:681103 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 39. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Park, Sanitarium, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Lake View, North, West, South and part of Jefferson townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook6.jpg).
Document Size:876515 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 40. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library and Mosquito Abatement district boundaries in Lake, Worth and Stickney townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook8a.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: 41. map showing Fire protection, Park, Mass Transit and Sanitary district boundaries in Lyons, Lemont and Palos townships (faster download, JPEG-reformatted file) (cook7b.jpg).
Document Size:842160 Software: LView Pro Image Processor 2004 Version: 1st, for Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT 42. map showing Grade School, High School, Unit School, Jr. College, Library and Sanitarium district boundaries in Hyde Park, Lake and Calumet townships (large, original, TIFF-format file) (cook9a.tif).
Document Size:39114927 Software: ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Version: This is part of a series. It is part of Tax year 2003 property taxing district maps: 1164