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  • Proposal Writing: The Basic Steps in Planning and Writing A Successful Grant Application


  • Written by Eric Rinehart and Barbara Bouie-Scott, edited by Melissa Pantier, the purpose of this development guide is to help nonprofit community program developers and planners with the basic elements and concepts in planning and preparing winning proposals for project funding. This guide begins with a pre-proposal section which describes the initial action to be taken in planning the proposal. The next section provides insight on how to identify funders and gives tips on preparing an effective proposal. The third section instructs, step by step, how to organize and write the proposal. Section four discusses submission of a complete, well-structured budget. Section five addresses the typical items included in an Appendix to the proposal.

Originally Deposited as: 854

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 09 1998
Date Last Modified: 08 2003

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1. Proposal Writing: The Basic Steps in Planning and Writing A Successful Grant Application (20060929183918_PROPOSALWRITING.pdf).
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