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  • Bank erosion survey of the Illinois River : volume 2 : appendices


  • This report summarizes the research and surveying that were conducted in 1995 to determine the amount and severity of bank erosion that existed on the entire length of the Illinois River. The study reach extended from Grafton, River Mile (RM) 0 to Joliet, RM 286. A multi-disciplinary team of scientists traveled the entire length of the river, mapped bank conditions and erosion sites, and selected 29 reaches for detailed data collection and two sites as observation sites. Bank erosion types were developed by studying and analyzing the erosion features. The team also used fluvial and bank failure processes to guide detailed data collection at the 29 sites. Color-coded bank feature maps were developed for the entire 286 miles of the river.

Originally Deposited as: 999999994312

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2000
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Date Created: 8 16 2005
Date Last Modified: 8 16 2005

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1. Bank erosion survey of the Illinois River : volume 2 : appendices (20060930184542_ISWSCR2000-11v.2.pdf).
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