Electronic Documents of Illinois
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Users should pay particular attention to version identification or dates of publication of documents retrieved. Earlier, possibly superseded, versions of documents are also stored here. TitleGeology, hydrology, and water quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician systems in northern Illinois
- Cambrian and Ordovician strata provide much of the groundwater supplyfor approximately 250 municipalities and 150 industries in the northern halfof Illinois. This report represents the cooperative effort of the IllinoisState Water Survey, Illinois State Geological Survey, and U.S. GeologicalSurvey to provide a current hydrogeologic evaluation of this water resource.
Originally Deposited as: 999999993857
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 1985 Number or Issue: Date Created: 9 24 2004 Date Last Modified: 7 7 2004 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Geology, hydrology, and water quality of the Cambrian and Ordovician systems in northern Illinois (20060928190303_ISWSCOOP-10.pdf).Document Size:2149716 Software: Adobe Acrobat Version: 7.0