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- The objectives of this study were to 1) identify locations along the Fox River wherereductions in the flow rate and/or river water quality are likely to degrade any use of water along the river, 2) assess the prevailing water quality and ecology of a critical reach of the river, e.g., from one dam to the other, and 3) estimate and evaluate water supply and water quality conditions at present and in the future.
Originally Deposited as: 999999992166
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 1995 Number or Issue: Date Created: 9 24 2004 Date Last Modified: 5 13 2003 Librarian Remarks: |
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1. Considerations in water use planning for the Fox River (20060929184022_ISWSCR-586.pdf).Document Size:1608223 Software: Adobe Acrobat Version: 7.0