Electronic Documents of Illinois
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- EDMUND JANES JAMES, PH.D., LL.D., President University of Illinois. SIR: Herewith I submit a report of the work of the State Water Survey for the year ending December 31, 1913, and request that it be printed as a bulletin of the University of Illinois, State Water Survey Series No. 11. The report contains an account of the work done by the Water Survey in accordance with the laws (Laws of Illinois, 40th General Assembly 1897, 12; 47th General Assembly, 1911, 43. Bulletin University of Illinois, State Water Survey Series, 9, 7-8). The General Report gives a summary of the chemical, biological and engineering work done and an account of the special investigations made during the year. Some interesting and valuable scientific investigations have been carried on by both the chemists and engineers. Advice relative to public water supplies has been given a large number of cities and plans for all new projects have been reviewed and reported upon. Extensive sanitary surveys of watersheds have been made which are proving of much value to cities facing the problem of sewage treatment. This work should be continued to cover all the watersheds of the state. During the year a co-operative arrangement has been perfected with the Rivers and Lakes Commission which increases the effectiveness of the Survey's work along the lines of stream cleaning. Thorough investigations have been made of several typhoid fever epidemics, suspected of being water borne. The most important of Health. During the Ohio River floods of April, the Survey was able to render valuable service in protecting water supplies and establishing sanitary conditions. Respectfully submitted, EDWARD BARTOW, Director.
Originally Deposited as: 999999992011
Published By: Phone Number: Language(s): EN-English Volume or Year: 1914 Number or Issue: Date Created: 7 25 2005 Date Last Modified: 7 25 2005 Librarian Remarks: |
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